
Jun 14, 2011 01:19

Uh... Bullet points. They're so much easier.

- I signed up for spnraritiesfest and you all should too. *nodnod* Rare pairs! Jimmy! There needs to be more Jimmy lo^e o^er there. ;)

- Got about 7k for my DCBB. Pretty sure I'm gonna do the mini-bang option cause this fic just won't last till 20k.

- Air Canada is striking which means I'm putting off going to see my sister so I can fly standby. Currently aiming for the 24th but nothing is for sure. The boss is gonna be annoyed that I switched my days off so last minute... But oh well.

- Guess who ran through the fence again! About fi^e minutes after we put Keely out to pasture, she flipped and broke through the gait. *facepalm* Luckily the gate snapped before she did so she only got scratched up a bit. Was talking to her pre^ious owner and apparently they only let this horse out in a two acre ish pasture for four hours e^ery day. She's not a ^ery good pasture horse. Idek. I really want to keep her in pasture this year.

- Horse pictures.

A couple days after Keely broke through the gate (and we built a new one), I took her back down to let her loose for a couple hours while keeping Koffee on a halter in the middle of the field so she wouldn't stray too far. Clasey ne^er strays far from Koffee so Keely...pretty much ran in circles around us. :P

Koffee and Clasey. Clasey is 29 now! Took her for a bit of a ride the other day, she still does good.

Sit, Koffee, sit!

Isn't he just handsome?

*walks around to his other side*

Oh for... ;)

Sorry for the crappy quality. I took these with my Blackberry. :P

- Ending bullet...I ha^e a weird obsession with Cheerleader Castiel. Blame tawg.
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