Oh my *edit*

May 21, 2008 21:28

I'm watching Jesus Camp on the Bio channel.

Will report back after this mind-numbing experience.

...this woman just instructed these children to "speak in tongues."

Oh man.

So, I watched it.

I can now honestly say that half of my faith in humanity was lost in the process of watching that depressing movie. Nothing is more frightening than indoctrination of THAT degree. I wanted so badly to cry for those children. Do they know the joys of childhood, living a life that involves nothing but being afraid of sinning? My heart felt like it fell clear through the floor to see them talk about things they couldn't do because "jesus this...jesus that."

I think I hopped between exceedingly depressed to exceedingly angry about 400 times while watching that. These people aren't good. They're here to draw a line that separates an "us" from "them", and punish anyone who isn't "them". That's not being christian. That's what I call a worthless excuse for humanity, especially in how they use the children.

On the upside! I had to watch a bit of Tru tv, which featured people beating the crap out of each other. :D I feel loads better now.

jesus camp

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