Under the cut, an index of all fics written here in lj.
Updated May 26th
Angel Fic
Angel Drabbles and Ficlets (up to 1000 words)
Tangled - Angel/Wes
Lure - Spike/Gunn
Never Fade - Angel/Wes
Everything Perfect - Angel/Wes/Spike
Untilted - Wes/Gunn
Something About Thunderstorms - Angel/Wes
Untilted - Giles/Wes
So...These Three Guys Walk into a Bar... - Spike/Lindsey/Wesley
Angel/Wes/Spike Drabble series -
Part One - Five,
Part Six,
Part Seven,
Part Eight - Nine,
Part Ten - Eleven,
Part Twelve,
Part Thirteen,
Part Fourteen,
Part Fifteen,
Part Sixteen,
Part Seventeen,
Part Eighteen - Nineteen,
Part Twenty Two Spike/Xander/Wes/Lindsey spanking ficlets/drabbles
Gunn/Spike untitled pwp ficletAngel/Wes ficlet, after 'The Thin Dead Line'
Angel/Wes/Spike untilted bondage ficletTwo Slave!Angel ficlets - Angel/Wes
Thirteen - Angel/Wes
Frustration - Angel/Wes
Angel Short Stories (1000 - 3000 words)
Expression - Spike/Wes
Rules of Survival - Spike/Wes
A Perfect Winter's Day - Spike/Wes
Entirely by Accident - Angel/Wes
Hold On - Spike/Wes
Angel Long Stories (10, 000+ words)
First Times - Wes/Riley (Buffy/Angel x-over)
Part One,
Part Two Strength - Wes/Lindsey
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three,
Part Four,
Part Five,
Part Six
The WesBot Fics
Wesbot Ficlet the first - Angel/Wes/Spike
Wesbot drabble - Angel/Wes
Wesbot Ficlet the second - Spike/Wes
Wesley/Angel/Wesbot fic
Firefly Fic
Firefly Drabbles and Ficlets (up to 1000 words)
Lust is in the Air - Wash/Jayne/Zoe/Mal
Dirty Talk - Jayne/Wash
After Midnight - Inara/Kaylee
Symbol - Mal/River
Award - Mal/Wash
Save Me - Simon/Wash
Dirty - Mal/Simon
Unusual - Jayne/Simon
Rock, Paper, Scissors - Mal/Jayne/Simon
Pretty - Mal/Bester
Music - Simon/Wash
Hoopball - Mal/Wash
Cats - Simon/Wash
Pranks - Jayne/Simon
Edible - gen fic, Simon, River, Wash
Smoke - Mal/Jayne
Crowd - Mal/Simon
Sugar High - Simon/Wash
Inevitable - Jayne/Wash
Rainbow - Simon/River
Past the Season - Mal/Simon
All in Good Fun - Mal/Simon
Untitled Drabble - Mal/Wash
Untitled Drabble - Jayne/Simon
Untitled Drabble - Jayne/Wash
Misbehaving - Simon/Wash
Flying - Simon/Wash
Burning - Mal/Zoe
Swimming-in-the-Buff - Simon/Wash/Zoe
Unhand that T-Rex! - Wash/Zoe/Kaylee
New Rituals - Simon/River
Malleable - Jayne/Simon
Naive Wash - Wash/Saffron
Butterflies - Zoe/River
Freedom - Wash
Distracted - Jayne/Wash
Pilot Error - Mal/Wash/Zoe
Observation - Wash
Tales - Jayne/Wash
Jayne Can - Jayne/Wash
Stripe - Mal/Wash
Gift Wrapped - Mal/Simon
Ridiculous - Simon/Wash
Unification Day - Mal/Wash/Zoe
Untitled - Niska/Wash
Firefly Short Stories (1000 - 3000 words)
Shiny Things - Jayne/Wash
Wacky Times - 50 Jayne/Wash sentences for
Not so Far - Wash/Simon
Far Away - Simon/Zoe, Wash/Simon sequal to 'Not so Far'
Come Around - Mal/Wash AU
Limits - Jayne/Simon
Silk - Mal/Simon
Conspiracy Theory - Mal/Simon/Jayne
Lead Me, Please - Simon/River
Control - Simon/River
Intoxicated - Simon/Wash
Love Boat - Mal/Simon
Progress - Wash/Zoe
Wrong Valentine - Jayne/??
