After after the Hatching

Mar 08, 2009 22:06

Noonish, on day 21, month 2, turn 19

Living Cavern, Fort Weyr

The interior of the living cavern is luxurious, relatively speaking -- the walls are smoothed and there are wall sconces in addition to the myriad array of glow baskets and lamps used to keep the place well lit. It's a large space, suited to handle large numbers of people, with dozens of tables arranged strategically throughout; serving tables are also conveniently located at various intervals. Tapestries hang on the walls, many of them having been there for hundreds of turns and periodically taken down for cleaning and restoration.
Up a flight of stairs would be the kitchens, where much of the hustle and bustle can be heard, if not seen. Food is transported down via discretely located dumb waiters and dispersed by servers as necessary, but the aromas of food being prepared is as pervasive as the constant chatter of people as they drift through in search of food, drink, or company. Servers are generally available to assist and ensure that cups are filled and tables are cleaned regularly.
To the west is both the main entrance to the bowl and also the night hearth, which is kept stocked with fresh klah and pots of stew. Other hearths are scattered throughout, radiating heat and warmth as well as providing gathering spots for private discussions. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads down to the inner caverns, while a stout wooden door with a purple caduceus to the south leads to the infirmary.

Obvious exits:
Bowl Inner Caverns Kitchen

Sulisah gets to her feet and moves round to his side of the table, her hand brushes his hair gently and she grins, "Still no horns. Shame." The giggle is back, bright and cheerful this time. "First dance when I get back is yours, I promise." With a wave she runs off for another bath.

"See about gettin' me some," T'rev answers Sulisah with a grin up at the apprentice. "Great. I'll save that on this end too," the bronzerider promises back from his seat at a slightly out-of-the-way table he's been sharing with Sulisah and from the number of glasses and plates on the table, a couple of others as well.

Into the chaos and joy of the living caverns comes a certain newly-fledged greenrider, still looking a little white around the eyes. He's managed to splash water on his face and hands and find a pair of pants to slip under his robe, but at his freshest he isn't. Whether by luck or happenstance it's T'rev's table he stops at, dropping into the first empty chair to stare blankly at the crowd.

T'rev looks up from tucking a forkful of food into his mouth and regards Kai for a moment. "You got the look, man," he says with a touch of humor in his voice. "You need me t'get you anything? A little bit to drink and somethin' to eat? I've got pretty scenery t'share too, pretty soon anyhow," he goes on with a chuckle and tilts a look over towards where a pretty girl with a head of dark curls is chatting up a good-looking bluerider. "Congratulations, Kai. What should I be callin' you now?"

Words? Words. After a second Kai looks to find the source of them, and offers over a smile with little behind it. "I... yeah. I dunno. Chielyth's sleeping," which T'rev could probably assume, as the weyrling is -here- and not tending to her. "--What time is it, anyway?" He rubs a hand on the back of his neck and scowls at the feeling, rubs his hand on a well-used section of robe. "Got t' be getting on t' noon, ain't it?" He follows the bronzerider's look to the curly-haired girl without recognition. Girl. "--Huh? Oh, Kai's a'right. S'what she calls me. B'kaiv, I guess, you got t' be formal about it."

"Just past lunch," T'rev answers about the time. "She's a mighty pretty lookin' little green," the bronzerider compliments. "How's it feel though?" His fork is set down and he nods about the name. "All right. Stick t'Kai then. And she does? Nice. Be right back with somethin' for you." T'rev pauses by Tosolla for a moment, drops a word in her ear and she looks over her shoulder, nods once as the bronzerider heads off to the buffet. A few minutes later he's back with a half-mug of ale and a well-heaped plate of food with a little bit of everything on it, to set down at a slightly out-of-the-way table that seats four. The plate and mug are set down in front of B'kaiv. "There. Go easy on the ale."

B'kaiv and T'rev are at a table a little out-of-the way from the main crush of the caverns. The accumulation of plates and glasses suggests that there were others earlier (or else T'rev's been packing away the groceries). "Thanks," he nods as T'rev returns with food, gathers up fork and knife in either hand. Again, "Thanks. She's... shells. Dunno. She's somethin'. Real happy." He shakes his head with a bemused little smile before tucking in with gusto. "It always gonna be like this?"

Phara has finally seen to everyone settled, and her obligation as an assistant weyrlingmaster over, she ambles into the living cavern. She's changed clothing, no longer slimed with oil from helping new riders figure the idea out. It's a small improvement, but she still looks a little overwhelmed. So much for being cool and collected. Responsibility, shoulders, what was that?

