Daily Drabble # 1

Oct 12, 2008 18:58

Of course, I can do multiple drabbles in a day as well... Good god, work is slow...

For lvs2read, Nathan/Sean and 'hands'

It was cold. Really really damn cold. Nathan hated winter. Thought Vancouver in winter was the worst. He was wrong. New York in winter was equally as bad. His fingers were about to fall off and the feeling was slowly spreading through to his palms.

He pulled his hands out from the snow that had drifted out on Sean's balcony.


Sean dropped the cat food when Nathan snuck those cold hands under the back of his shirt, spinning with a squeal. It was all worth it for the shared bath to warm them back up.


The Rules: Be the first to comment on this post and you will receive a drabble within 24 hours. All you have to do is comment with your fandom of choice, a pairing and a word. Only the first comment gets a drabble. You can not claim a drabble two times in a row. Gotta let someone else have some fun too. *g*

Fandoms: Firefly, Angel, Buffy, X-Men (any verse), Supernatural, Dr. Horrible, Slither (the movie) and RPS with the Firefly boys. Crossovers within these fandoms are more than welcome. Rare and freaky pairings are craved. Kink is fun. Just hit me with whatever.
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