Fic: No Better Place - Sam/Dean (SPN)

Dec 25, 2008 09:23

My fic for the spn_j2_xmas Christmas exchange.

It's Sam/Dean, an AU taking, sometime in the future with post-apocalyptic leanings, angst and minor character death (ie, not Dean or Sam). Written for bloodnfire. I hope this works for you! Just over 1000 words and rated a light R. I tried to porn and it just wouldn't happen, I could almost cry ( Read more... )

sam, dean, supernatural fanfic, sam/dean

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Comments 13

sendthewolves December 27 2008, 11:14:02 UTC
Oh wow this is absolutely beautiful! I love the atmosphere, so quiet but with so much beneath the surface.

They're halfway there, stopping overnight when Dean wonders if Sam made the right choice. That maybe whatever is inside Sam could have given them a better chance. If it would have been worth the risk.

Sam's fingers run over the side of his neck. “It never would have been worth it,” is Sam's answer to Dean's unspoken question.


Thank you so so much for this, it's gorgeous!!!


thunder_nari December 28 2008, 06:51:15 UTC
*quiet glee* Phew! I've been anxious about this since posting it! I'm glad you liked it and I'm sorry it wasn't something longer. I'd wanted to write some complicated Dean/Gordon but this came up instead. :P

Thanks a lot!


joans23 December 27 2008, 19:13:11 UTC
Oh, I love how Sam hears Dean's thoughts and then answers him out loud. Wonderful writing!


thunder_nari December 28 2008, 06:51:53 UTC
*blush* Thank you!


gestaltrose December 28 2008, 06:28:58 UTC
Sweet... quiet and beautiful... the world ends with a whimper not a bang and they are still trying to stop it... just lovely


thunder_nari December 28 2008, 06:52:29 UTC
Glad you enjoyed it, thank you!


gottalovev December 29 2008, 02:23:36 UTC
I do love a good apocalypse story and this is just awesome. I love that Sam ears Dean's thoughts =D


thunder_nari December 30 2008, 11:00:37 UTC
I have a thing with...telepaths. *facepalm* Thanks for commenting!


fleshflutter December 30 2008, 09:17:32 UTC
Oh this was really lovely, tender despite all the bleakness. :)


thunder_nari December 30 2008, 11:01:40 UTC
Thank you!


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