Su's return

Jul 15, 2009 18:11

It is a spring afternoon, 12:16 of day 16, month 3, turn 20 of Interval 10.

Inner Caverns, Fort Weyr
The inner caverns are a winding system of relatively well-lit tunnels and tubes, both natural and manmade, all composed of dark granite. Every commonly used tunnel and passageway has niches carved at regular intervals to hold glows or oil lamps that are regularly tended by the Weyr's residents, with glow-changes being a common chore for the children.

At the heart of the warren, lies the commons cavern, a hub from which many other smaller caverns break off. The crafter's workrooms are short walk down a broad hallway from the commons. A tunnel halfway between the two leads to the bubble cavern that contains the hot springs, which can also be reached from the Bowl. A curving loop of passage connects the main tunnel with the one that winds up at the human infirmary and the dragon infirmary hub, beyond. The Leaking Cavern, Fort's drinking hole, is a bit more out of the way at the end of several passageways and a short flight of stairs. The best way to find the beer is to follow the trail of tipsy folks on their way home, or the sound of clinking glass and conversation. Relatively well marked with a bold arrow carved into the rock, a broad passageway dives nearly straight from the heart of the caverns and down to the unloading area and beyond to tunnel out of the Weyr.

Obvious exits:
Living Cavern Bowl Commons The Glass Fountain Hot Springs Infirmary Tunnel

As spring days go this one is fairly pleasant weatherwise. While still cool, it's clear for once and seems to have brought out the best in some people. Or at least it appears to have brought out the giggles in some people, because they can be heard even before the can be seen - laughter echoing all directions from the inner caverns. Clearly on the way to lunch Sulisah is walking with another couple of apprentices, taking quietly even if the accompanying laughter is far from quiet.

Kai hustles out of the living cavern, pockets stuffed full of meatrolls. He's a man on a mission - and that mission is Su. Giggles catch his attention first, but it's barely a second or two later before the weyrling's cutting through the crowd to intercept the trio, a quick flash of a smile for all three of them though his eyes are on the vintner. Drinking her in, one might say. His earth-shaking, world-changing pronouncement, shoved into the first available space? "You're back." Like he wasn't sure she would be, but that won't stop his delight.

Available spaces are hard to find when it comes to giggling apprentices, but somewhere on the way the one on the end notices Kai and nudges Sulisah. "Kai!" Without even a breath of an apology her friends are deserted so that she can throw herself at the poor greenling, aiming to wrap him up in two months worth of hugs all at once. "I missed youuuuu!"

B'kaiv? Is not going to protest the belated delivery of two months worth of hugs, even going so far as to swoop her off her feet and swing her a little, thus causing a traffic hazard. "Shells. Shells, I missed you too." Talking into her hair isn't nearly as fun as looking into eyes, though, so down she goes though he keeps a loose hold on one elbow. "How you been? You get my letter? You a journeyman yet?" Other apprentices? What other apprentices?

Sulisah ets out a squeak of happiness as she's lifted, giggling the whole way through the spin and taking every bit of advantage of the opportunity to cling. She isn't for letting now that she has him again, hands resting on his arms, "I'm good, I did, and not yet, in that order. Oh Kai I had absolutely the best time, except for the whole missing you bit that was pretty miserable." One hand drifts upwards, palm to cheek. "Real thing's definitely better than daydreams."

B'kaiv hasn't stopped smiling yet - his crooked, can't-believe-this version. "Well, you should. Be a journeyman. -Look," he adds, drawing them a little way out of traffic, "You ate yet? I just got outta lessons an' come t' find you. I told you Majawin's got me working on how t' pronounce things good, yeah?" His diction is a little better, come to think of it. Not quite so mush-mouthed. "I got meatrolls?"

Sulisah shakes her head, then nods immediately after. "Not eaten, we were just going. And you did say, sound like it's working too. Don't go getting all posh on me or I might have to think about lessons myself. And I've had enough of lessons to last me an age, though I need to tell you about Ceanna and the snakebites, because we spent that whole lesson making her drink water. You could smell it!" Meatrolls get a nod, though a fairly distracted on. "You've been okay haven't you? I heard about the thing with Win."

Kai snorts at the very idea of poshness before heading for one of the benches tucked into a niche. Private? No. Close by? Yes! "Some girl got bit an' th' healers wanted her t' drink water? Yeah, sounds like a story." He shoots her a sideways look. "I been all right. 'Cept for... you know. Ain't that bad, though. Three more sevens an' I'm outta th' barracks an' start doin' wing roation. Only I already know what wing I'm gonna be tapped for."

"No, no, snakebite's a drink." Sulisah explains on the way to the bench, settling down and leaning against him - punishment rules or no punishment rules. "She got really drunk the night before when we had a party, and wanted to dance with this guy only he was married and said no. But she threw up so we left and.. she was really bad the next day." Her head tilts a little so she can look at him properly, if awkwardly, "Three more sevens?" Just a hint of disappointment, covered somewhat by a cheery. "Which wing?"

