(no subject)

Jan 03, 2010 14:38

Late morning, day 28, month 8, turn 21 of the 10th interval

Stores, Fort Weyr

Just off of the living cavern is a short tunnel that leads to the cavern complex of the stores, which consists of several caves of various sizes. Stairs lead further down to the darker, cooler caves which house root vegetables, dried herbs, cooking supplies, and row upon row of meat hung up on hooks. The upper level is devoted to everything else, with one cavern devoted entirely to clothing -- much of which might need mending to be useful -- and bedding, while another contains dragonriding supplies like straps, riding leathers, and oil. Other things that can be found here would be furniture, toys, basic supplies for crafters and anything else that folks in the Weyr might need to do.

Everything is neatly organized to the point of anal-retentiveness, ensuring that anyone can find what they're looking for as quickly as possible. Stores workers are usually on hand for those who don't know where to find what they're looking for.

Late morning at the Weyr oddly enough finds the Weyrleader ... lurking around in Stores. Why? Who knows. T'rev is at least making a pretense of looking for 'something' on the shelves, but there's a certain restless tension in his frame and he doesn't linger long near any one thing or area where things are kept. He's not humming or singing like he often is and he can't seem to settle on one way or another to hold his hands. They shift around from behind his back to his pockets to fidgeting with storage containers, running through his hair, tugging at an earlobe.

With no Chielyth awake yet, a rest day morning finds Kai in the storerooms as well, a large box on one shoulder that he's moving from point A to point B. Point B is close enough to the Weyrleader that he goes past, stops, and comes back to frown at the older man. After a second or two of just watching he wonders, "You waiting for somebody?"

Jittering fingers pause, put down the little glass object that they just picked up and T'rev looks up at Kai for a moment, expression unreadable. "Yes," he says then shakes his head. "No." Pause. "I dunno." He jerks his chin towards Kai's box. "Need help with that? Or others like it?"

B'kaiv continues to stare at T'rev like he's wearing a dress and just announced he's MasterHealer of Pern, really, while the box continues to wait patiently on his shoulder. "You dunno," he repeats, just in case he misheard, shakes his head for the offer. "Nah, I got it. So what's wrong with you?"

Kai doesn't need help so T'rev's hands jam into his pockets again and he puffs out a breath. "Jaeyi's leaving today." Which could explain why the Weyrleader seems like a cat who's slipped out of its skin. "I ah -- I need to talk to you." Beat. "At some point. About that letter. Speakin' of Jaeyi."

The greenrider's expression flickers - just a flicker - before resuming its attempt at neutrality. Too neutral, really, which gives away almost as much as not bothering. "I ain't read it," says he, stiffly. "An' if she said I did, she's a sharding liar. Had a seal on it, an' Hattie seen it were still there when I gave it t' her."

Disbelief paints T'rev's face visibly and his hand lifts to his forehead. "For fuck's sake Kai, why do you jump to that kinda conclusion?" His head shakes and the heel of his hand presses harder where it rests. "She said /thank you/ and that she's sorry she didn't come see you," the Weyrleader continues in a low voice, some measure of vehemence in his words. "I need to talk to you about what was /in/ it, before you go to fucking Peyton." His voice stays low, so that even if there's anyone an aisle over it would just register as a jumble of words rather than something audible.

B'kaiv shifts the box on his shoulder, free hand swinging up to help keep it balanced. Of all the things he could say, after a handful of seconds the only one he does is a flat, "Yes sir," which isn't likely to pique attention either from the tone or the words themselves. Shutters, that's what Kai's wearing, dark and surly, and not bothering to hide it.

Late morning in stores, down an aisle, B'kaiv stands with a box perched on his shoulder and T'rev with one hand pressed to his forehead. There's ... something about the way they're standing that indicates tension and surliness though their voices aren't pitched loudly enough to be overheard. "I'll be in the Council Room late this afternoon. If you don't have sweeps, come by then, otherwise this evening's wide open." There's a bitter undercurrent to his tone, but he takes a deep breath and drops his hand away from his face, pushes it back into his pocket. "At any rate, thanks for bringin' it to Hattie. It was ... important," the Weyrleader says quietly and looks to meet Kai's gaze for a moment.

"Got a rest day," B'kaiv answers, which might mean he'll be there this afternoon, but if he's got a rest day, why is he lugging boxes in the storerooms? His shoulder shifts underneath the box again as he watches the Weyrleader, eyes remaining wary. "I looked for her since I got it. Ain't never found her. You dunno how many times I were just gonna chuck it in th' nearest fire. Figured as she'd have a better chance finding her'n I would."

