No-work Monday

Nov 07, 2005 09:30

No-one's rung up with any work for today.

Got some for Tuesday, though, and possibly Wednesday. Does mean trailing out to Garforth, but I reckon I've got a route worked out that looks fairly simple, and would seem to be the most efficient possible, even though it does require time on the M62. Looks like I'll have to be off early.

All this means, that with last week's wage due into my account on Friday, as well as the emergency money I've transferred in from my Halifax account, I've enough to pay the mortgage (with a bit of change) and I can start looking at paying off the credit card if I do get the Wednesday. Any more work this week, and I can start building up my savings so the next mortgage payment won't hurt as much!

Registration for British Gas online bill payment seems to have come through, so Sarah can pay the gas bill this time out (before we transfer the details to the joint account, like we've always planned to do).

We're getting there. Financially, this month has been pretty tight, but light is appearing at the end of the tunnel. I'd got quite used to having something well over a grand in the bank ready to roll, and I do kind of miss it. Must work on getting it back ASAP.

Right. Shirts and towels washed yesterday want putting out on the line.

Must go.

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