B'kaiv ohs for the explanation and pauses in the sitting to relieve his pockets of at least some of their burden. Slightly squished meatroll, yum. Still, he offers first pick over to her once they're all cuddled and close. "Hangovers ain't no fun," he notes with the wisdom of age. "She's all right?" There's a resigned nod. "Yeah. Least it ain't three more months no more? It ain't that bad, though. Chielyth still don't like mornings, so I can let her sleep when I get t' harper lessons."

Sulisah nods, "She was fine the day after the hangover. Well, quiet and embarrassed, but I don't think Hugh was really all that bothered by her asking other than she was that drunk. He spoke to her a couple of days later, so it's all good." Meatroll is selected, though set to one side and not immediately munched. "Was worried when I heard about the thing with Win, half thought you would have got more time or something. I'm glad they've been nice though. Shame they didn't let you off with the rest early."

B'kaiv snorts again, this time around a mouthful of lunch. "He don't never know when t' shut up. You remember what he's like. Only I guess maybe this time it sunk in. He didn't say three words t' me when we was on duty t'gether, an' that suits me fine." A quick shrug and an equally quick sideways smile for her. "Guess th' Weyrlingmaster thought having t' be with him for a whole seven were punishment enough. /I/ weren't gonna say no t' that. /And/ he ain't gonna be in Flint, neither."

Sulisah nods, "I never really figured him for being so mean, but I guess I always try to find the best in people." She pauses, blinks, "You're going into T'rev's wing?" Apparently this is something worth celebrating, or at least something that pleases her. "That's wonderful! Now I can make him give you messages officially as well as just because he's a friend."

The greenrider's smile creeps a bit wider. "Yeah. Guess he likes Chielyth or somethin'. But he ain't my wingleader for three more months or so. Little less. So you got anything you want t' tell me, you got t' tell me yourself." He rocks into her with another shy grin for a shoulder bump. "So how come you ain't a journeyman yet? They still got t' sit around an' talk about it, or something?"

Sulisah laughs, contemplating something for a second but settling on just resting a hand on his thigh instead. "I've got plenty to tell you, you wouldn't believe all the things that happened at the hall. Though some of it I'll keep for Kay because I doubt you want to hear about girly things." For a second her grin steps up a notch, some memory triggering an almost giggle, "I need to wait on my results and things. I'm pretty sure I aced the practical, but the written I'm not so sure about. And then they need to sit about looking all important, and probably drinking brandy. I'll hear soon though hopefully. Hopefully. Hopefully not till after you graduate because I don't want to miss that!"

"I'll listen t' anything you want t' tell me," Kai says bravely. "Girly or not. Chielyth's always after me t' look at it becoming Spring. Don't guess nothing you've got t' say's no worse'n that." Reminded, he sits up a little straighter. "They say as she's full grown, finally! Still one of th' smallest greens here, but - shells, Su. You got t' come see her. She don't really remember you, but you know how she is. She ain't gonna let that stop her."

"Somehow I think talking about hair is not your style." Sulisah giggles, glancing down at her hand as she trails it up and down his thigh. Suddenly her head snaps up, something occurring to her, "If she's fully grown does that mean that you can go places. I mean between and things once your punishment is up? I know a couple of really good beaches we could visit."

B'kaiv starts in on his second - or is it third? - meatroll with a smile for her wandering hand. "Ain't in private," is all he says to it, only to shrug at her question. "I guess? Mean, it's th' three months back in th' barracks an' all. Guess once I'm done with that I'll be offa restrictions. So yeah, we could go t' a beach. You mean like Ista? I went there with V'rel last month. They got eggs on th' Sands."

Sulisah giggles and shakes her head a little, "I know." Fingers make a little circle around his knee, then drift off again, "Probably just as well." She glances up, grin, looks down again, "Not Ista, other places. Though we could go to Ista too if you want. Sooz is there, and if they have eggs I bet she got Searched again."

Kai doesn't look like he quite believes 'other places', but he's willing to go along. "A'right. You think maybe she's gonna Impress this time? Ain't this th'... what, third time she's been Searched?" He nods at a rider who pauses in passing by to give the pair an eyeing, but once Kai salutes the other man leaves them alone. "Gonna be nice not t' have t' salute everybody no more," he notes in an undertone. "Kinda strange, though, too."

Sulisah nods, "Hopefully. She's nice." Which is all it takes to Impress in her book. Her hand leaves Kai's leg long enough to wave at the other rider, but Kai's comment causes a giggle, "I promise, I'll make you salute me twice a day if it makes you feel better. Maybe I'll walk the tables before you graduate and then you'll need to be polite to me and things." She's teasing, and it shows.

B'kaiv only snorts at her and offers another meatroll. "Hope you -is- a journeyman before I get tapped. Then we don't got t' worry about nothing after. Did you tell 'em about that idea I had? T' set up a bar in one of th' empty weyrs?"