Late morning must have a weyrling on lunch or some sort of break as a tall curvy brownrider in short sleeves and shorter shorts makes an appearance in stores, accompanied by a younger, darker, more appropriately dressed healer apprentice. Jiella isn't an old hand at the system of the caverns and shelves - like she wears anything second-hand, please - so it might not be a total surprise that she's drafted a certain relative into the trip with her. At least it's either doubling as (or in the guise of) a social visit; the blonde seems in a decent enough mood for all that she's currently sort of bitching to Fiorella as the pair walk along, their path to pass the greenrider and Weyrleader's aisle soon enough. "So, I don't have any of my actual stuff right now, and it's going to be awhile before I can get it. I thought I could wait, but apparently not for /all/ of it." Her expression shading darker, nearly pouting, "I'd rather have my things." Contrast.

Fiorella rolls her eyes, careful to keep it relatively hidden from the weyrling least she have some commentary on that as well. "Its not like you don't have ANYthing to wear Jiella. You can always get something from the stores if you need it. Besides, couldn't you just go get it yourself?" the healer inquires, turning a glance towards the brownrider.

"Glad you didn't," T'rev tells Kai, still in an undertone, eyes widening just a little. "But ... I'll tell you about that later," the Weyrleader notes as Ella and Jiella's voices echo down the aisles. He makes a visible effort in fact to pull himself together and where Kai might have surly shutters going on across his face, T'rev's settles into a neutrally pleasant mask. "Fashion emergency?" he inquires of the blonde, brows lifting and he does smile though it's not the easy, ready thing that his smiles usually are.

Kai shrugs instead of saying anything else and, as the female voices approach, swings the box from his shoulder and settles it into the crook of one arm instead. "Hey," he greets the two with a nod for first Ella, then Jiella. "That's uh," he tells the weyrling's long brown legs, "How's Orisoth?"

"No - my mother sends /clothes/. And yes, I could get those. Not like they weigh much. I mean my /things/, like chairs and furniture and... I don't know. Decor." Jiella is very likely the only weyrling all that concerned with her design scheme as to refer to it as 'decor'. "He can't carry anything right now," she explains to Ella, with a surprising lack of resentment for it. As the pair pass the aisle of tension, the blonde glances down it, steps slowing to a stop; though neutrality and thin smiles aren't commented on, she does arch light brows at T'rev before dismissively, "Oh, no. I don't wear things from here." Like, please. The brownrider /does/ have a rather nice tan, and flashes B'kaiv a wide grin for noticing it, or long legs. Either's good. "Hey. He's not too bad. Lying out on the ledge right now. Chielyth? Mecaith? You both?"

"Oh," Fiorella's simple reply follows as the definition of 'things' suddenly becomes clearer. "Well you could still always ask someone else to help you get some of it..." she suggestes before her gaze is drawn by the greeting from Weyrleader and greenrider as she comes to a stop beside Jiella. A smile pulls to her lips in a silent greeting for the men, a shake of her head following for T'rev's question. "No, apparently it's a decor emergency," she replies, "Though," she continues with a look back to the blonde, "You can get 'things' here too. I happen to have a very nice clothes chest that someone found in the stores for me." So there.

"Oh, right, furniture," T'rev says somewhat distractedly, likely because even as preoccupied as he is, he's joining Kai in the Jiella's Legs Appreciation Society. But. Question. Answer: "Mecaith's on his ledge too, we've got a date for a bath and oiling after lunch," he comments mostly neutrally though with a touch of the fondness that most riders use when speaking of their dragons. "Y'sure you don't want help with haulin', Jiella?" he inquires next, brows wrinkling a little. Apparently, this has been a subject of discussion before. "And Ella's right, I gussied up a chair for Nissa out of Stores."

Furniture, right. "She's sleeping," Kai says, distracted, and somehow manages to yank his eyes up from Jiella's legs and up to her face. "I can carry stuff." Case in point: the fairly large box he's holding right now. "If you find any decor you want or nothing." From the unfamiliar way he pronounces those two syllables, the greenrider wouldn't know decor if it bit him in the ankle, much less how to spell it. He glances over at Ella again, just for a second, before his eyes drift back to silent contemplation of the brownrider's gams.

Perhaps surprisingly reluctant to ask for help in this case, Jiella notes to both Ella and T'rev, "Thank you, seriously - I just don't like to make people deal with my family. And I will definitely have to do some dealing with my sisters. Harpies." Grimacing for the very idea, she is likewise somewhat negative about the prospects in stores. "But there's finding and fixing up. I don't know. I'll think about it." For Kai's offer, she has a little nod - thanks for the example - and a slight smile. She's sort of used to the staring. "I've got the lifting and carrying sorted, but it's always good to know people that can. Thanks." A pause before, "What are you both doing here?"

Fiorella manages to keep a giggle in check though a grin does find its way to her lips. "Sisters.." she echoes the word quietly, knowingly. She does, after all, have her own sisters and has even had the 'pleasure(?)' of a run in or three with some of Jiella's. "Just because its in the stores doesn't mean you have to fix anything up, just takes some looking sometimes." That said the weyrling's question has her nodding in agreement with it. "What are you doing here?" Not exactly the place she'd expected to run into them after all.