In the End - Mal/Simon/Zoe
Paper - Jayne/Simon
Not Right - Mal/Simon
Desperate - Wash/Badger
Coulda, Shoulda...Did - Simon/Jayne/Kaylee
Unsaid - Mal/Simon *new*
Firefly Medium Stories (3000 - 10, 000 words)
At Your Side - Mal/Wash/Simon
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three,
Part Four Keep the Faith - Mal, Simon genfic
This Kind of Love - Wash/Zoe/Simon
Part One,
Part Two,
Part Three, Part Four
Into the Woods - Mal/Simon
In the Moment - Mal/Wash
The Cat Came Back - Wash genfic
Staking a Claim - Mal/Wash/Simon
Evaporated - Mal/Wash
Hello - Wash genfic
Red Sky - Mal/Wash/Zoe
Firefly Long Stories (10 000+ words)
World Falls Away - Mal/Wash
Part One -
Ch. One,
Ch. Two,
Ch. Three,
Ch. Four Ch. Five,
Ch. SixPart Two -
Ch. One,
Ch Two,
Ch. Three, Ch. Four
Supernatural Fics
Supernatural Drabbles and Ficlets (up to 1000 words)
Leather - Sam/Dean
The Raven Sings - Castiel
Fascination - Sam/Castiel
All He Sees - Dean/Castiel
Dreams - Dean/Castiel
Strip - Dean/Castiel
Written - Castiel/Chuck
Benediction - Sam/Castiel
Light - Sam/Castiel
Caffeine - Sam/Castiel
Books - Sam/Castiel
Celebration - Sam/Castiel
Reality and Dreams - Castiel/Chuck
Closer, My Love - Dean/Castiel
Keepsake - Dean/Castiel
Blizzard - Gabriel/Castiel
Legends - Gabriel/Sam/Castiel
Maternal Instinct - Gabriel/Castiel
Lost - Gabriel/Castiel
Stamp Collecting - Gabriel/Castiel
Want - Gabriel/Jimmy/Castiel
Shadow - Gabriel/Castiel
Leash - Gabriel/Castiel
Pranks - Gabriel/Jimmy *new*
Prayer - Castiel/Jimmy *new*
Bound - Jimmy, Dean gen *new*
Too Young - Jimmy, Jo gen *new*
Another Day - Dean/Jimmy *new*
Interference - Castiel/Jimmy *new*
Deals - Castiel/Crowley *new*
Supernatural Short Stories (1000 - 3000 words)
No Better Place - Sam/Dean
All Your Empty Lies - Dean/Castiel
Experiencing Dean Winchester - Dean/Castiel
None too Small - Dean, Castiel gen
Animal I Have Become - Dean/Castiel
The Fringe Benefits - Dean/Castiel
Dog Days - Castiel gen
Believe - Jimmy, Claire gen
Everything to Nothing - Dean/Gabriel
Ink - Sam/Castiel
Chase the Light - Dean/Gabriel *new*
Supernatural Medium Stories (3000 - 10 000)
The Shattered Ones - Dean/Castiel
Season - Castiel/Jimmy, Dean/Jimmy
Entertaining Angels - Castiel, Dean, Sam, gen
Sang Castiel - Castiel, Dean, Sam, gen
Haven't Lost Me Yet - Dean/Castiel, Sam
As Brothers We Will Stand - Gabriel/Castiel
Folie a Deux - Amelia, Dean/Castiel(Jimmy)
Drove Through Ghosts to Get Here - Dean/Jimmy
Thread the Light - Gabriel/Castiel
Bicorn - Dean/Jimmy *new*
And We Have All the Love in the World (to set alight) - Dean/Castiel *new*
Supernatural Long Stories (10 000 - 25 000)
Dustbowl Dance - Dean/Castiel/Jimmy
Our Lives Have Begun - Sam/Castiel *new*
The Stars Align - Gabriel/Castiel/Crowley *new*
Misc. Fics
Complicated - Scott/Remy (X-Men movieverse)
Creationism - Bill/Starla (Slither)
The Other Side - Spike/Xander (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)
Cross-Over Fics
Ripple - Spike/Simon (Angel/Firefly)
Spirit Bike - Wesley/Scott (Angel/X-Men)
Sanity - Spike/River (Angel/Firefly)
Dominant - Spike/Jayne (Angel/Firefly)
Buttons - Mal/Wes (Angel/Firefly)
Mission - Caleb/Mal (Buffy/Firefly)
Jealousy - Wesley/Jayne (Angel/Firefly)
Mahjong - Simon/Wesley (Angel/Firefly)
Rewards - Castiel/Wash (Supernatural/Firefly)
What's Good for You - Spike/Dean (Buffy/Supernatural)
Handcuffs - Mal/Spike (Buffy/Firefly)
Untitled drabble - Mal/Captain Hammer (Firefly/Dr. Horrible)
Interest - Angel/Castiel (Angel/Supernatural) *new*
Darkness - Castiel/Faramir (Supernatural/Lord of the Rings) *new*
Faith - Mal/Castiel (Firefly/Supernatural) *new*
Drabble One -
Drabble Two -
Great Tales - Aragorn/Simon (Lord of the Rings/Firefly) *new*
Real Person Slash
Untitled - JM/AD (James Marsters/Alexis Denisof)
Photograph - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
Circle - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
Fortune - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
Untilted ficlet - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
Untitled Drabble - Alan Tudyk/Jared Padalecki
Untitled Drabble - Jensen Ackles/Sean Maher
Untitled Ficlet - Nathan Fillion/Mal
Interesting Ride - Nathan Fillion/Alan Tudyk
Untitled Drabble - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
Untitled Fic - Alan Tudyk/Jared Padalecki
Hands - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
Voyeur - Sean/Alan/Nathan
Thief? ...Nah - Nathan Fillion/Alan Tudyk
Not SO Easy - Nathan Fillion/Sean Maher
It's a Lifestyle Choice - Jared/Jensen/Misha/Richard
Role Play - Misha Collins/Richard Speight Jr *new*
Like a Ninja- Nathan Fillion/Misha Collins/Richard Speight Jr *new*
Drabble One -
Drabble Two -
Drabble Three
Drabble Four -
Blush - Misha Collins/Richard Speight Jr *new*
Dancing - Misha Collins/Richard Speight Jr *new*
First Meeting - Richard Speight Jr/Gabriel *new*