Foot in mouth disease

Mar 18, 2010 16:51

It is a spring morning, 10:27 of day 26, month 3, turn 22 of Interval 10.

Records Room, Fort Weyr
Dual entrances provide access to the Weyr's Records Room: the great doors that open out onto a short tunnel to the Bowl and a twisting set of stairs that descends from the Weyrleaders' Complex. Within the room itself rows of stone shelving are carved out of the walls and supplemented by free-standing shelving of dark, polished wood arranged in neat, well-lit aisles. Bright tapestries depicting scenes from around the Fort region decorate the walls, each with a glow basket in a sconce immediately above to provide light by which to see the details and to leaven the gloom that would otherwise permeate the chamber. Underfoot, a richly woven carpet in shades of pale cream to rich klah brown evoke in abstract, the colors of the Weyr, while a subtle patterning at its center replicates the fortification that is Fort's hallmark symbol. Even without seeing the contents of those shelves, one would know the purpose of the room, given the perpetual aroma of hides, scrolls, paper, books and ink.

A few small alcoves have been carved out of the stone and filled with desks and chairs, providing relatively quiet places for those using the records room to work without being disturbed. Immediately before the doors that lead out to the Bowl, several long tables are arranged to provide larger, communal workspaces. Scribes can find writing implements, ink, paper, and other tools of the trade in a couple of discreetly located cabinets behind the duty desk. This cabinet and the outer doors are typically kept locked when no recordskeeper is on duty.

Obvious exits:
Bowl Weyrleaders' Complex

It's a few hours before noon on what promises to be a lovely day, clear and bright and perfect for flying in. But of course Chielyth is sleeping through it all, which leaves Kai rather at loose ends. Earlier he was out running; now, freshly washed, he can be found irritably roaming about the records room, waving off concerned offers of help from the harpers. "Just looking for someone," he mutters, and pokes his head down the aisle dealing with tithes from turns 37-39 of the most recent Pass.

With the weather as pretty as it is, it's a wonder anyone who can't find an excuse to be otherwise isn't outside enjoying it. Or watching other people enjoy it, as the case may be. If Kai ran past the lake he could possibly have seen Khameth contentedly curled up in the sun watching a group of cheerfully screeching weyrbrats playing some sort of rough-and-tumble game or other. But that was then, and this is now. And there's no bluerider, at least, browsing through old tithes. When G'dri makes an appearance, he's rounding the end of a set of shelves that's dedicated to less specific history, precious manuscript in hand as he wanders back towards one of the alcoves. He does look a little surprised when his path brings the greenrider into view. "Kai?" Or maybe his scholarly doppleganger.

Of course Kai saw the old blue - older than himself, anyway - and even stopped for a little bit, though the conversation, without Chielyth's translation, was one-sided and rather limp. Now the greenrider manages to chase off his tail with an exasperated, "I /ain't/ gonna /touch/ nothing!" that earns him a stern look and a few Shhh!s but sends the harper back to his desk leaving Kai to wander the shelves alone. The bluerider's appearance is a welcome surprise, if Kai's face is to believed; with a flicker of a smile he cuts down the closest aisle (Tithes, Turns 23-24, 10th Pass) to intercept the older man. "Hey. Didn't expect t' see you here." Despite that it's really more surprising to see -him- here.

"Just looking for something to occupy the rest of my day," G'dri replies with a warm smile. A gesture of his free hand and an inclination of his head invites Kai to join him for the final three steps needed to bring them to an alcove to sit in, the table already scattered with a few hides and writing supplies. "What brings /you/ in here? More wing research?"

B'kaiv checks over each shoulder, but doesn't see anyone or anything to prevent him following G'dri, nor from falling into a chair close to where the other man sits. "Yeah, sorta. N'kan said as he wanted t' meet me here. Ain't seen him though." With an unconcerned half-shrug Kai reaches for the closest hide to frown at. "Dunno if he had t' go do nothing, or what. How about you? Ain't Jasper keeping you busy or nothing?"

That hide might deserve the frown it receives, bearing as it does along the top a rather feminine design of curlicues and flowers. And a few notes jotted down in G'dri's blocky handwriting, apparent musings on choice of metal and gemstones. "Chielyth still asleep? I can ask Khameth to find out where he's got to if you'd like. Busy enough, I suppose. Drilling today but Khameth's shoulder was putting us off our timing so Mistella told us to take off, let him rest." He drums his fingers pensively on the cover of the book he'd gone and collected, then sets it off to one side. Tilting his head, he rests his chin in his palm. "I'm sorry you didn't like it."

Kai valiantly starts in on 'heliotrope', silently mouthing along but gives up halfway through and turns back to G'dri with a frustrated head shake. "Yeah. She ain't gonna be up for another couple hours. Don't worry about bothering Khameth, though. N'kan ain't here in a little bit, can ask then." He hesitates. "Sorry about his shoulder." G'dri drums and Kai pushes the curlique'd hide a bit closer to him, glances up and over with confusion writ large. "Didn't like what?" Twitch of eyebrow and cheek marks the greenrider's thinking as clearly as ink, trying to remember what it might have been he didn't like.

