Why It's Not Juno's Fault You're Pregnant

Jul 14, 2009 20:31

Teen Pregnancy
When the movie "Juno" came out, there was a lot of protest that it made teenage pregnancy look like no big deal. That if you're sixteen and get pregnant, you'll look like Ellen Page. This is bullshit. If you've ever seen the movie, you know that what she goes through, while not the best example of teenage pregnancy, is pretty shitty anyway. She deals with emotionally unstable adoptive parents, struggles with the feelings she has for the father of her child, faces the question of abortion, and other trials. And when I left the theatre, I didn't think that it would okay to get pregnant. It actually made me realize that there are even more reasons not to get knocked up at sixteen. Speaking of, the movie "Knocked Up" also turned me off from one-night stands. I mean, STD facts are enough to scare the fuck out of you. But that movie made me realize I could get knocked up by an irresponsible fatter version of Seth Rogen (who looks way hotter now) and he could be even more of a loser than the guy in the movie. Also, he could not even want anything to do with me and here I am, in my twenties with a baby. I mean, what if I decide to keep it and not have an abortion? "Honey, you're father was a douche bag who I slept with randomly and he didn't care enough to stick around." I mean, at least if he ditches me after we're married, or we've dated a while, I can say that I tried.

On a side note: people were also concerned when Jamie Lynn Spears decided to keep her baby. Like she was glamorizing teen pregnancy. Okay, maybe these dipshits didn't open a magazine in the nine months she carried her spawn. But she looked like shit. She was swollen and unhappy and fat. And there's nothing wrong with that, but it didn't look glamorous. I mean, if I was fifteen, I would not look at that picture and say, "I want to look like that. Come here emotionally immature boyfriend of mine. Let's poke holes in our condoms and call it a blessing." Bullshit.

It's not Bristol Palin's fault either. The reason she got pregnant is because her mother is a mentally retarded monkey running (or rather, NOT running, at least not anymore) the state of Alaska based on her firm moral values and religious beliefs. And if you're under the age of thirty, you pretty much want to say FUCK YOU to whatever your parents believe in. And if your mother believes in no under-age sex and she' stupid, more likely than not you're going to have sex. It's too bad you inherited the stupid gene from her because now you're pregnant and she'll disown you if you have an abortion. Because, you know, that would destroy her political career: something she is entirely capable of all on her own.

Violence in the Media
So recently I've become a fan of a cool show called "Dexter" (note the spiffy icon I made :]). And the show is about a serial killer who you pretty much root for most of the time. Hell, he's even played by a buff hot dude, so what's not to like? Well, the show wanted to air on CBS along with its usual airing on showtime. But some stupid group of censor people were all pissed because it's too inappropriate and stuff. And they're right. But then as I was reading about this, I read something very interesting. Some guy became really obsessed with this show and felt like he all this stuff in common with the title character and that he had to go out and do the same thing. When they caught him, he cited the show for his issues.

Look, if you think you have something in common withe a FICTITIOUS serial killer, it's not his fault or the show's fault, it's because you're FUCKING CRAZY.

If this show is too inappropriate for you, then don't watch it. If you hate violence, then don't seen something like "Wanted" or "The Dark Knight." Because they're violent. If explicit sex scenes and likeable serial killers bug you, then don't fucking watch "Dexter." Go watch "Ghost Whisperer" or some ABC bullshit. I'm sorry you can't handle it, but don't bitch about it to me or tell me you feel like you and Tony Soprano have a lot in common so you're starting a mafia. You need a shrink.

You're also retarded if you think Halo will teach your children to shoot things. I've played Halo. And you know what? Ninety percent of those weapons are FAKE. There's like some thing that shoots pink spikes. I'm sure the Taliban has an entire warehouse full of that shit. Or that's what Bin Laden's been working on: plasma grenades. Whatever. You're retarded. It's like think Pokemon encourages violence toward animals. It's stupid. Kind of like you if you think that.

The moral of this post? If you don't like it, don't watch it.
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