Drabble #14

Dec 27, 2008 21:27

For darksybarite, Mal/Captain Hammer

And I totally didn't follow the prompts at all... *hangs head* But hey! Request more of this and I promise to fit some Hammer smut in there. ;)

When Mal hits the guy over the head with a pool cue and it doesn't even earn him a flinch, he's pretty much won over on the spot. Or maybe it's the big blue eyes that are aimed his way because he really is a sucker. Or he's vain because does that face look familiar? Nah.

“I haven't got anywhere to go.” And Mal's heart breaks because of the tears in those blue eyes.

“You got a name?”

“Captain Hammer.” He puffs out his chest like he's king of the whole gorramn verse with that proclamation and Mal tries not to laugh.

“Alright, Hammer, here's the-”



“It's Captain.” He looks indignant like Mal just spit on his shoe. Or his shiny big gloves.

Mal shakes his head, he's lost the fight to his grin but he's still holding the laughter at bay. “Only one captain on this ship, son.”

'Captain' Hammer breaks down in to loud tears and between trying to comfort him and just being shell shocked - if this is what he's gonna look like if be breaks down, Mal's gonna have to be more stoic than ever - Mal gets the gist of a story. That five years ago (or was that five hundred?) and some Horrible (it had definitely been spoken with the capital intact) incident, no one would ever respect him.

“Alright! Captain Hammer, then.” Mal gives in, just to shut him up and because, as stated, he's a gorramn sucker.

It all works out anyway when they come to the agreement later on that Mal gets to do the fucking.


The Rules: Be the first to comment on this post and you will receive a drabble within 24 hours (or a week, whatever...). All you have to do is comment with your fandom of choice, a pairing and a word. Only the first comment gets a drabble. You can not claim a drabble two times in a row. Gotta let someone else have some fun too. *g*

Fandoms: Firefly, Angel, Buffy, X-Men (any verse), Supernatural, Dr. Horrible, Slither (the movie) and RPS with the Firefly boys. Crossovers within these fandoms are more than welcome. Rare and freaky pairings are craved. Kink is fun. Just hit me with whatever. You can request a continuation of a previous drabble as well. If you want something and don't see it listed, just ask, the worst I can say is no. :)

mal, captain hammer, mal/captain hammer, dr. horrible fanfic, drabble, firefly fanfic

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