2011 Playlist!

Nov 29, 2011 12:27

So, I did that thing again, where I made a mix of songs that were important to me in 2011. Some are new, some are not. I did not follow my rule about only one song per artist. I know, that's a horribly uncouth thing to do on a mix. Deal with it.

You can download it here!

1. Calamity Song (The Decemberists)
There’s a lot to be said for a cheerful song about the apocalypse.

2. Every Monday (Marvelous 3)
During the acoustic set of his shows, Butch was fond of sitting on the stage, playing the song on his guitar, and letting the audience sing the words. The first night, I didn’t know it. The second night, I’d learned it well enough to sing along a little.

3. This is How it Goes Down (Pink)
I rediscovered this song after realizing that it was co-written by Butch Walker. Its sassiness makes me smile, and its rhythm makes me move faster.

4. Race Cars and Goth Rock (Butch Walker)
I fell harder for this song after learning that it’s about how his ex-wife wanted him to get a real job. What does that say about me? Anyway, if you’re wondering, that line is “shaky and scribbled-out started-over broken words that you wrote.” Look it up on YouTube if you have a chance, just because his intros are often hilarious.

5. Are You Satisfied? (Marina and the Diamonds)
I know this is about Marina and the launch of her career (at least, I assume it is), but I keep conflating it with Margo at the beginning of book two, and myself when the deal was going down. I don’t know. Also, it’s catchy as shit.

6. Annabelle Lee (Sarah Jarosz)
I never had strong feelings for this poem either way, but now that I hear it set to a bluegrassy melody, I am finally creeped out by it. Patrick Rothfuss has a quote somewhere about how music succeeds where poetry fails, and this makes me think of that.

7. Synthesizers (Butch Walker)
You need me to EXPLAIN THIS? Come ON.

8. Carry Me Home (The Alternate Routes)
I’m a little bit hot-and-cold about the Routes these days (mostly because they keep playing with Carbon Leaf, while not BEING Carbon Leaf), but this song hits me right there. The “drunk on the dance floor” line, placed where it is, set to that melody, makes me hurt a little. And the whole thing has an epic quality that reminds me of classic U2, in the best possible way.

9. Kiss Quick (Matt Nathanson)
I didn’t really pay attention to this song until the concert, but when he mentioned that it was his favorite on his new album, I gave it a closer listen - and fell madly in love. I love a song where, like this one, my interpretation of it depends on my mood. It’s also a big “Oliver feels sorry for himself” song for my second book, which I suppose is worth noting.

10. Yoke (Indigo Girls)
I don’t know what disappointed me more: the new Indigo Girls album itself, or the fact that I wasn’t able to push myself into falling in love with it. But this song, which is the last on the album, moves me deeply. I can’t figure out why.

11. Guided By Wire (Neko Case)
“Someone singing my life back to me” just hits me in a really profound way.

12. Rox in the Box (The Decemberists)
With “Raggle Taggle Gypsy” in the middle. Duh.

13. Grant Park (Marvelous 3)
Nina and I shouted out a request for this one at the second Butch show, and he damn well played it. Same style as “Every Monday,” but nevertheless. It also bears mentioning that this was the first Marvelous 3 song that I fell in love with.

14. Overwhelmed (Rachel Platten)
This is one of the rare songs that can always make me smile. It’s sort of cheesy and sort of clichéd, and it’s absolutely perfect. Also, I heard her sing outside my living room window one time.

Bonus track:
15. November (makebelieve) (Carbon Leaf)
I’m infinitely happy that they re-recorded this on better equipment, even if it took a live album to make them do it. I’m a little obsessed with the weird structure of this song, and despite what the acoustic version might lead you to believe, this song ROCKS in their live shows.
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