Sooo, I'm doing alright with the twists. The first set started to pull out, so I decided to go ahead and take them down this past Thursday.
No fear though, I put them right back in. This time, I wanted to make them smaller and longer, which lead to a 12 hour twisting session. The fact that my thumb had a pretty good cut on it from working metal didn't help at all. D: But it's done, and I think it looks pretty good. :D
As for my uncle, would you believe that he's already home? They let him go home on Tuesday!!!! That is absolutely INSANE! He had a major heart attack that required a careflight (helicopter ride) to a major hospital, and 3 stints put into the major coronary artery that feeds the front of his heart. Here, have a picture:
Number 2 is where the blockage occurred. The surgeon said that it was so bad, that he should not be alive! And to think, the first hospital he went to, the staff there said he had heartburn and sent him back out into the waiting room. A little old lady actually told the nurses that he was having a heart attack, so they took him back, ran an ekg test, and OMG imagine the shock when they found out he was having a really bad heart attack.
Yeah, you can imagine how angry all of us are. We're lucky that woman said something.
There was something else I wanted to write about, but I'm exhausted past the point of reasonable thinking right now.