Hawkguy #9

Apr 14, 2013 17:02


NOT GRILLS! OMG! I am actually sort of tearing up maybe just a little and just just just... WAH! I didn't expect that.

And Kate...Kate, I love you. Clint is an idiot but I love him too and yes, he deserves hugs (and probably deserved one of those slaps).


Just got back from Jurassic Park 3D. Fun! Also obviously went to the comic store today. Now to read Young Avengers because Kate. Also decided I may as well give Secret Avengers a try and Iron Man. Think I might be giving up on reading the rebooted Avengers. I'm just...not enjoying it? I think I still have one of those comics from last month that I haven't gotten around to reading.

So... Just because, a list of titles I'm currently reading if anyone cares or if anyone wants to talk about them ever:

Young Avengers
Secret Avengers
Avengers (maybe, kind of?)
Iron Man
All New X-Men

Is that it? It feels like it should be more than that...

The comic store here is pretty cool. I gave them my name and my list of titles I wanted so they'll now pull them off the shelf whenever they come in and put them in my file so I can just go pick them up and not miss any/have to look for them.

I'd also like to say that the first weekend in May is going to be amazing. For one, heartworm season will be pretty much over so work should slow down some. Also, new Hawkeye comic. Iron Man. Possibly a greyhound.

Plan for the Saturday, May 4th. Comic book store. Earliest showing of Iron Man in IMAX possible. Watch that, go catch a bite at Denny's, go straight back to the theater and instant repeat viewing of Iron Man. Best. Day. Ever.
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