Drabble #13

Mar 03, 2011 22:02

caz2y5 wanted Dean/Jimmy and 'fornication'.

I shouldn't listen to vaguely depressing music when I write... *facepalm*


Dean shows up on his doorstep and Jimmy only hesitates a moment before inviting him in. They head out to a bar and share a couple beers and trade stores of domestic life. Something Jimmy's known for a long time, something Dean is new at so Jimmy gives him pointers. Hey, maybe Dean should bring Ben out sometime. Claire might be older now but they could hang out. They could do Disney World, Jimmy's always wanted to do that. They never do but Dean shows up a handful of times and they always mention it and laugh about it and pretend to be normal.

They're not normal.

Dean's tongue paints a stripe up Jimmy's throat and the dim motel lamp in the corner flickers a few times. They always do this, too. Jimmy on his back with his legs around Dean's waist, Dean's harsh breathing in his ear. Better than the echoing silence Castiel left behind.

Dean shows up on his doorstep. They go out for beers, Dean brings up a small time case. A ghost hunt. They go out and sate the urge they both have because once the supernatural is in your blood it's impossible to get out. They seek out that connection together and it seems natural enough to continue that and let it lead them where they are now. Jimmy moans to break the silence between them. In an hour, they'll shake hands over another case solved in a day and Dean will go home and Jimmy will get back after midnight and Amelia won't ask him where he's been as he crawls into bed.

It's just another day.


The Rules:

Be the first to comment on this post and you will receive a drabble within 24 hours (or a week, whatever...). All you have to do is comment with your fandom of choice, a pairing and a word. Only the first comment gets a drabble. You cannot claim a drabble two times in a row. Gotta let someone else have some fun too. *g*

Fandoms: Firefly and Supernatural. Crossovers between these two are good. I will also do crossovers with SPN and Angel/Buffy or X-Men. I can do RPS with Alan Tudyk, Sean Maher, Nathan Fillion from Firefly. Either of the J's from SPN, Misha Collins, Richard Speight Jr. I think that's it. Oh. I can probably throw Dr. Horrible in there too.

daily drabbles, dean, jimmy novak, supernatural fanfic, drabble, dean/jimmy

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