
Nov 18, 2005 08:38

my father has been in rehab for the last, like, fourteen days.
he just called me a bit ago.
he told me he floated last night.
that his feet left the floor.

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janedivided November 18 2005, 14:51:55 UTC
what do you even say to that?



thunderabe November 18 2005, 14:57:35 UTC
i know.
i sat here for a bit.
trying to say something after that and i couldnt.


janedivided November 18 2005, 15:18:55 UTC

i'm glad he's in rehab though. i hope everything works out for him.


thunderabe November 18 2005, 15:23:13 UTC
hes there to stop smoking pot. but he might should be there for everything else. i am mad cos he made it seem that he is doing so good.

i dont think he should have access to his cell phone while he is in there.


janedivided November 18 2005, 15:29:24 UTC
that's strange. i didn't think they allowed people in rehab to have unlimited contact (via cell phone or intarweb, etc.).

: /


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