Tucking back into his own meal as he settles down, T'rev grins across at B'kaiv. "Always gonna be like what? That giddy feelin' on the edge of things? Yeah. This tired out and a little nutty? Nope." The wingleader pops that bite of food into his mouth, chewing carefully.

B'kaiv says, "Dunno if it's /tired/...," around a mouthful of food, and happily for the man across the table from him, that's the last he says until he's both chewed -and- swallowed. He hasn't noticed Phara yet, though whether that's from the crush of people or his own half-aware state could be debated. "She's... shells. I can't say it." He stabs a bit of roast for emphasis. "I just. She's. She ain't what I expected. But I ain't gonna trade her for all the bronzes and browns at Fort."

Phara does one better than the new greenrider and wanders closer to his table. But it's not for B'kaiv. It's for T'rev. "Well that was an experience," she groans, draping herself unexpectedly over the back of a chair beside the Wingleader. B'kaiv is noticed and nodded to. He even gets a tentative smile. "Works out, don't it?"

"Gotcha," T'rev says with a couple of nods and has some more to eat. Little bites of tubes and beans and whatnot. "Yeah. Didn't expect Mecaith either but couldn't imagine him not bein' around. I was a little worried about a dragon pokin' around in my head too much and sharin' things I didn't want shared. But he's a real polite, discreet fella." Phara's arrival earns a quick smile. "Hangin' in there, Phara?" he asks the weyrlingmaster's assistant.

B'kaiv had an experience, that's for sure. He still sports the glassy-eyed look of someone trying to process that experience, even as he steadily plows through his meal. "Bluerider," he says as Phara sits, not quite managing any other title. Then to T'rev, "Don't think Chielyth's gonna be all that quiet. Hattie's gold, though, she might be a handful."

Rhodya snuck in a few minutes ago, but she's been hanging at the back of the room, looking for something. Someone, rather, and she's spotted him. With a scream of excitement, the candidate-now-weyrling runs at her father and jumps in his arms - lucky for him, she took the time to wash and change first, so she's now wearing a nice (if season-inappropriate) sundress instead of the stained robe she had on back in the barracks. Rhamanos chuckles gently as he whirls his daughter through the air, then gently sets her down on her feet and kisses her forehead. "Proud of you, Rho," he tells her, arm over her shoulder. "What's his name, now?" "Gedroth," she tells her Papa, chest puffing proudly at the thought. Oh, she's a happy one, this.

Cirse, by now with a wool coat worn atop her lighter sands-suited clothes, keeps that coat on when she enters with a petite harridan with a headful of graying braids and a sharp chin to go with her sharp mouth. Dark eyes sweep the cavern, or at least the nearby extent of it, the better to find anyone else who needs to be meet-ed and greeted.

Phara's head lolls to the side a little to rest against her wrist. "Suddenly I feel bad for all those times I gave C'mryn such grief. I think I had more oil on me than some of the dragons." She quirks a grin at her friend and gives him a lazy wink that doesn't even manage to complete itself before her second eye closes with it. "Weyrling," she replies gravely to B'kaiv, and her lips stretch even further in some strange delight. "Nah, Elaruth'll be fine. Worried more about W'ton and his bronze."

"No? Hm. Well, I ain't got much of a suggestion for dealin' with talky. That ain't Mecaith," T'rev replies with a chuckle. "Weyrlingmaster might have some tips though. For now, get a meal in you. Gonna need it," the bronzerider points out. His gaze returns to Phara and he chuckles. "Yeah puts a whole other spin on it, right?" he teases her a little.

B'kaiv nods at both of them and continues to shovel food, though Rhodya's scream-and-leap earns her a quick, disinterested look and a flicker of a grin. One more bite of meat and the man stiffens, staring at his plate. A heartbeat later and he shoves back his chair, stands, and chews hastily to say, "Got t' go." That will have to serve as his only farewell before he heads for the bowl at a fast walk, unafraid to use his arms to make a path in his haste to get outdoors.

Wish I coulda seen Sulisah. Hope she ain't too mad or nothing. Noon! Feels like it's been a seven already, just from this morning. Wonder when I'll get a real bath next?

#weyrling, rhodya, $w'ton, $elaruth, $dasarth, t'rev, $hattie, sulisah, $chielyth, cirse, phara

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