Not a good day

Jan 07, 2010 17:44

It is an autumn afternoon, 16:20 of day 12, month 9, turn 21 of Interval 10.

Southern Bowl, Fort Weyr
There is a little more grass in this section of the bowl than at the center, though this can be attributed to the lake that's not too far off and not to any improvement to the sandy soil. More weyrs can be seen high along the mountain walls to either side, though there are none in the massive earthworks that spill down the southernmost section of the volcanically created valley.

The sandy lake shore is further to the southwest, creating a vast half-crescent that contains the blue-green waters of the lake proper. More to the west would be the feeding grounds that contain the animals designated for being consumed by both dragons and humans alike. Off toward the distant northeast would be the weyrling barracks, the Weyrleader's complex, the hatching complex, living cavern, and infirmary.

Obvious exits:
Northern Bowl Weyrling Barracks Lakeshore Hot Springs Guest Weyr Infirmary Feeding Grounds

The morning's thunderstorm settled down to a steady rain for the afternoon; enough to dampen spirits but not keep Obsidian from drilling. When they return most split off to their weyrs or the hot springs, but a few have other goals in mind. One is Chielyth, who drops down into very nearly the center of the bowl and folds her wings neatly, ignoring the man on her back. /He/ sighs and doesn't hurry to unstrap - he's already soaked through, after all - but once he's down he leans into her leg in some sort of silent communion.

He's not the only one to be stuck out in the rain, it seems. One darkhaired weyrling's moving through the bowl with a rather amused green dragon following up at her side. Where she seems to be going might be up for debate, but it's the green that spies Cheilyth. Jheilinth being, well, Jheilinth casts out a cheerful greeting. << Hallo! Much better weather than earlier, isn't it? >> Talking about the weather? Really? Yes, really. Dashaya glances over her shoulder and pauses, moving in closer to her green to spare her from the whole rain-soakedness. "Kai? That you?"

Chielyth continues to ignore Kai, but she's not moving away from him, so perhaps that counts as some sort of win. << Hi Jheilinth! >> says the eternally-sunny green, << It's been raining alllll day. Kai says earlier it was stormy! >> Which is kind of exciting, with grey-black poofy clouds and zig-zags of yellow-blue Kapow!ing everywhere. "Hey," says the man who may or may not be Kai as he shrugs deeper into his jacket, runs a hand over his face like that will keep his face dry for longer than a second. "Rotten day for flying, ain't it."

All smooth curves and neatly compact frame, this bold young green moves with a fluid grace that makes each step seem deliberate and thought through. Large eyes rimmed with peridot lend her an air of innocence, her ridges like ripples, deceptively soft with their hints of sea foam. Beginning at the tip of her nose, a splash of rich aquamarine slips down across her jaw, twirls down her elegant neck and washes across both flanks, where it filters through moss and bright vale on its journey to the very end of her tail. Slim shoulders promise delicate wings, her wingsails brushed with the shimmer of sunlight shining through rushing water. Well turned-out, subtly sturdy limbs are wrapped in faint fern patterns that grow bolder and more distinct as they lead to granite claws, and lack sharp joints or angles save at the very tip.

At 0 turns, 7 months, 26 days old, Jheilinth is 16 feet, 6 inches long with a wingspan of 28 feet, 11 inches, standing 11 feet, 1 inch tall at the shoulder.

Dashaya squints at the rider up there from her short stature, but a confirming mental note from Jheilinth makes her cant her head slightly at the sopping wet man. << It's ever so lovely! >> Jheilinth finally seems to take pity upon her rider, who starts to shiver about now, and extends a wing over the girl's head, as if it will help stave off the rain. It does, somewhat, but it can't undo the damage done. "You have no idea, Kai. Jheilinth wants to go soaring, but she's been pouting at me for hours, when she remembers I won't let her." And she must have forgotten, with her cheerful disposition at the moment. "What've you been up to instead of flying?"

