(no subject)

Mar 06, 2010 08:42

It is a winter night, 19:29 of day 15, month 2, turn 22 of Interval 10.

Commons Cavern, Fort Weyr
While not nearly as large as the living cavern, the commons do serve something of a similar purpose as a gathering point for residents. There are a few scattered tables and chairs, with a section of counter carved from the native granite for general use. The typically cool floors are covered with a handful of rugs, while tapestries serve to blunt the chill emanating from the walls. Lighting is provided through glow baskets for the most part, although some individuals might bring in a lantern if they think to.

It's a fair bit quieter than the living cavern and is designed more as a location for residents to meet and work on whatever work needs to be done -- mending, cleaning, and tending to children are only a small sampling of the things that can be seen going on here. It's most active later in the day, after the bulk of the work is done and people start to settle in for the night, but it's never empty of people.

It also serves as a hub for a variety of useful caverns -- the nursery is located across from the residents' dorms, with the bathing cavern situated between the two. The candidates barracks are somewhat off to the side, closest to the tunnel that leads back out to the inner caverns.

Obvious exits:
Inner Caverns Workroom Resident Quarters Candidate Barracks Nursery

After a dull afternoon of flying sweeps - well, if flying with Chielyth can ever be considered 'dull' - and an entirely unmemorable meal, wingmates have retreated to the commons to sullenly (on Kai's part, anyway) write up their report. There are several little tables scattered around the room for just this sort of purpose, and Kai, trading shamelessly on seniority, has shoved the hide and ink over to Vanissa. "I ever tell you about th' bar I wanna open?" He can be lazy -now-, now that he doesn't have to write anything.

Vanissa has managed to thaw out after those sweeps and the meal, though she's still rubbing at goggle lines and trying to fluff out helmet hair as she settles that same table expecting to listen and learn, but no, there's a hide and ink slid her way. She blinks at it, a slight frown sent to Kai as her mouth opens to protest. Instead, she's distracted by that question and so picks up the pen. "Uh, no?" Her fingers grip the ink bottle to unstopper it, whiten as her grip tightens and... nothing. She slides it back towards her wingmate. "It's stuck."

B'kaiv? Can open ink bottles. "Wanna open a bar," he repeats as, with a little tightening of muscles the stopper pops free. "There you go." And she gets the bottle back. "See, 'cause th' Fountain used t' be a real nice place t' drink, only it got snooty, and all. Ain't hardly worth it t' go in no more." One lazy arm reaches over to snag a cushion and tuck the thing in the small of his back; he leans farther over, hand on another, and gives her a questioning look. Yes? No? "And see, I figured I'd get one of th' empty weyrs, make it a bar and all for them as just want t' drink."

Casually, "Thanks!" And Nissa hooks a finger around the bottle, slides it to where she can dip her pen in, careful to tap it so she won't drip when she withdraws it. She lifts a brow when he's mentioning the Fountain, nodding absently and leaning forward so he can leave that offered pillow behind her. "It's fancy. I think I went in there maybe... once." She writes the date carefully at the top of the hide as she considers his idea. "A weyr?" Humor dances in the hazel of her eyes as she raises them. "You're planning on using a ground weyr, right?"

It's a matter of only a few seconds to retrieve a cushion for the other greenrider, and if it takes Kai a few heartbeats to figure out that he's supposed to place it for her too... he figures it out eventually. "Yeah. S'fine for bronzeriders and the like. --Hah. No." Leaning forward, he rests his weight on folded forearms, attention split between passers-by and his wingmate. "Nah, was figuring on putting it up high, one of th' weyrs up a bit. Your brother keeps saying as I should use a ground weyr too, but I don't see no point."

Vanissa leans back, the legs of her chair screet wood against stone as she scoots it in a little. "Thanks." She squints at the hide, her pen poised to write, but does she? Nope. Instead she tilts a look over at B'kaiv. Trying not to laugh, she bites her lips together, manages to keep herself from it, but only just. When she can manage it without a wobble, she asks evenly, "So you're gonna put nets up or something, yeah? To catch the drunks that walk off the edge?" Back to that hide and what to write. Uncertainly she writes the name Obsidian and stops.

