Only a few

Dec 09, 2009 22:31

Afternoon, day 9, month 6, turn 21 of the 10th interval

Hills, Peyton Area
Rolling foothills, thickly wooded stretch out for miles from the western side of the Western Range that marches like a tall spine down the middle of the Fort-Boll peninsula. The wind can blow strongly up on top where there are no trees and the view is both stark to one side and lush to the other, with the tangle of dense undergrowth difficult to penetrate.

Earlier in the day there was thunder and rain and the worst of the weather kept some riders grounded from sweeps due to a high danger of lightning strikes. Now though the storms have cleared out off over the sea, though their lowering clouds can still be seen far off in the distance, darkening the waves. Up at the peak of a hill, T'rev's asked B'kaiv and Chielyth to meet him and Mecaith. The Weyrleader's arms folded across his chest and his gaze marking the progress of the storm speculatively but also dropping to the tangled scrub of the landscape, dense and nearly impenetrable.

A little bit of rain's never kept Chielyth from flying, but high winds and lightning? Yeah, that kept them at home. Now, however, the little green pops in high overhead to chase the winds to the ground, looking rather like a storm-tossed leaf herself. She greets the bronze with a bright carol and an offer to go flying - yay! - while Kai makes short work of slipping to the ground and heading over to meet the older man. "Hey, sir. When you said as you wanted t' meet, didn't think it were gonna be here." Or anywhere outside the Weyr, really.

Lifting his chin from contemplation of clouds, T'rev nods just once. "Hey Kai," he answers simply while Mecaith streeeetches out then politely acquiesces. << Certainly, we may stretch out our wings. Shall we head down towards the sea and lounge the coast, or explore the mountainsides? >> The weyrlader's posture shifts, hands finding pockets and he looks off towards the distant shape of Peyton Hold itself, tucked up into the hills above the gleaming ribbon of the river. "So. What do you think about goin' local around here?"

Dancing from foot to foot, Chielyth considers first the coast (blue Ws on one side, yellow dots on the other) and then the mountains (M after M after upside down V). << Mountains! >> she decides gleefully and is up and gone, circling high above to wait for Mecaith. So much for being tired. Her rider squints at the bronze's, one eye almost closing, before turning to look at the same view. "--Sure," he decides easily, after only a few seconds. "I were wondering if you was gonna ask. When d'you want me t' go?"

Mecaith waits patiently on Chielyth's decision then launches into the sky at a much more sedate pace than the green, tacking after her like a great ship after a fleet little skiff. The corner of T'rev's mouth turns upward wryly and his shoulders roll. "Haven't asked properly yet, more askin' your opinion on it. But. Yeah. Need to figure out where the hell these shardin' raiders're comin' from," the weyrleader says with disgust. "There'd be you and S'vor's son Selvrin and maybe one bluerider," he enumerates, ticking off on his fingers. "Just so you're not surprised if you bump into each other." Breath. "Only thing is though Kai, she ain't risen yet," head tilted after Mecaith.

"Well, soon as you ask, you know what my answer's gonna be. Thought maybe as you'd turned yellow, not going after 'em or nothing." Diplomacy and tact, never B'kaiv's strong suit. He glances sideways, attention caught by the others. "Dunno Selvrin. Know S'vor, though. So I ain't going int' this one alone. A'right." A firm nod and he turns back, eyes sweeping the landscape. There's a breath of his own, and another. A pause. "Yeah. I know. Figure as we do th' same as we done last time. Gonna have me grounded again?"

T'rev snorts softly. "As if. Just been thinkin' through how best to go about it. It's been frustratin' how they just slip away all the time," the weyrleader says making a gesture like fish slipping into waves. "Not strictly speakin' alone, no. Settin' down folks in different spots to see what they find and who they can hook up with," T'rev explains then makes a face and scrubs his hands through his hair. "No. Not groundin' you this time. Sendin' you away to study wing formations at Monaco."

B'kaiv says, "Maybe they got help," which isn't a cheerful thought, but he puts it out there all the same. As Chielyth whees! off into the mountains, first ahead of, then behind, and then beside the bronze, her rider scowls at the landscape like it's its fault. "Monaco. Huh. An' where's -she- going?" with a jerk of his head over one shoulder. "Dunno as we're gonna be able t' do this ourselves, sir. Someone's got t' look after her if I can't."

"Yeah," T'rev answers bleakly. "Like Vinsley at Gar," he continues quietly and his hand is shuffling through his curls again, tousling them hopelessly. "Was thinking she could hole up and we could take it in shifts to come spend time with her, bring her meals," the weyrleader proposes. "Think that'd work?"

B'kaiv's eyes slide over to T'rev again, though he doesn't bring up either Isobel or At're. For a wonder. "Hole up," he says again, faintly disbelieving. "An'... what? Who's gonna make sure she takes baths? Take care of her itchy spots? Keep a eye out so as she don't eat some Holder's animals? Unless you got someone with her all th' time, sir..." Trailing off, in case that -is- what the Weyrleader has in mind. But otherwise? Not so much.