"Well, y'know, someone has t'deal with them sometime," T'rev remarks, both cryptically and wryly and gestures around the storage cavern. "Never know what you might find as only needs a little sprucin'," the Weyrleader notes further, a certain gentleness infusing his tone. Could be kind of nudging at Jiella's assumptions slightly. The question asked though, brings up T'rev's poker face which isn't in very good shape today. "Just ... pokin' around. You know, keepin' an eye out. For finds." Uh huh. Right.

B'kaiv has nothing to say about sisters, whether T'rev's or either of the Ellas'; he just continues to stand there looking uncomfortable and shifts his weight from one foot to the other. "Yeah," he seconds the Weyrleader, jerking his eyes off Jiella's legs again and placing them firmly on a shelf well out of danger, "Helping 'em move some stuff is all. Prob'ly should get back t' it, an' all."

Jiella is a little skeptical of Ella's claims, but doesn't argue, just giving a little shrug before tucking loose blonde strands back behind her ears. The weyrling really doesn't react to T'rev's first comment - maybe notably so - but his tone afterward has her looking over his way with a purse of full lips. Is it learning time again already? Yay. That fades in the wake of the Weyrleader's poor excuses; with light brows raised, "Okay." Sure. As for Kai, narrow eyes shifting to the box, "What stuff?" Because why leave well enough alone?

Fiorella nods her agreement with T'rev. Sprucing up is not the same as fixing up. But then she's narrowing her gaze at him for that ill-formed poker face. He's better that that, usually, and she knows those looks all to well. The downfalls of him being her teacher in that area. She stays silent on that front for now however. "Either way, I'm sure you'll find something suitable Jiella," she continues to the weyrling after a moment. A secondary pause follows before the girl continues. "Stuff?" So clear about things they are.

For those looks, T'rev just offers a faint smile and studiously inspects a glass jar on the shelf, fingers nudging it this way and that. Stuff. "I should probably stop pokin' around," the Weyrleader concedes even as he ostensibly continues to do so. "Unless y'know, you'd like to actually go take a look at the furniture? I'm pretty good at fixin' up broken seats and th'like," T'rev offers. Doesn't the Weyrleader have ... better and more important things to do than this?

B'kaiv shrugs again, looks down at the box in his arms like he's just noticed it there. "Dunno," he answers the stereo query of 'stuff?'. "They just said as t' take this one over t' th' shoes. Could look in it, I guess. Might be some boots, or something." And as this idea is quite easily the most interesting he's come across in a while, the greenrider promptly sets the box down and lifts its lid to reveal... shoes. /And/ boots. In all shades and sizes.

"Suitable," Jiella repeats after Fiorella with a wrinkle of her nose - does her highness deserve merely /suitable/? No. Watching T'rev and his glass jar, pretty brow furrowed, she's not going to question his loitering any further, even if he usually /does/ have better things to do - perhaps she's got a few blanks filled in. "Well, if you're not busy, I guess it doesn't hurt to look. Since I'm here." And since it looks like he's looking for distraction maybe? With a glance for the box of shoes, she asks Kai, a bit mystified, "Do you usually just-- haul things around here?"

Fiorella giggles, "Yes, suitable. You know, until you get your 'things'." That infamous missing decor. Of course it could just be that Fiorella has spend far too much time at the wyer and simply doesn't get it quite as well as she should. Maybe Jiella needs to give her some lessons? "I can help too," she offers, "I have the rest of the day pretty free." Then there's a box being opened however and she's far to curious not to have look. "Some of them look like they're in really good shape yet too."

Fidgeting still, T'rev blinks, looks down at the box. "Shoes and boots," he says unnecessarily and his hand drops away from the shelf, slides into his pocket. "Furniture's over that way," he notes still looking down at that box. "Guess we're still getting some good supplies in," T'rev murmurs and makes an effort to stand up straight, looks around, likely ready to head off in whatever direction is next.

B'kaiv looks blankly up at Jiella with a dainty burgundy pair of granny boots with cutwork uppers still in one hand. "Got a rest day," says he, as though the connection should be obvious: if rest day, then haul boxes around stores. "Gonna go look at some of th' empty weyrs, later," he adds, with a glance over at T'rev. "In th' afternoon, maybe, or." A thought strikes him dumb, and he goes silent to think on it from several angles. "--Th' weyrlings is on elevator duty, yeah?" he asks of everyone and no one. "Could get one of them t' take me."

