(no subject)

Mar 13, 2010 09:15

It is a spring evening of day 8, month 3, turn 22 of Interval 10.

Lakeshore, Fort Weyr
The lake's shore is a broad crescent of golden-hued sand, stretching from the southwest wall near the feeding grounds and arcing toward the southeast and overlooking the blue waters of the lake. Where the lake deepens, that water turns a murkier blue-green, hiding an untold number of perils in its depths. It is an oft-used location for dragons seeking a place to sun or for residents and riders who feel a need to take a stroll; the sand is generally kept pretty clean and while there are no shells, there are periodic bits of obsidian and other volcanic stones to be found if one feels like picking around.

Obvious exits:
Herb Garden Water Bowl

It's just a little after the main crush of supper is served, and what was a beautiful Spring day is continuing into a beautiful night: a little chilly, perhaps, as darkness settles over the bowl, but certainly nothing like the cold of even a month ago. Chielyth's gleefully splashing in the lake, chasing waves, while Kai hurries out of the water to give himself a rough toweling off and hastily step into trousers. There are very few people braving either the dusk or the chill by the lake tonight, certainly none following the greenrider's path and doing a spot of bathing.

For one reason or another, there's one tall, curvy, blonde brownrider who's braving both dusk and much-disliked-chill by the lake for a breath of fresh air, perhaps explained by the way Jiella's linking fingers behind her back and stretching out her arms, blinking tiredly; perhaps explained by the mellow, burnished brown that angles down from his ledge towards the lake to land in the water, splashing down near Chielyth. His greeting precedes hers, and is likely more polite, his candlelight a warm, contented glow. << Good evening, Chielyth. I hope you and yours are well. >> For her part, the blonde's steps slow a little as she approaches, giving the greenrider the chance to get his pants on before, shortly, "Evening."

<< Hi, Orisoth! >> Chielyth chirps back at the brown, her mindvoice as full of sunshine as the evening isn't. << We are! Want to come swim? I got a bath! >> She scribbles a story of what else could happen: swimming, and diving, and splashing, and then maybe some flying! B'kaiv looks curiously toward the splashing, fingers finishing at his waist, and searches out the rider while simultaneously questing after socks. "Hey," he agrees, offering the brownrider a tentative smile. "Nice night?" Like he expects her to disagree, or something.

Orisoth is as sedate as Chielyth isn't; it's an odd contrast, but something the brown has to be gifted with to deal with his rider is patience - so while incessant chirpiness might irritate more circumspect dragons, he is at least far from irritated. Amused, << I am swimming. >> He shows the green the image of some fish she could come follow to see where they live, were she so inclined - and he's always open to flying. Unsurprisingly, mercurial Jiella is not as laid back as her brown. Finding a rock to lounge against, crossing long legs, she looks generally irritable and rather pouty, like she lost her favourite ring or something. "It's okay. It's nicer without the snow. I won't have to go away to tan soon, I guess."

Mellow, burnished leather, like the finely-worked cover of a rare book, sweeps smoothly across this solidly-built dragonet's body. The lines of his musculature flow together fluidly, though over an angular, blocky frame that speaks of power and strength rather than sinuous agility. Rounded headknobs gleam with honeyed undertones beneath a wash of dark sienna that curls down along his neck and over shoulders, flecked here and there with minute signs of wear, limned in persimmon. Expressive eyes sit high in his head, overarched by deep brow-ridges, conveying a sense of intense scrutiny even when his gaze is only casual. Long, strong limbs provide him with a sturdy, immovable stance when he is still and sure strides when he's in motion. Wide wings, brushed along the edges with inkiness, fade out into the pallor of an ancient scroll, edges curling slightly as if with age. Across his chest and belly, the regularity of a darker stippling effect creates an impression of abstract characters dancing across a page. Repeated at the join of shoulders these markings sidle along his sides and down to the very tip of his long tail.

At 1 turn, 1 month, 22 days old, Orisoth is 34 feet, 10 inches long with a wingspan of 60 feet, 11 inches, standing 23 feet, 4 inches tall at the shoulder.

