May 23, 2008 06:51
So, most of you probably know, thanks to the accidental voice post yesterday...for awhile, I was dead..and now I'm alive again. I thought that deserved an explanation.
Throughout my world, some wild cats live in groups called Clans, Tribes, or what have you. For the group of Clans I live in, we believe in a place where our warrior ancestors live - where other cats go when they die - called StarClan. When a cat becomes a leader, like myself, he must journey to a special place where cats can easily connect with StarClan so he can speak with them and see if he is worthy in their eyes. If he is, he will receive nine lives. It's...not exactly pleasant, but with them he can properly lead his Clan. If he dies, StarClan can heal him if the wound isn't too great and he can come back and fight for his Clan again.
That's...sort of what happened yesterday. I'm not sure how the nine lives rule applies here or if it does at all - maybe that was my only warning, but... I thought I should explain that for the other Tamers, especially those who came to help me.
And... Kat, Batman, Trip, Yuki, ...Kazune? I'm sorry for making all of you run out to help me. I should've been able to protect myself, but I couldn't and because of that you all put yourselves in harm's way - in the way of that weird killer girl, Asakura Ryoko - and Kazune...
Karin, I'm sorry for Kazune especially. When he wakes up...I'll make sure to apologize to him personally.
log post,