B'kaiv only snorts at her, his eyes lazy and half-hooded. "You got nets up, t' keep from walking off th' ledge in your sleep? Nah, it ain't gonna be that kinda place. You act like I ain't never cut somebody off before. I don't want t' keep them as /like/ th' Fountain from going there, or take their custom or nothing. Just think there ought t' be a place for them as ain't gonna be going there. Think about it - you wanna drink, 'd you rather stay at Fort or you an' Liath go off somewhere? Even if you just go down t' th' Hold, you still got t' get her strapped up, and all."

"Well, yeah, but... I don't drink all that much though." Nissa whooshes out a breath of silent laughter, wry, her lips pull to the side. "Just some folks think bar and, well..." She shrugs, "Doesn't sound all that relaxin' for you if ya have to be watchin' folks all the time." For a moment there's only the sound of that pen's tip scratching on hide as she writes the names of the Riders and dragons who rode sweeps underneath Obsidian, notating the time they left. "Be nice not to have to go someplace else." Which is telling how often she gets herself into The Fountain.

"Couple nights a seven," shrugs Kai, "And a place... well, I dunno about your weyr, but mine, I can see everyone as is in it. Small." Cupped hands come almost finger to finger: small. "See," he continues, picking up interest, "I know just th' place I want. S'gotta have a pretty big ledge, but I ain't planning on having no dragons hanging about. But big enough t' have a brown land, and still have room for chairs and things, come summer." He catches sight of her handiwork then and pauses, brows drawing down as he stares at the sheet.

Interest caught by his description, "Sounds nice. Somewhere to relax and hang." Nissa plays with her pen while considering it, her eyes drifting to gaze through the wall into summer. "So ya picked out the place already then?" She flicks a questioning look at him before carefully dipping her pen into the ink prior to continuing. The name of the first hold they'd flown over appears with her slow scrawl before that stare - it's felt rather than seen, has her eyes tracking back up. "What?" Puzzled glance drops back down to the hide, "Am I leaving something out?"

B'kaiv flashes her a smile, pleased. "Yeah." It fades not even a second later, accompanied by a shake of his head. "Nah. Keep meaning to, and then stuff happens. Should, though. Be nice t' have it open by summer." One finger traces absent circles on the table, gets distracted by the grain, and traces darkness nearly all the way back to his other arm before he shakes his head again. "Flamed if I know. Can't read upside down. You're taking a long time, is all. What're you writing, any road?"

His pleasure is catching and Nissa smiles in response, eyes crinkling. Teasing him just a little, "Yeah, ya should before somethin' else does, huh?" She offers, "Jelly and I can help ya decorate if ya want. Hang some pretty colored glows, sew cushions for your chairs." Poor Jiella, volunteered without even being asked! That hide is turned so he can see it better. "Uh, to be honest? I'm not really sure..." She coughs slightly, adding, "Thought to put where we went and what we saw." That comes out as more a question than a statement though.

His voice dropped, and glancing around for eavesdroppers, "Been wanting t' do it since I were a weyrling," though why he thinks that's sensitive information is anyone's guess. Though the idea of Jiella and Nissa decorating - or maybe just decorating, period - has him drawing back again, uncertain. "Uh. That's... real nice of you t' offer." Subtext: he'll ask when Chielyth lays eggs. It's with more than a little relief that he dives back into report-writing, one hand flicking amiably. "You wrote 'em when you was a weyrling, yeah? --Where we went and what we seen. Saw. That."

Vanissa's eyes flicker around the room after his, faint puzzlement at his secrecy. Breezily unconcerned with his withdrawal, "You're welcome." Bubbling enthusiasm there, but not pushing by any means. She awaits his critique on her report, nods. "Uh huh. Yep we did." Twisting that hide back to continue writing, "I'm still slow with my writing." And indeed her hand moves carefully. "So, Kai. What else ya got to do besides pick a weyr?" She flashes a curious glance at him between the last line and the next.

B'kaiv /ohs/ at 'still slow' and leans back, removing pressure literally and figuratively. "Sorry. Just thought as...," but doesn't continue, letting another flick of his fingers finish for him before shifting to a tally-system. "Uh... well, got t' get th' weyr, like you said. Get doors up, 'cause it'd be nice t' have a room for cards. Got t' have a locking cabinet, for th' booze, 'cause I ain't hauling it back and forth all th' time. Tables and chairs," those are just four, not four-and-five, "and sort of a bar." That's five, and he drops his arm beside its brother. "I ain't gonna serve nothing fancy or nothing. Beer, whiskey, that sort of thing." So no umbrellas in the glasses?

