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Feb 11, 2006 09:35

wow what a nighttttttttt!!

last night we made plans to drink & we were havin poeple over & everything. we were gonna go to ali's dad's house since he wasnt home. so we are all there & then she comes & says she cant find the key. so now its me christina gina ali & daniela & then 8 boys. so we go to the huose & the boys .. ok they CLIMB up the side of the house to a window & try to open the window. & all the while we are standing there laughing & omg-ing cuz the house is on arthur kill & people could see this. so we dont get in but we go to ali's mom's house. so we are there & we start drinking & we play circle of death & never have i ever & some weird dart game. so now we are drunk. not wrecked drunk but pretty drunk. well 1 kid was wrecked drunk. so 1st off all the boys were trying to touch our boobs & decide they like mine the best so i was the target for the night. it was real annoying. & then chibo (boy) tried to get me to flash them but i didnt. so then we were all sitting on the couch & it was danny gina christina stripes (<- thtas what i caled him since he had stripes on his shirt) & me were alll squished on one couch laughing, talking, jumping on each other .. it was fun. & stripes said i had beautiful eyes <3 haha & danny was hot & he was teaching me those boy handshakes but i dont really remember them. & then sarah, tom, jenn & 2 of her friends stopped by & laughed at me gina & chris lol & then we went outside & we were just messing aruond out there & having fun & then ali's brother came out & yelled at us really bad so we went in & then the 5 of us that were on the couch went back on it & went back to talking & laughing <- that was fun & then ali said that her mom was coming home & that the boys had to leave but i think it was a lie cuz her brother probably wanted them out & plus the mom didnt come home till like an hour later. so we went outside & hugged the boys goodbye .. & then since stripes came separate we sat in his car for like 2 hours & just talked & sobered up. he is a very laid back dude. as is danny. so then we had to go inside & then we fell asleep on the couch at like 5 am lol

at 9 i drove gina to work & plus we had to leave cuz ali & chris had dance. so now i am here, slightly hung over =)

& oh what a fun night it was
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