With a heavy sigh, "Look, Ella - suitable is like acceptable. You don't want that. You want /exceptional/." Jiella seems amazed that she has to go over this - these are basics, people - shaking her head a touch as she glances back T'rev's way. Narrow eyes narrowing further, she ditches her no-comment policy in favour of, "Are you totally all right? Sure you wouldn't rather go for a drink or something?" Booze solves all problems, yes? Her gaze shifting between B'kaiv and his boots, "Empty weyrs for?" There's a pause, and full lips pursing, she can't stop herself from noting to herself quietly, warily, "Depends which weyrling."

Slanting a look Jiella's way, T'rev shakes his head. "Too early for drinkin'," he notes mildly then takes a breath. "Want to get those boxes situated Kai and then we can go take a peek at empty weyrs? Should probably get that all movin' along and all," the Weyrleader adds casually enough.

"But I don't need exceptional," Fiorella protests, looking up from the shoes in Kai's box. "Not everyday anyway. Acceptable is just fine most days." Yep, Jiella just might have some work to do with this one if she's up for it. T'rev's brainwashing and all that. "But if you're all going to go look at weyrs I'm sure I can go find something else to do..." A glance for T'rev for his answer to the boozing question, and his answer seems to work though he might catch a glimpse of a 'we'll talk later' sort of look from his foster.

B'kaiv's face screws up at the difference between suitable and exceptional but he doesn't belabor the point. Not he, dressed in clothes of exceptional suitability for lugging boxes around the stores. "Wanna open a bar," he explains to the weyrling, tossing the boots back into their hold. And, "Don't matter what weyrling, just whoever's on duty t'day." A twist of regret for that - Jiella's here, and therefore not out in the bowl awaiting someone's elevatoring pleasure. His eyes slant over to T'rev and linger there; after a second he nods and drops the lid back on with a wooden thunk. "Sure. 'F you don't mind, sir. Should get this away an' tell 'em as I can't help no more."

People carrying boxes around for fun. Too early for drinking. Everything seems designed to confuse Jiella today - and the general vagueness of the whole conversation doesn't help much. And she noticed T'rev only answered the second question and not the first, for the record. Fiorella just gets a bemused glance for her protests, and the blonde shakes her head a little, sadly. Kids today. B'kaiv's explanation is valid enough that the brownrider doesn't question it, just nodding once. "Got it." Her next is a quieter murmur, something along the lines of 'hopefully someone you won't want to punch'. Brighter after, "Well - leave you to it, sirs. I should probably go grab lunch anyway before I go to... do whatever I'm doing this afternoon. Something." It'll come back to her. "Thanks for the help, Ella."

Fiorella blinks towards B'kaiv. Open a bar? the question that's clear in that raise of a brow though she doesn't go so far to ask it just now. "Welcome," she chirps plesantly when Jiella offers her thanks, a smile coming around to the weyrling. "If you need anything you know where to find me." Back to the guys, "Think I could look too?"

"Nope, don't mind," T'rev says and gives Ella a big old 'whaaat?' kind of look with eyebrows and everything. "And uh -- sometimes a mix of suitable and exceptional might work. Could be y'know, all that's available," he kind of trips over those words. Definitely up to his usual par. T'rev's head is shaking though in answer to Ella's request. "Not this time, Ella," the Weyrleader says lightly and pushes away from the shelving. "Meet you out in the Bowl, Kai," he says simply to the greenrider, nods Jiella's way. "Good luck with the ah -- decor." Then he's heading on down the aisle with both hands shoved into his pockets and shoulders a little hunched.

B'kaiv gets the box up to his shoulder before he remembers, "You two didn't wanna look through it, did you?" Two, not three; he tosses a salute after T'rev and follows it up with a thoughtful stare for one beat, two, three. "Shells," is what he eventually decides and turns back to the ladies with a rueful flicker of a smile. "More fun looking for 'em, ain' it. They'll be over with th' shoes. Don't do t' keep th' Weyrleader waiting." This time his nod goes from weyrling to healer, blithely overlooking the fact that Jiella would rather gain weight than wear someone else's castoffs, and with that, he heads off for another section of the storerooms like the box on his shoulder weighs nothing at all.

Fiorella nods, a touch put out that she's not being allowed to accompany them on the search of empty weyrs, but she'll live. "Maybe next time then," she agrees easily enough. "I'll see you later then Kai," she calls after the greenrider as he goes to put the box away. "You two have fun, I have some studying to do anyway. Maybe dinner though?" she inquires of T'rev hopefully.

Either out of earshot or just that preoccupied, T'rev doesn't hear Ella's last question, rounding the corner without looking back. The sound of the door opening and closing indicates the Weyrleader's actual departure from Stores.

Don't say nothing about Jaeyi. He's just sore she's off whoring for someone else. Just go listen to what he's got to say, and don't even go there. Peyton, that's all we're thinking on: Peyton.

fiorella, $hattie, t'rev, #wing-obsidian, jiella, $jaeyi

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