Silly Orisoth! Come swim means /with her/! But Chielyth's mountain will gladly paddle over to brown Mohammed, and nudge at the much-larger male's shoulder before diving to chase after the fish. "Monaco ain't bad, for sun," Kai offers, standing on one foot to wrestle on a sock. "Southern neither." Even if -he- came back from Monaco looking more like a sheet of paper, presumably the greenrider knows of what he speaks? "You're uh," he tells his foot, "looking real nice t'night." No, he's glanced at the blonde now, so he's not actually complimenting body parts.

Orisoth is pleased to have Chielyth follow - even if his reaction to the affection is so delay as to be almost none. Chasing fish is more entertaining with company, even if it's doubtful that he's about to find fish homes any time soon. "I liked Ista," Jiella can admit, "But I don't want to go over there /too/ much, plus if I go over there, M'try might come and talk to me and be a jerk some more, so why bother. And I like to find beaches." Something about that makes the corner of full lips quirk for a moment before; "I'll maybe go down there, then." Glancing over B'kaiv's way bemusedly at the compliment, she still /likes/ them, so - "Thanks." She'll even flash a smile.

"Ista," starts Kai darkly, but cuts off with a snort and shake of his head. "M'try's a sharding wherry," he says instead, switching feet to pull on his second sock. When he's finished, and better balanced, then he only has to find his shirt - there it is, a dark shadow on a paler rock. "You ever want t' go with nobody, and At're ain't around, you can ask me. I ain't gonna let nobody bother you as you don't want."

Sadly, in a tone of agreement, "They don't seem all that bright." Jiella and B'kaiv might not seem like the likeliest people to be discussing the relative intelligence of the Istans, but the blonde is smarter than she looks, and hopefully Kai's the same? As he's pulling on his shirt, there's a frown that mars her pretty brow at the mention of At're's name. "Nobody /bothers/ me, Kai. People buy me things and are nice to me, except for M'try. Who said I was spoiled and selfish. But that's kind of sweet of you." Speaking of shirts, "Is that new or something? Did you buy that the other day with Hattie?"

The greenrider pulls his shirt on like it did something to him, tugs his sleeves down and irritably fastens the neck. "Sharding wherry," he says again, hesitates with a sidelong look but lets it slide and mutters, "Even so," at one of the rocks near his feet. He sends another look over for the compliment, either resigned or pained, but shakes his head and actually answers. "Nah, I. Uh. Lost a bet." Faranth only knows what the bet entailed. "She got lots of stuff though. Hattie."

Now attempting to be reassuring, Jiella tells B'kaiv, "A lot of nights, people buy me drinks at the Fountain till Trey comes to get me, and no one's gotten mad about that yet." And presumably, if they were going to be pissed about something... The brownrider flicks blonde hair back over her shoulders as her gaze travels over the new clothes, looking up at him like he's a little insane for 'lost a bet'. "What? A bet that made you look decent? I don't think you /lost/ that bet. And I saw, though she totally didn't have any real jewelry. What's up with that?" Like Kai is personally responsible.

Somewhere around here are Kai's boots, unless Chielyth or a fair of firelizards decided to take off with them. --No, here they are, behind a rock. "Fountain's one thing. Them places they got over t' Ista are different." And as long as this rock is handy, he'll set his feet on it to get his boots back on and tied. Handy. He does shoot her a look from under lowered lashes at what, exactly, happened in the bet, but what he -says- is, "Sure she does. Saw her buy it myself. She show you everything she got?"

Enlightened, "Oh. Over there. Well, maybe? I think it's sort of helpful if people over there /think/ I might sleep with them. Even though I won't." Even though the greenrider's already offered to make sure Jiella doesn't have to, she still feels the need to clarify. Curious now, "I only saw the one place, the Sandbar or whatever? What's the other one?" For that look, the blonde will offer one of her best, most sincere and winning smiles - she meant it! Decent! - and waves Kai off. "No, she didn't. No diamonds, no rubies, no sapphires, no pearls..." Example: her showy dangling earrings. "Jewelry has /jewels/." And is flashy, apparently.

