Sometimes I just want to be done with it all

Jun 22, 2006 15:28

So of course i've been back at work for nearly two weeks now and it's driving me insane. I volunteered myself to work doubles these past two weeks and it's really starting to unnerve me. My hands are all messed up because of the doubles, I'm always angry because i'm so damned tired, people don't even have to do anything wrong, all they have to do is look at me the wrong way and i'm upset by them. In some ways it's funny, in others it kinda makes the night go slower.

Really, though, it's not as bad as it was before i went on vacation. People are a little nicer to one another, and there's not as much arguing going on. Except for one guy that we're all hating right now, everything's pretty much so good. We hate this one specific guy because he's always disappearing for sometimes 15 mins, or 45 mins at a time and he'll go off and wander around, i think he's spending most of that time with a supervisor who he has a thing with, or sometimes he'll just stand outside and smoke, telling everyone that he's overworked and that no one works as hard as he does, the little bastard. Last week he was sorting at a stop bar in front of me and another person and he decides that even though we've got packages on the floor and some of the belts are turned off so that we can't sort most of what we have, that he doesn't want any of the packages that he was getting so he decides to just swing them over the bar and give them to us so i got upset and yelled, "Sort your own CRAP!!!!" and he turned and looked at me like "What's your problem? I'm overworked..." So he turns into a giant baby and stops sorting altogether and just stands there with his arms crossed and acts like he's not going to do anything at all. When i yelled everyone turned and looked at me like, "Uh oh, she's yelling at someone again...."

This week hasn't been as bad as that, people are for the most part trying to get along with each other and no one's really fussing about much. When they do fuss, though, I just really don't care, even if they lift their bars so we get most of their shit it doesn't bother me anymore. My friends will get pretty upset at what other people do, but I just say, "It doesn't matter, we'll be able to handle it, " which we do. I understand how they feel though, it's not fair what people do to us sometimes, but it's just not something that i see that we need to fight over anymore.

I'm also planning on working at a fireworks store either this weekend and next weekend or just next weekend. I'm kinda hoping that it'll just be next weekend but the manager hasn't let me know much about it yet. I know brett was disappointed because i was offered either 7 dollars an hour in cash or 10 dollars an hour in fireworks, and i took the cash. I'm sorry to him but i want the money. Especially if everyone in the group that went to Cedar Point wants to go to Kings Island in the near future, i want as much money as i can get. Plus I want to make bigger payments on my best buy credit card so i can get it paid off in a couple of months.

I'm kinda mad right now though, i worked 12 hours of overtime last week and i only got paid for 6 on my paycheck which pisses me off to no end. And I KNOW that i worked 12 hours because i made sure that i got at least four hours every twilight shift that i worked. And on that wednesday i worked 4 and a half hours so they're gonna pay me whether they like it or not. Also, there's a new supervisor that's filling in for the normal one on the twilight shift that i've been working and i don't think he knows what he's doing because i didn't see the time that i worked for last night when i clocked out so i had my supervisor, who's also filling in for our normal supervisor fix it for me, and i might have to do that for the rest of the week.

Anyway, so after all of these doubles, when i wake up at 12pm or 1pm and realize that i have to be back at getting ready for work in three hours, i feel like i just want it all to end, like i feel like someone's been beating the shit out of me and i have to go back and fight once more, but would rather just have the guys that beat me up, just finish me off once and for all.

Oh! here's something funny, I saw Jordan at ups in between my double shifts in the break room and told him that i posted his pics on my facebook profile online and he said, "I'm gonna kick your ass... Do you know how many pictures of me are in circulation?.... The ones you took!!" hahahaha I haven't seen him there this week but when i see him i'll give him some of the doubles of the pics that i took.

By the way, brett gave me some other pics from Cedar Point that he took from his new camera phone and i posted those on my facebook pro as well so now i have some new ones up, which one of the ones that brett gave me i'm using for my facebook pro pic right now. Unfortunately you can't enlarge the photos that brett gave me so what you see in those little thumbnail pics is what you get for the most part. So check them out!!!

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