Passing along word

Sep 20, 2009 13:31

It is an autumn morning, 11:02 of day 21, month 10, turn 20 of Interval 10.

To Elaruth, Chielyth, bored, bored, fidgety Chielyth, stretches out to her sister. << Ellllllaruuuuuth? >>

<< Chielyth. >> The response is immediate, bright and with the warmth of the sun that dawned some hours ago. Definitely a morning kind of dragon, Elaruth. << Where are you? >> (Elaruth to Chielyth)

To Elaruth, Chielyth, on the other hand, is dragging, even this close to noon. Knowing her, she probably only woke up recently. << Here! >> she answers, and flashes her picture of her weyr with its tiny ledge and green around the edges. << Elaruth, Kai says there are bad things here. >> What sort of bad things? Scribbly cow heads in brown circles, with their eyes X'd out and tongues sticking out.

To Chielyth, Elaruth must consider that ledge for a moment or two, but there's no way she's going to fit there, so instead she suggests, << Come and sit with me? >> before addressing anything further. Her ledge, in the sunshine for now, soon to be in shadow. Perhaps the images are a little confusing for her, since she asks, << What does he tell you, specifically? >> quietly and with a flutter of a cool breeze.

<< OK! >> the tiny green answers straight away, so promptly she must have been waiting for the invitation. Into the air she springs, and if she has to delay her arrival long enough to make a wheeee! circle of the bowl, will Elaruth blame her? << Kai says, >> she starts after she lands, and has to stop to think hard. << Kai says the marks. They are marks! Kai says the marks are bad where he is. >> Cue the cow-head with Xs and tongue again. << He says not all but some and they are bad. >> (Chielyth to Elaruth)

Uncurling from the neat oval she's tucked herself into, Elaruth lifts a wing as soon as the little green lands, like she'd hug her sister close. << The marks... >> The queen's marks are mark pieces, scattered across a tabletop. << These? >> To make sure. << They are not the right ones? They are wrong? Not real. >> (Elaruth to Chielyth)

To Elaruth, Chielyth shakes out her wings, folds them neatly, and prances over to cuddle under the offered wing. << Yup! >> Those are the right marks. Or the wrong ones. << Kai says Dasarth's has been sharding busy and he is tired of seeing the bad cow face marks. >>

That shadow-brushed wing drops down gently over Chielyth and the queen curves her head down to touch gold nose to green. << He has not told anyone there that he thinks they are bad? >> Elaruth questions. << He knows it to be Dasarth's? He has learned that from being there? >> (Elaruth to Chielyth)

To Elaruth, Chielyth streeeetches her nose up to meet her sister's. << Nope! >> she says cheerfully of has-he-told. << He just takes them because he is pretending to be stupid. He says he doesn't know if they know they are bad. And he says he knows they're Dasarth's because Dasarth is bad and mean ...and maybe you don't have to tell yours that. >> Abashed and hurried, her last admission. << Kai says what should he do? Should he say they are bad or not? >>

Harbor, Fort Seahold
The waters of the big bay between Fort and Ista swirl around multiple stone piers reaching out into the waves like so many fingers. Many ships are anchored here, varying in size from small river-barges on up through three-mast long-trekking schooners. The tang of salt is sharp in the air and the area is almost always busy with sailors tending to vessels, or shipments just coming in, day or night. The harbor itself takes the form of a shallow semi-circle in the Fortian coastline, the sea-wall lining the actual docks area providing separation between it and the cotholds that perch along the base of the main hold's cliff-face. Often, the hold's denizens walk along the wall on the nicer days and the intrepid make sport of climbing the palisades that stretch southward away from the harbor above a narrow sandy beach.

Obvious exits:

A big shipment has come in today from the south, sending the harbor into a frenzy of activity. Guards have been pulled, included that new guy, Kai, to stand around while the shipment is pulled off the boat by a swarm of dockhands. The activity is everywhere, bodies packed and whirling in the familiar dance of heaving crates down the gangplank to the docks and from there into the carts that will take it where it needs to go. Ecker is there with Kai, looking bored, standing with his arms folded across his barrel-sized chest, old hat at this whole business and knowing well enough to keep out of the way of the bustling dockhands.

New-guy-Kai hasn't even been here two sevens, and everyone's still trying to figure out where he fits in the pecking order. Strong? Check. Smart? No check. Good with his fists? Check check. At least he's willing to listen to those who rank him, which some of the other young guards aren't, which is maybe why he's here with Ecker, one hand on the hilt of his baton like he's reassuring himself of its presence or maybe reminding those dockhands that he has the thing. "Where's this'n come from?" he asks idly with a nod to the ship's flags. Not real bright, is new-guy-Kai.