Succinctly, "Whorehouse," and if it's offered in a low rumble, maybe Jiella can pretend she didn't understand him? Kai stands, both boots securely on and once again fully dressed. In something that isn't wrinkled. His face will have to be wrinkled enough, all screwed up in confusion and disbelief. "She... huh? Shells, I dunno, Jiella. She got what she liked?"

"Oh." Jiella is thoughtful for a long moment before, "Maybe it's better I don't go over there." Just in case. If she's not properly Holder-shocked-and-dismayed, maybe it has something to do with living near a lot of sailors. And now that B'kaiv is all properly dressed, she can't appreciate the full ensemble, as it were, due to his expression. "I know... I just mean..." The blonde can't quite explain, but she'll try. "It's sort of like... you get people to try new things when you go shopping. And I think she thinks she doesn't deserve nice things, sometimes. That's all."

B'kaiv tilts a wry smile her way: you think? "You wanna go sometime, just ask. No one ain't gonna bother you." He's not going to press, though, not when he has arms to fold. "Thought shopping was for things you needed." See also, two viewpoints that will never match. "I dunno, some of them scarves and all is nice. Real pretty. She was laughing about buying a runner, 'cept she ain't go no where to put it. Was good t' see her smiling. She don't do that near enough."

A little amused by the idea, "I'm not sure how that'd go over with Trey - or is it kind of hot if your girlfriend says she'd going to a whorehouse?" Jiella seems to be asking this rhetorically- for some reason, not asking B'kaiv to weigh in on this one. "I'll keep it in mind, but like, you look like a bar fight waiting to happen. No offense." And now it's the brownrider's turn to be disbelieving; "Shopping is for fun, but I don't like it as much when I have to pay. And it was all pretty. It was good she went out, that you were there, I guess? Because I noticed she was pretty stressed too."

The greenrider merely shrugs, unruffled. "S'why they ain't gonna bother you," he says placidly. He knows very well what he looks like, though as Jiella goes on he outright boggles at her, his world paradigm unpleasantly rocked. Shopping... fun? Don't have to /pay/? "She don't got a lot of people as'll do that with her," he offers cautiously. "Just go out for fun, or nothing. We have drinks, sometimes. Me and her." A beat. "You two are... related, yeah?" One hand waggles side to side, vaguely pointing out some sort of relationship.

"That wasn't my point - my point was... Oh, never mind." Jiella just waves it off with a slim hand, then as bemused by B'kaiv as he is by her. Though she probably shouldn't explain, she does. "I used to just pick out everything I wanted and someone working for us took care of paying," she says, dismissively. "And we're in-laws - Hattie's brother is married to my sister." A roll of her eyes. "I try to go and see her to say hi - Hattie, I mean - but I wasn't sure if she was going to actually put up with me all the time till the other day."

"Rhu...vawn," Kai remembers after a stretch, nods like that'll keep the name in plac, glances back over at the blonde and snorts again, amused. "Shells, you probably spent more in a day than I seen in a turn. Well," he amends, squinting over at a particularly enthusiastic splash, "a season, any road, depending on good th' traffic was." Back to Jiella. "Oh yeah? Why not? She don't like you, it ain't like she's gonna be shy about saying so. Kinda like Tamira." He names one of their wingmates, a notably foul-tempered bluerider.

With a wrinkle of her nose, "That's him. And Eidee, the little bitch harpy. She's the good one. This turn." Predicted darkly. Jiella's mood is less than sunny all of a sudden, her arms folding across her chest, expression forming into a sullen pout. Sighing, she tells the greenrider, "Probably. I have a lot of things. But now I have to actually pay attention to what I spend, so we're sort of in the same boat?" Only Kai doesn't have Daddy to go crying to. Looking out to the lake, "She might've been nice to me because we're family. And she seems..." Amused, flashing, a wide, bright smile, "I can be a lot to deal with."