B'kaiv glances back and up at Chielyth, but when no corresponding wing sweeps over /him/ he sighs again and hunches his shoulders uselessly against the rain. "Drills. D'kai thought as it'd be good t' get in some bad weather flying, long as it weren't too much for," his thumb jerks backward, at his green. "I were trying t' get her t' go t' th' hot springs, but she don't want to. << I like rain, >> the older green agrees, still ostensibly watching the ledges but keeping one impish eye on Jheilinth. << It's wet! >>

Gruuump. Jheilinth doesn't seem to be in the habit of offering to anyone else, but an elbow from her rider has the cheery green streeeeetching out the other of her wings in one of those 'adore me!.. oh, and here, have a wing canopy' geatures. Dashaya wrinkles up her nose slightly. "That has to be some of the most miserable flying that I've ever heard - outside of Thread, from what I've been told of it. Well, the water in the hot springs is wet, too. Try that logic?"

He may glance again at Chielyth, but Kai's not about to spurn even the slight comfort the younger green offers; stepping forward into the shelter, he tilts one of his crooked smiles up at her. "Thanks." To her rider, "Nah, ain't that. She's mad at me." He swipes a hand over his face again, and he and Chielyth exhale in stereo. "How you been, though? Got your own weyr, hey? You like it?"

"What's her beef with you this time?" Dashaya quirks a brow up a little higher this time at him and the green beyond him. Jheilinth makes no response to the thanks, though she does lower her head and peer at the man, and back to Chielyth. << I like it. She doesn't so much, though. Such a spoilsport. >> "We've been good. Yeah, we got one. S'got a big brick wall in the back of it - it's kinda weird to see in the middle of all that stone, but it's growing on me, sorta."

B'kaiv looks over at 'this time', but Jheilinth's investigation proves enough of a distraction that he doesn't answer, only offers the green another, "Hey," and his open palms. << Why not? If it weren't raining, we could go flying! I like going flying. Ooh! We could go with Mohraith and Khazioth!! >> Nevermind that the males aren't here, and even if they were, they wouldn't want to go flying either. Kai looks at his girl again and tries to force his wince into the shape of a tight smile before turning back to Dashaya. "Rho," he mutters, then louder, "Bet you got Rho's old weyr. She were gonna do something with that wall, don't remember what."

<< She's a wet blanket. Always trying to spoil my fun. >> Jheilinth is blithe in saying this about her rider, nevermind the fact that she is sanding right there. << They're off doing something else, I think. But I'll go! >> She's not hopping in her place, surely. "Rho? Rho who?" There's a spark of interest in her eyes this time as she regards the greenrider. "Whatever happened to her then?"

Silly riders! Chielyth doesn't /say/ it, but it's easy enough to deduce from her twinkling eyes and the quickly-drawn, five-color rainbow she sends over. << It's raining, >> she reminds the other, casting a look up at the lowering clouds. << Later. We'll go later. Ask Khameth, too - he's lots of fun! >> Her rider winces again, his eyes narrowing even as his lower face settles into a mask. "Rhodya. Gedroth's. Impressed with Chielyth an' me." He adds after a beat, "Moved t' Southern," and looks at Chielyth like that will close the subject.

Jheilinth flashes a joyous chorus of festival revelry, feet stamping the ground around in dancing circles and circles, one way and then the other. << Oh! Khameth is loads of fun! I'll corner him when I see him! >> Dashaya glances toward the pair of amusing greens but turns back to Kai, eyeing him closely as he effectively closes the subject. "Oh. Well." She doesn't seem to have an intention for that start of words, but she covers with a nod. "A loss to the Weyr."

"Yeah," Kai agrees, exceptionally monosyllabic even for his usual. A few seconds pass before he rouses from his funk, offers over another wan smile. "Look, I. I'm gonna get going. I'll see you two around. Maybe some time we can all go flying. Thanks," he adds again for the loan of Jheilinth's wing, lifts a hand in farewell before huddling back into his jacket for the trudge across the bowl. Chielyth watches him with some interest, but neither follows nor calls after, letting her rider make the walk on his own.


...Oughta go down there, see how they is, sometime. Maybe. Chielyth'd like that. Maybe it'd help.

dashaya, $rhodya, #wing-obsidian, chielyth, jheilinth, ^brawling

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