To Chielyth, Elaruth makes a content little noise, not all that fussed about her sister's slip, quick to soothe rather than linger on what should or should not be said. << Dasarth's hurts mine, >> is as close as she gets to making comment on whether or not it is true. << He must be sure and there must be evidence before he can be accused. Emotion cannot factor in. >> Which just doesn't sound right at all, coming from her. She falls silent for a short while, faint, calming mist left where her voice was. Eventually, << He should not say they are bad. It might make things difficult for him. If possible, perhaps he can find out if they know they are bad? Listen to them, maybe when they are unaware. >>

Ecker glances aside at Kai and gives a noncommital grunt. "South?" A hand lifts lazily to scratch at the scruff growing on his chin. "Gar, mayhap." Ecker is about as bright as a burned out lightbulb on his best days, Kai fits right in with this crowd. "Watch yourself!" comes up a holler as a sailor with a big crate stumbles on the gangplank, nearly knocking a deckhand into the water when he tumbles onto the docks, dropping the crate. The sides split with the impact and the bright colors of textiles can be seen in the seams of the joint at one corner. Ecker leans away from Kai and spits in disgust. "Clumsy oaf, tha's the secun 'un he's dropped today."

To Elaruth, Chielyth wriggles happily at the forgiveness, snuggling close against her sister and stretching out just one foot past Elaruth's chest. Can she pretend she's longer than the gold, maybe sorta kinda? A little? She says no more of her brother, for Elaruth surely knows how she feels about him. << He says okay! He says he will listen and see if they know and he is on the docks. >> Scent of salt and fish and sound of yelling and wood creaking and *boredom* and *lonely* and oh! << Elaruth, do you want to go flying? >>

Kai snickers appreciatively and settles his weight, turning dull eyes onto the crate and the deckhand who nearly got a bath. "Should go help 'em, maybe?" he suggests, giving a nod to the chaos down there. "You'd think it wouldn't be hard t' carry a box from one place t' th' other, hey?"

In addition to being dumb, Ecker is also appreciatively lazy. "Why? They ain't gunna thank ye for it. See? Already loadin' it." One beady black eye fixes on Kai and the big guard says, "I sees yer new, so'm gunna give yez advice. Don' stick yer neck out for none and yer na' gunna get cracked on the nob fer yer pains, hear?" Shifting his weight, Ecker removes his baton and begins twirling it idly between his meatish fingers. "S'a good thin' it looks t'be all fabric, yeah, I'd crack him myselv if he were droppin' kegs'a ale." The baton whacks the dirt at his feet for emphasis.

To Chielyth, Elaruth tucks her forearms in close, almost back on themselves, drawing her head up and back at the same time. Of course, this makes her taller, but just that bit more compact as far as length goes. Chielyth is longer than she, definitely. The gold too makes no further comment on their brother, content to focus on other things. << Please tell him thank you. Mine says she hopes he is well and to be careful. Or he will be for it when he gets home. ...I think she is joking. She worries. >> She noses gently towards the tiny green again, reassuring. << We can go if you like, >> she agrees.

Kai shrugs, as if it were no matter a'tall. "Yeah, but it's gotta be less borin' 'n standin' up here an' starin'." Which, reminded, he takes a second to glance over the crowd, then the other ships and the road. A real go-getter, that's new-guy-Kai. "Too bad they ain't haulin' girls. That'd be somethin' t' sit up an' take notice, huh? 'Course, there'd be lots more squawkin' if they /was/ girls, so maybe it's best that's somethin' as ain't gonna make no noise, hey?" Complete with cheeky grin at the older man.

Ecker guffaws and thrusts his elbow into Kai's ribs in a companionable way. "Ye got sack, kid, I'll give'er to ye." Shaking his head he says, "If'n they were shippin' girls out this way, ye could sign me up ter haul them right up ter my rooms!" This draws a new round of boisterous laughter, and while he may not be the smartest, he did get one thing right. There /does/ seem to be an awful lot of textile coming off that boat down there.

