My Nutshell: Chapter 3

Jul 30, 2007 17:13

Some people in my life have commented on the possablility that I was dropped upon my head as a child. The answer, unfortunatly, is yes. Before anyone gets into an uproar about my mom's lack of mothing skill, I'd like to state for the record that I was the one who dropped myself upon my head. I got's the scars to prove it. Let's see, in rough order; first at about a year after the Maine camping trip was the fall off the play equipment in the park upon my forehead which required about a dozen stitches and they had to restrain me I was struggling so much to keep from being repeatedly poked with the sewing needle, this was followed up (THE VERY NEXT DAY) with a colision with a shopping cart which required five more stitches in my eyebrow and I was much better behaved in the ER (I shudder to think of the legal repercusion against my parents we this happening today), about a month after both those sets of stitches were removed I was being watched by our next door neighbor and was jumping on the bed in the "L"-shaped master bedroom and launched myself at the inward facing corner of the room gaining me my secong forehead scar, and finally in a seperate bed-jumping insident at my grandmother's house where I launched off the bed backwards onto a bicycle and the back of my head colliding with the bicycle frame. While I may have had a concusion from the playground insident (which would explain why they didn't just sedate me) or the first bed-jumping insident, the second one onto the bicycle was the first that I consciously remember the physical sensations within my skull of having my brain get shifted and go, "Wha' the?!" From what I've read and observed, I think the fact that it was the back of the head helped with that. So, not counting a second fall off of the same play equipment but onto my chin some years later, and another fall on that same chin but off a bicycle, that's it really for gravity induced blows to my cranium. I sometimes wonder if perhaps my brain might work better now if I hadn't had those falls, however, I've had an E.E.G. that was normal (shocked the hellouta me), and most of my Adult A.D.D. and Bi-Polar symptoms can also be explained by Adult Fetal Alchohol Syndrome(see Chap. 1).
The only reason I posted this at all was partly to get it off me chest, but mostly to hopefully help explain why I am the way I am, but then I suppose that's what this whole "Nutshell" thing is all about. I do not intend to use it as an excuse, just an explanation.
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