G'dri nods amiably for 'a little bit' and then smiles with a shrug of his shoulders for 'sorry.' "Injuries like that are part and parcel of flying Thread. Deep as the scarring is, I simply count us both lucky that it wasn't closer to the wing joint." The obvious confusion makes him chuckle, the crinkles at the corners of his eyes getting deeper with amusement. "My little present. I'm also sorry for the confusion. I thought you'd guess who it was from." He 'tsks' often enough over the state of the greenrider's clothes.

B'kaiv says, "Yeah," and reaches a tentative hand toward G'dri's own shoulder as though touching it will transfer to a similar contact on Khameth's. "I'll keep Chielyth offa him t'day. Be good for her t' try and keep up with a bronze, any road." Or else will wear her out, especially if she tries her usual tricks with someone else's endurance as the benchmark. "Your what? --Oh, /shit/." Realization doesn't just dawn, it lands with a thud. "You mean she weren't lying?" He remembers a moment too late to keep his voice down, and another 'shhh!' hisses their way. Kai grimaces apology, yanks his hand back to send both over his hair. "Shells, I'm sorry. Didn't know. She didn't say."

The hand that isn't being used to hold G'dri's head up twitches, lifts, and then busies itself with straightening up some of his hides. "Thank you," soft as it is, might be as much for the gesture as the words. "Though we neither of us would object to a visit after she's tuckered herself out some. If you don't have other plans." Kai's not the only one getting shushed, for the bluerider's laughter rang out, as well. "It's all right, Kai," he says, forgetting already and reaching briefly towards the younger man's forearm. "I was being silly, and the situation became muddled." He hesitates, glancing down at the topmost -- curlicue-and-flowers -- hide, and then back up at the greenrider. "I... didn't permit her to return the marks. If it makes a difference, now that you know...." Isn't there an age limit on puppy eyes?

Still grimacing, Kai promises, "Yeah. I mean, no." Grimace, shake of head, a smile that blossoms under the other man's hand. "We can come over later." Purely for Khameth and Chielyth, of course. He squints across the vast gulf separating them, one eye almost closed and, reluctantly, nods. "Yeah. Thought she was being - thought it were charity." And as G'dri knows by now, charity and patronization bring up Kai's hackles faster than nearly anything. He even presents an excuse, lame though it might be: "It ain't nowhere near Turnover."

Of course. Purely for them. "I'll look forward to it, then." G'dri returns a fond look in exchange for the squint, blue eyes bright. "Excellent. Though Kai, if you truly don't like it, I /will/ understand." He pauses, then shakes his head with a small click of his tongue. "I like getting gifts for my friends. Just ask Nia, or U'ven," or any of a string of others. "My weyr would get awfully cluttered if I always waited for Turnover or birthdays to give them."

"Sorry," B'kaiv shrugs again, tentative return smile sending what's left of his discomfort spiraling down the drain. "I'll, uh, I'll wear it. Just - s'getting warm. Might be you ain't gonna see it much until next winter." Unless G'dri requests a private showing some evening, of course. He sniffs and eyes the curlicue hide again, just for a moment, before tilting his attention back to the bluerider. "Could go t' Monaco some time too, if Khameth wants t' get another rock."

"Stop apologizing," G'dri chides with gentle humour. A shrug accompanies another shake of his head, "I know. But you'll also need the extra layer if we accompany Khameth and Chielyth to the high passes again." He's just full of reasonable explanations for things, isn't he? "What?" For the sniff and eyeing, his curious glance following along, brows lifting. "One of these days, you're going to come over to visit, and just find a pile where I've been buried under an avalanche of those rocks." There's nothing but affection in his voice for that 'complaint,' however. "We'd both enjoy it, though. Some time before their winter storms start?"

G'dri has explanations for -everything-! He's so smart! B'kaiv shrugs again rather than apologizing for apologizing; offers a tilted smile instead. "Yeah, and Khameth's gonna go on about how th' rocks fell and ain't that like a avalanche? Figure I can get you out thought - most of 'em's pretty small. You ever want them back, th' ones he brung t' my place, just let me know." He slouches into his chair, shoving his feet beneath G'dri's, and - after a considering handful of seconds - nods. "Sure. Could go... well, being how far ahead they are, could go after supper sometime and it'd be morning there. Else we'd have t' go real early in th' morning and Chielyth'd want t' sleep."

"And Chielyth no doubt would counter with how pretty they are but wouldn't they be prettier in the sunshine?" G'dri chuckles richly. Speaking of countering, "Let me know if you ever want me to take them back. I admit I like that they're there." Though he won't go into why. Not in public, at any rate. "Oh, I think Khameth and I could manage to stay up late to enjoy a proper visit when Chielyth's not too tired." He continues on to suggest a few evenings in the upcoming weeks he knows for certain he'll be free -- and more importantly, won't have morning duties the following day. They can natter on casually about more specific locations in the Monaco area, at least until N'kan finally makes an appearance or something else comes up to send them their separate ways.

Wish he were my wingleader, 'stead of N'kan, or whatever sharding bronzerider T'rev puts in there. Maybe could see about transferring to Jasper? Shells, no, C'ston wouldn't take me if I come with marks.

Gonna be good to go to Monaco with them though. Can't wait to hear what Khameth thinks about that waterfall.

$khameth, #wing-obsidian, $n'kan, g'dri, $kaida

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