"Like I said, in shifts," T'rev answers mildly. "Like sweeps y'know. Only Chielyth sweeps, instead of flyin' over holds," the weyrleader continues. "But if that won't work ... dunno. Might have to let you deck me in public again," he says with a wry look over at the greenrider, amusement threading his words. "Though that might make folks wise to us." He considers for a moment or two. "Could also just make sure your permission for your bar is set up and then you can go lookin' for beer to sell with a friend."

As 'in shifts' does apparently mean 'someone with her at all times', Kai settles with a nod, though he still doesn't look all that pleased. "Could maybe send her t' another Weyr too, if you got some as could keep th' secret. Maybe Monaco, like you said. Or Southern. Don't got t' worry about it getting back t' them then." He only snorts at the idea of decking the Weyrleader, though one corner of his mouth curls up; looks over sharply at the subject of his bar. "Yeah? An' that 'friend' is th' one t' watch her? Could work maybe, only... well, still got t' clear it with D'kai. An' it'd have t' be some pretty sharding good beer if I ain't coming back at night. Think Monaco's th' better bet."

"D'kai won't be a problem," T'rev says lightly, "he's in the loop," the weyrleader continues and looks away out over the landscape again while Mecaith continues in his placid way, steady, though he's gaining speed slowly but surely, building up to it and then though he's so much bigger, sliding into some well-planned maneuvers along mountainsides. "Mm. Could maybe make it a group thing too. So there'd be folks to keep tabs on her. Actually, are there any non-riders that she's particularly fond of?"

The greenrider studies T'rev's profile for a few seconds before grunting and turning to keep his own eye on the trees and hillside. "Nah. There is, but... well, shells, you know her. She's friends with everybody. Makes more sense t' ask if there's anybody as likes me who'd be willing t' go along with it. But how come somebody as ain't a rider? She ain't gonna talk t' them."

"To go along with to Monaco - extra hands to help out with the bathing and the itching and all that," T'rev points out. "Someone as doesn't have to keep up with his or her own dragon too." He rocks back on his heels and blows out a breath. "If you're game for it, we'll work somethin' out," he concludes. "As for the bar, you got permission, by the by. Just need to work out with the Weyrwoman about where to put it." The bronzerider is silent for a little while, still looking out at the landscape. "This might be tougher than the other time. Longer too. Though at the same time, because you won't have a set job at first, maybe, might make it easier to come back to Chielyth at times so she doesn't go stir-crazy."

B'kaiv says, "Ah," and then, "Huh," before nodding. "Yeah, I'm up for it. An' that's good t' know, about th' bar. I'll look at some of th' empty weyrs, see if I can find a couple as'd work before th' babies is getting them." He shoves his hands into pockets, most of his attention on the trees but shifting back to T'rev now and again. With interest: "Yeah? How long you thinking? Month? Couple months? Gonna be a whole parade of people this time - me, th' bluerider, Selvrin, couple others t' watch Chielyth an' th' blue. We all 'going t' Monaco'?" The air quotes are audible, even if he doesn't make them. "An' who all's gonna know?"

"Nah, Selvrin's goin' to be spendin' time with family out of the Weyr and that other rider's dragon, well, let's just say he's not the same kind of personality as Chielyth and is perfectly happy stayin' curled up with his weyrmate's dragon." T'rev stretches his arms back behind him. "For this one it's more of an 'as long as it takes' kind of thing, more free-form, I guess you could say," T'rev answers slowly.

The greenrider grunts again, nods again, and turns back to the view of Peyton - again. "A'right. You want me, I'm in. There's only a few as'll miss me. Don't even have t' go back t' Fort, maybe, if she goes proddy - won't be no good for me if she goes up, but I guess as she can rise on her lonesome over t' Monaco." Spoken with the utter casual disregard of a man who knows not of what he speaks. "Figure if we don't find nothing by fall, they're dug too deep t' find."

"Yeah, I do," T'rev answers quite seriously. The context of the conversation doesn't allow for double entendres and none is meant. "But Kai - no on missin' her first flight. Maybe after y'all have sorted out a thing or two, but no. Not the first one. She goes proddy, G'dri or I'll come for you. We'll arrange something like last time." He nods agreement about the last, then points down along the line of the hills while Mecaith asks Chielyth to show him a trick of the air she just did. T'rev's got a thing or two about the geography to talk about, likely places to check out including local taverns and whatnot. Then he pulls out flask and cards to while away some time while dragons continue to dart around up above until both can be drawn back for the ride home.

Until it's done, huh. Bet that ain't gonna be more'n a couple months. Probably she ain't gonna rise then. Could always ask Elaruth - wonder if them two've talked yet. Shells, she likes flying. Thinks Mecaith's lots of fun. Still glad he ain't gonna be there for her flight, whenever that is.

^flight-nerves, #wing-obsidian, chielyth, ^raiders, mecaith

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