An eyebrow quirks at Jiella's caustic sibling denigration, but B'kaiv's really not in any position to contradict her. "How many you got? Sibs? They all sisters?" He looks back at the lake but Chielyth's gone diving again, and with a quiet grunt Kai sits on one of the larger rocks, offering the space beside him with a pat. "I dunno. Don't always know what Hattie's thinking. How come you say that? You're a lot t' deal with?"

Jiella gives B'kaiv and his eyebrow quirk a challenging look like - you want to make something of that? "Eleven with the half-siblings," she answers a bit wearily. And perhaps her love for attention becomes a bit more understandable. "All of my actual siblings are sisters. And they all steal my things. I imagine they'll try to throw themselves at At're, eventually. That'll be embarrassing." For them, by the looks of her grin. With a glance to the rock, she considers for a wary moment or two before sliding up next to him. "Because sometimes I can be, I guess? I'm very interested in being pretty, and sometimes people get bored with that?"

"Huh," Kai grunts, momentarily impressed. "Only th' three of us. All boys." He bends to scoop up a handful of pebbles, flings a couple at the lake before remembering his manners and offering some to the brownrider. "I dunno, it any worse being pretty than... shells, I dunno. Strong? Ain't like I can't not look like I do neither." Of course, it could be argued that Kai's -perhaps- not as interested in everyone knowing he's strong than Jiella is in making sure everyone thinks she's pretty, but he's trying? "You ain't, though. Only interested in being pretty."

Less impressed, having lived with some of those eleven people, Jiella looks out over the water, bemused - like she can't figure out how Orisoth can either stay under so long, entertain himself there for so long, or both. "I have half-brothers, but most of them are a bit older. And it's not that it's /bad/ being pretty. It's that I like to talk about it. And lots of other things that people don't think are important." However, B'kaiv's last has her looking over, head tilted to the side. With some little sincerity, "If I had a choice, there'd only be like, five or six things I was interested in, I think."

Well, he's got Chielyth down there, for one thing, and she's endlessly entertained by such things as fish, rocks, and bubbles. That always helps. Kai steals another few pebbles and over-arms them into the lake, still offering the rest to his wingmate. Doesn't everyone love throwing things? After another glance at her, he shrugs again, pulls up one booted foot to rest against their rock. "You ain't gonna hear no arguments from me. Ain't like I'm always in th' records room neither." So their half-dozen topics aren't the same: so what? "Should get going, head in. You want me t' walk you somewhere?"

With a wry little smile, "That's where I was earlier. Sometimes, it's not so bad." Jiella does not look like the records room was fun party time tonight, though. Following Kai's pebbles into the lake with her gaze, she finally figures out that he's offering her them - and wrinkling her nose a little - dirt, no thanks - she waves it off. And who knows, some topics might be the same. Jie likes to drink, for example. As for going in, shaking her head, "I'll wait for him, I think. I bitch enough at him, eventually he'll make his apologies. But right now - not too cold, and it's quiet and I don't need to think too much. But you have a good night."

B'kaiv's got a derisive snort for the records room; he tosses another pebble into the lake, dumps out the rest and, after standing, casually wipes his grimy palm on his new pants without so much as a second thought. So /that's/ why his clothes all look like he slept in them! "A'right. Chielyth ain't going nowhere for awhile neither." He tilts a look at the lake, then at his wingmate, offering her a crooked smile. "Yeah, think I will. You too. See you t'morrow?"

"Tomorrow," Jiella confirms, leaning back on her hands, flashing B'kaiv a brilliant smile in return, then turns to watch the lake and wait for her ride to stop screwing around already.

Dunno why she says them things. Ain't like it's wrong, or nothing. Be kinda fun to take her to one of them places. Be even better to see At're's face after.

Still think the new Wingleader's gonna pick her for a 'second. She's pretty, ain't gonna be like nobody ain't gonna do what she says. And Orisoth's nice and steady. Kinda like Mecaith.

$hattie, #wing-obsidian, chielyth, $m'try, orisoth, jiella

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