To Elaruth, Chielyth is longer, yay! << Kai says he will, >> she assures Elaruth gravely, though with an appreciative sparkle for the tease. << I like flying with you. --Oh! Kai says he is glad I am talking to you because he says there are boxes and one broke open and it is /pretty/ inside andhesaysitisfromthesouth! >> Dragons need not breathe to talk, but Chielyth stops for one anyway, her gaze automatically seeking out her Kai. << He says 'go slower' and 'use words' and I'm going to try. >> Elaruth will just have to forgive her flare of excitement. << Kai says it is -fabric- and he says the ship is from Weaver he thinks but maybe Gar and the man he is with ain't real bright. >>

Kai doesn't so much as 'oof' for the elbow, but continues to grin at Ecker, what with two witty guys here to be appreciated. "Awful lot of boxes," he notes, because it's either talk about what they're staring at or the weather, and really, the weather is boring. "Hope they ain't goin' nowhere from here. Ain't nothin' prettier'n a girl all fancied up. Just so long's her skirt's easy to lift." With another snort for his own joke.

Ecker shrugs his wide shoulders. "Who cares where they're headed? So long's m'Lord keeps payin' my tab, I could give a tunnelsnake's arse where he's shoving this swill." A contemptuous gesture is given to the thinning pile of crates being hauled up to the Hold. "Say what, kid, affer we're done here, we'll go downer the bar and get us some pretty girls with their skirts ready to turn up and sommat to wash 'em down with."

There's a flicker of an image - snow-capped mountains and valleys - at the thought of flying, then Elaruth focuses and indeed forgives excitement, patient. << There is a ship at Fort Sea from the Weaver Hall or Gar. With fabric, >> she repeats, likely sharing that with her rider at the same time. << Perhaps he can try and keep track of where the boxes go? >> she suggests. << Hattie asks if yours thinks the man is really not bright or just pretending. >> (Elaruth to Chielyth)

To Elaruth, Chielyth projects, << Nuh-huh! >> with another spark of sunlight. That's right! << Kai says /lots/. >> And he said 'words' too, but Elaruth will forgive her for sketching out box after box after box after box, won't she? << Kai says he asked but stupid doesn't care and he says he's stupid. >> Elaruth will also have to forgive her for a flash of a man's face with Xs and a tongue sticking out - funny! << Oh! Can we go fly to Kai? >>

"Just askin'," Kai says, and sucks on his teeth for a minute while he watches the unloading. "We'd be piss-poor guards if we was too busy thinkin' on them girls t' do our job." He doesn't gesture to the crates but nods instead, struck by a thought. "Say - th' Lord mind as we do a little... extra checking? Last place, you could get a few marks outta th' traders an' th' like, t' -not- search what they brung. Th' fancies didn't mind, so long as nobody complained."

Ecker grunts and gives Kai a less friendly look. "Yer an eager sunnuvabitch, ye know that?" Resigned her reholsters his baton and flicks his fingers. "C'mon then, pup, sooner as yez gotten this itch outter yer bum, sooner we can see about that ale."

To Chielyth, Elaruth is all about the detail, so Chielyth might have to forgive a mental sense of nosing towards the boxes, like she'd go rummaging through them were they to be right there on the ledge with them. << See if he can track a box or two later? See where they end up. She says if the man doesn't care, do not ask too much in-case he thinks it is odd. >> Still a suggestion, but quite firmly put forth, the queen nudges the view of the mountains her sister's way, offers over an alternative - meadows with blooms not yet caught by the change in season. << We cannot fly to him. He is working and you are being very helpful. We must go elsewhere. >>

Kai shrugs, unrepentant. "Th' more marks, th' more beer an' girls. Tell you what," he adds, casting a considering look between his partner and the crates. "I'll go down there, tell 'em as they got t' be searched, see how much they give t' keep me off. You get half'a whatever I get outta 'em. Deal?"

Ecker cheers up considerably at that and gives a nod. "Tha's some generosity there, Kai, appreciate it. I'll wait here, huh?" He settles his legs shoulder width apart and resumes that cross-armed stance again, looking like he could stand that way easily for hours if he had to.

Kai says, "Only fair - you're th' one as is doin' th' watchin' up here." And maybe Ecker's the one playing lookout for more of the Lord's men, but he doesn't say that part. The younger man smirks instead and oh-so-casually ambles down the docks toward that diminishing pile of crates, whistling as he draws near to announce his presence. "Afternoon, gen'lemen. Nice day, innit?" A few more pleasantries and the guard gets down to business: this crate, yes, this one right here, needs to be searched to make sure it matches the... what's it called? Yes, the shipping manifest, thank you very much.

