(no subject)

May 17, 2006 11:13

so prom = 9 days
dress - check
dress altering - need to do!
afterprom outfit - check & its so cute
seaside clothes - i could use more
hairappointment - check
makeup - check
shoes - kindof check

now the expenses:
$45 - afterprom - check
$150 - prom ticket - check
$200 - limo - gina didnt collect yet
$65 - makeup - will pay that day
$112-$200 depending on who deffinitly goes for hotel - still need to do
$250 - spending money at seaside
$70 - hair
$50 - nails, toes, eyebrows

i think i covered it .. prom is so freakin expensive man! ughhh lol
but i cant wait
i hope he comes to seaside<3
as of now its an i dont know but he told me & gina he really wanted to go
i hope he does like you have no idea

anyway yea so prom haspretty much been the thing on my mind.

im sick today & yesterday .. fevers & throat cold. wooohoooo =) lol i like being sick for some reason but i miss the poeple at school cuz i love them

i hope taylor gets kicked off idol

im listening to aol radio & nick lachey's insanely sexy voice is singing whats left of me<3 jessica you are an idiot cuz he is amazing<3

as you can see im bored & ranting & being random but i find it quite funny

grey's anatomy season finale = OMG! when does it come back on cuz i cant wait! it was just so omg!! & i think i am in love with alex more than ever. & george really grew up .. i love him too .. but yea omg it was just amazing
24 - season finale is next week ,should be amazing cuz this season was just also omg amazing thrilling frustrating awesome
lost - season finale i believe 2 weeks from now - read above, cuz same applies
house - same as above, but i think finale is 2 weeks from now too
desperate housewives - eh.. season finale next week but this season was eh
o.c. - compared to greys, house, 24 & lost, its like a baby show haha but  i still love it
american idol - if taylor wins i will die
yea i am a loser & watch a lot of nitetime tv. but i love it so .. so what

i watch 2 soaps too. passions & all my children. i love them
i hope i can watch all these shows in college. cuz i dont want to not watch them. i will go out after or tape them haha. wow i am a true tv-fanatic. but i like to watch tv. is that a crime? i mean im not a hermit loser that sits in the house .. i only watch tv at night on weeknights when i cant go out anyway & wheni come home from school for like an hour so.. whats the big deal. tivo has been a big part of my watching-tv-more-often-ness. but i love it. its like i can escape to wherever they are. i like that feeling. sometimes i want to get away from reality. reading does that for me too.  & you know what i am a nerd & am proud

in other news .. yankees are simply amazing because:
they were down 9-0, then down 10-5, than caught up & then lost it again & were trailing 12-11 & then won it 14-13 cuz they are so amazing & jeter hit a 3 run homer, a double & other hits & he is so amazing & the epitome of how the game should be played. what a hotass <3 lol & omg mussina deserves a <3. hes like their best pitcher at the moment. RANDY JOHNSON YOU ARE NOT GOOD RIGHT NOW. matsui come back i miss you. bernie & posada & mo <3 damon i think is cute =) a-a-rod annoys me ..not gonna lie .. bubba crosby is also a cutie ..
in college i cant wait to watch the baseball games with the guys. ahh thats gonna be fun! & i hope i have some redsox fans as friends so we can rival! wooo! & i hope im the only girl who likes baseball so i can have the boys to myself haha but that wont happen.

anyway i cant wiat to start working (even if it is at sia camp, 5 days a week getting up at the crack of dawn) cuz i saw mucho things at jcrew & gap that i want now! & i cant wait to spend my own moola.

im not listening to aol radio anymore cuz i got a sudden urge for frank sinatra so now my favorite song of him is on - too marvelous for words =) such an old soal i am. yay for that. the other day good vibrations was on the radio & my friend was like "who sings this" & im like OMG YOUR FREAKIN JOKING RIGHT? but she wasnt. im like ITS THE BEACH BOYS YOU IDIOT - & the other day ticket to ride came on the radio & thats one of my favorite beatles songs & my friends were like WHO & WHAT IS THIS!? im like OMG YOU STUPID HEADS! i was like insulted that my friends didnt know them lol .. jeez. & they never heard strawberry fields forever, my other favorite beatles song .. but kristen has & she loves the beatles like me & on the way to the play every weekend we'd lsiten to them in the car. i love kristen lots. & liv. they are awesome.

i've got youuu under my skin is on now.. ive got you deep in the heart of meeeeee so deep in my heart that your really apart of meeeee .. ive got youuuuuuu under my skin<3 haha

anyway yea i will stop this ranting & will go on to bigger & better things.

or voire =)
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