Vanissa gets to that last hold, writes 'clear' by that one too and then notes the return time, signs her name and sets the pen down. She hmms at his list of things, "That's a lot of... stuff. Do you have to pay for it all first?" Beer and whiskey. She doesn't seem surprised, "Keeping it simple, hey?" She busies herself re-stoppering that ink bottle. There's a faint squeak as it goes in. "Might need a cash box too, Kai."

"Shells, yeah," he has to pay for it up front. "Can get some of it outta stores, but th' booze?" The younger greenrider shakes his head morosely. "Got some marks put away; run th' numbers, too. Figure it'll be open a couple nights a seven. 'Course, depends on how much th' new Wingleader wants us t' drill, too." /Cash box/! A snap of his fingers and he levels one across the table, with a nod of thanks. "Yeah. -That- I'm taking with me, 'course. Got it all wrote down, all I'm gonna need, back t' my weyr. Think cash box is on it, but I ain't sure. Thanks."

Vanissa purses her lips thoughtfully. "Jelly's got plenty of marks," or so it seems to Nissa, "maybe she'll go in with ya?" She raises a brow in silent question. Had he considered a partner? Though wouldn't -that- one be interesting? She turns to face him in her chair, looping one arm around the back of it. Much easier on the neck! "Sure thing!" There's a ready grin to his thanks, "Hope you have a place to lock -that- up in your weyr." Perhaps it's the raiders that have her distrustful.

B'kaiv thinks about it with narrow eyes; after a few long seconds he shakes his head. "Nah. Don't want no partner no more. I'll get th' marks myself. Maybe I ain't going off t' Bitra like your brother, but I do a'right in games. Pretty sure I got enough t' start on anyway." He rolls his neck from one side to the other to pop it and gives her a lightning-quick smile; shakes his head. "My marks'll be safe, don't worry. Ain't in it for th' marks, anyway. Just want a place t' sit and have a drink or two, play some cards. Leave th' Fountain for them as like th' snooty."

"I see." And maybe Nissa does for all that the thought of Jiella as barmaid and partner to B'kaiv amuses her. Easily, "Good luck to ya then." She props her chin on the hand she has wrapped over the back of her chair, eyeing him. "Do ya? Well, then. Chop-chop. I want a place to hang and not have to get all dressed up to do it." She grins, "T'rev taught me how to play, but it's been awhile." Not that she has any marks to lose to him, but.

Kai says, "Thanks," with a nod to the report, gets sidetracked by her 'orders'. "Yes ma'am, I will" No salute, though. "Tell them raiders t' stop, first." /Now/ the report, which he holds out a hand for. "Lemme go take that t' N'kan. Jasper's got a poker game going most nights - I can ask 'em, if you want in. Or," he rattles off a handful of other names, including K'to, M'lash, and G'dri, "you see one of them, you can ask 'em yourself. We don't play for no high stakes or nothing, just fun."

Vanissa laughs quietly at that 'yes ma'am' of his but she deflates at the mention of raiders. "Aw, you have to wait until they're mopped up first?" Her expression lowers. There's another reason to get those creeps! Oh the report! Yes, that's why they've been sitting in here, isn't it? She blinks down at it and then slides it over to him, nodding about the poker games. "'M'rusty, though, but sure! And thanks for taking that." She nods at the hide, then rises slowly, stretching. "S'pose I ought to see to Liath. She wants her straps off for her nap."

B'kaiv only levels a knowing look across the table before shoving back his chair and gathering up the hide, hands rolling it automatically. "They ain't gonna mind rusty. Me neither. Like I said, we don't play for big stakes." She gets another quick smile before he taps the tube to his forehead in semi-salute. "Yeah. Chielyth's getting a bath. Regards t' Liath, and I'll see you in drills if you ain't at th' game." With that he turns and heads off, cutting through the crowd to hunt down their blueriding 'second.

Phew. Thought she was gonna start telling me how to run my own place once she started in on that sharding ground weyr. And /cushions/? Shells, /Jiella/?? Shit. Might be nice, having her at a game once in a while. Gimme something to look at as ain't M'lash's face.

#wing-obsidian, $newplace, #poker, vanissa

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