Serenity Issue 01

Jun 27, 2014 21:57

Went to Toronto yesterday and ended up at Silver Snail comics. Had a close run in with a totally drool worthy Daryl Dixon bust (my god, I want it, I want it, I want it, it will look so very good next to my Hawkeye bust). But I did end up going home with the first 5 issues of the new ongoing Serenity comic.

So. Very. Good.

Pretty sure I was hooked in from page one. It's just got that Serenity feel to it and it picks up a little while after the movie ends with a resistance movement and the public's reaction and just, yes please. I seriously just want to hug Jayne, he's so adorable. The Wash flashback from Zoe made me literally tear up. And I'm not a Mal/Inara shipper generally but this is still pretty (and I'm sort of shallow):

Don't get me started on River as the official pilot though because I am not okay with this. At all. She is not mentally stable enough to be the pilot. And okay, maybe I'm just never going to get over Wash's death but I'd still prefer they hired on someone new as pilot. River is a mentally unstable kid! Not a getaway driver! /rant

I've only read the first one so far. Will get the rest in tomorrow perhaps.

firefly, serenity

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