To Elaruth, Chielyth obligingly springs the sides of all her boxes, so that bolts and bolts of brightly-colored fabric fairly leap out at the gold. << OK! He says he's going to try and look through one and maybe they'll pay him not to and maybe if they don't he can see where the boxes come from and it's a good idea to try and find the boxes later yay! >> She pouts a little at 'mountain' and pulls her leg back to nibble fiercely at her foot. << I don't -want- to. But Kai says listen to you and we will and oh! Can we go flying with others too? Maybe Mecaith and Khameth and Regilith and Naimath? >>

Ecker is oblivious to whatever part he's playing up here, thinking cheerfully to his belly and his loins as soon as Mr. Overacheiver down there gets his fill. The dockhands grumble a little but let Kai do whatever he wants. Inside the crate, things look pretty boring. The sort of things one would expect to see being shipped in from Boll and Gar area.

If Kai's disappointed that he got to search the crate instead of a bribe, he hides it well. He makes quick work of his inspection, not disrupting the packing too badly, before he steps back with a nod to let the other men seal it up again. Everything looks good, nice weather today, be sharding rotten to be out here in the rain, yeah? Ain't gonna be able to sail too much longer, sharding winter's coming on. Yup, you all have a nice afternoon too. It's maybe a quarter hour before he returns to Ecker's side with a silent headshake. No marks to split.

Reeds and marsh grasses rustle, quiet laughter for fabric and its leaping. << Yes, they are good things for him to do. You must let me know if he finds something, even when we are flying, alright? >> Elaruth dips her head down again to brush her muzzle against Chielyth's neck. << We will not have to stop, but you must say, please. >> She's quiet, possibly in communication with Hattie, before her voice fades in again. << Yes, they can come along too. Ask them? I must check on Hattie before we go. She wishes to see me before I leave. >> (Elaruth to Chielyth)

To Elaruth, Chielyth projects, << OK! >> and wriggles happily again. << I'll ask and we'll all go flying and you can go talk to Hattie, >> so easy to remember the name when it's just been said, << and I'll wait here for you? >>

To Chielyth, Elaruth agrees, << Yes, wait here. I will be back shortly. >> The pale queen carefully draws her wing back and shuffles over a step or two, so that when she drops from her ledge there's no chance of her clipping the little green. A flicker of sunlight over water and a blue-eyed look back precedes the promise, << And then we will all go flying. >> Once she's dropped down to the bowl, predictably her steps take her towards the caverns, to wait close to their entrance. She'll be back. Soon, soon.

Ecker sighs sadly. "Coulda told ye that'd happen." And when he scans his eyes down the ridge and over the river he starts cussing. "There's another one." He exhales in annoyance. "Never goin' to get outta here at this rate."

"Ain't gonna know unless you try," Kai says, unruffled, as he shrugs and falls back beside the older man. As for that swear he only smirks again. "Nah, just means we got another chance for some extra marks. You wanna go sit for a little bit, 'til that boat gets here, I ain't gonna tell nobody." He jerks his head toward a few trees at the side of the road, pats his baton and nods for the ships. "/They/ ain't gonna be causin' no trouble."

Ecker considers the trees with a hard squint. "S'pose yer right. Who's t'know if Ah take a mo', yeah?" Turning he ambles over to the little stand of trees and sets himself against one, leaning his head back to close his eyes, the picture of a lazy bum. Down below another ship pulls in, the direction of its sail says only that this ship, too, comes out of the South. It makes its way into the Harbor, carrying low in the water, as heavy as it is with goods. The wind changes and the flags stop their fitful flapping long enough to just glimpse the colors of Gar upon them before the ship adjusts again to come in smoothly at the dock, waiting to tie in as the first boat pulls up the gangplank and casts off.

Well, Kai would, but since he's the one who suggested it, he's unlikely to rat Ecker out. He grunts a little in surprise when this ship too is come from Gar, but with no one around to hear him, no one is going to call him on it either. Once Ecker's rejoined him and they've had another rousing conversation about how much better their job would be with more naked women, Kai ambles down to play customs officer with this lot. He returns with a grin and a quarter-mark from the Beastcraft (and who's to say if he got it from the ship's crew or not), and talk about how they'll spend their money makes the rest of their duty shift pass most pleasantly.

Shells, that's a lot coming in from Gar. Wonder if we oughta get somebody down at the other end, Gar or Weaver maybe. Possible they ain't really from Gar, but there ain't no way I can find that out. Wonder who's shipping all them things up here, and who's paying for it? Hope Hattie and the rest can figure it out.

Shells, I miss Chielyth. I'm glad she were awake. Didn't think she was gonna be. Maybe I can go off, next rest day, and she can meet me somewhere. Hope she's getting oiled proper.

#wing-flint, chielyth, ^fort sea, ecker, $dasarth, ^undercover, elaruth, ^counterfeit

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