Log 30. Catching up on things. [Audio, Locked from hostiles]

Aug 03, 2009 14:44

[Locked to KK!Karin, Kazune, and Kazusa]

I assume Kazune is still frozen, but...I heard about what happened at the Silver Dragon and I'm sorry. Have you found a new place to live? I would offer the park, but Graystripe, Feathertail, and Jayfeather may not be comfortable with that idea.


[Locked from Jayfeather]

I discovered my grandson has been taking poppy seeds to help him sleep, and even then he doesn't seem to be getting much rest. I've heard him talking in his sleep and he's been thrashing around. I would usually ask the medicine cat what to do, but, well...Jayfeather is the medicine cat. I know many here are not familiar with the way cats work, but...is there anyone who has any suggestions on what I can do?

kazune, family: jayfeather, worried kitty, kazusa, karin

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