Sulisah shakes her head at the offer, even goes so far as waving her still whole meatroll that she took earlier. "We don't have to worry anyway, not like we're really breaking the rules. Not like..." T'rev and Jaeyi? "We flaunt it." A pause, then she nods, "I mentioned it, but I don't know if they'll really go for it. They did the whole eyeroll and Interesting thing. They do that a lot. I don't see why they would say no, though. Well unless it took all the business away from the Fountain or something."

B'kaiv's got a look at her for that pause, but he doesn't name any names either. "There's plenty of people as don't want t' go t' the Fountain," he says instead. "It's too... feels like you're gonna break something if you turn around too fast. Decadent." Since when does he say 'decadent'? "If I'm going drinking, an' I ain't meeting, say, you, I'm just gonna go somewhere else. That's what this place is s'posed t' be. Somewhere t' go an' get a drink, maybe play some cards. No food or nothing."

Sulisah does give a rather odd look at the 'decadent' but nods. "I sort of like it, but I guess i like it mostly because it is bright and bubbly and things. Well that and it has Harry sometimes and he's fun. We should do it anyway, make it a secret bar. Collect some beer and things, nothing big and fancy. Might be expensive though."

"Well, yeah," Kai allows about Harry. "He's all right." But that's not enough to offset the glittery rest of it. "What do you mean, secret? S'gonna be in a weyr. Figure th' wallow can be th' main area, an' then serve th' drinks back in th' other room." He's got a thigh out, so that gets used to draw a map. "An' if it's got another room or two, use that t' store th' drinks an' all, an' maybe have a private room for parties or cards or something."

"Well if you had it in on of the upper weyrs then you could make it invite only, sort of." Sulisah offers, then grins, "Or maybe I'm just stuck a little too much on alone right now." Head dips back to his shoulder, "I really did miss you." She goes quiet for a moment, then adds, "We should see if they would give us a weyr for it first. No point planning layout if they won't actually give us one."

B'kaiv sends a quick look sidelong at her; follows it up with a shrug. "Ain't gonna happen until I get int' a wing any road. That's gonna be plenty long." "--Shells, Su. I missed you, too. An' I figure we're gonna have t' pay rent or something. If it makes money, th' Weyr's gonna want part of it. But I ain't planning on turning nobody away. If they can get there, they're welcome t' stay. Just have t' make sure... shells. Lots of things. I been thinking about it lots since you been gone."

"I can tell." Sulisah grins, adding, "Least you weren't out chasing other women while I was gone." She moves slightly so she can burrow a little closer, "I like all this we talk. What else are we going to do once you graduate?"

A bit of meatroll must flirt with going down the wrong pipe - not surprising, given how fast he's shoveling it in. It takes Kai a few seconds to get his breath back and offer a reassuring, I'm-not-going-to-die smile, to get Su resettled against his shoulder. "Shells, I dunno. You're gonna be a Journeyman by th' time I'm tapped. An' they're gonna leave you here. So, uh." Isn't that wall over there interesting? "I just been thinking about the bar. What about you?"

Sulisah thinks for a moment once she's sure that choking is not going to be deadly, "I think we should go on vacation. Or something. I'd love to take you to the hall and introduce you to everyone, they're really nice. Although Ceanna was going to see about getting posted here so maybe you will get to meet some of them."

"Vacation?" Kai repeats, and clears his throat again. "Shells, should brung some water. That'd be nice, though, t' go t' - it's at Benden, ain't it? Th' Vintner Hall? Maybe I could talk t' your masters then, an' see if I could get some better prices on th' beer and things. I ain't thinking nothing fancy, just couple kinds of beer, maybe some wine t' be fancy. Whiskey."

Sulisah nods to the vacation, then nods again to the hall. "You don't need to panic, I promise I'll behave." She grins, very specifically not promising to behave well. "We should definitely make the trip once you're tapped then. See who's all there still."

B'kaiv grins down at her. "Even if they don't, I got this in t' the Hall. Bet I can still get pretty good prices. --You probably want t' be eating supper with Kaida t'night, yeah? I ain't gonna get off duty until nine. You want t' do something after, or is that too late?"

Sulisah nods a little, "I need to catch her at some point, but nine's definitely not too late. I'm still all bouncy from being away so I need to use up some energy anyway. Do you want to come round to the room?" One hand drifts to his chest, brain registering the blue shirt for the first time. "If I asked she'd probably go out for a while."

"Oh shells, Su," Kai half-groans, pinning her hand in place. "Su, I can't. I don't - I can /see/ th' end. I ain't - I don't want t' give them no more reason t' hold me back." He offers a kiss to her knuckles as some sort of repayment. "If you can get th' Weyrlingmaster t' say it's all right, then I'll come. I'll be there before you can spit. But not before."

Sulisah sighs and nods, seeing the sense even if she doesn't entirely like it. "I know. I know. Sorry. Could probably get you in trouble just sitting like this." She doesn't move though, not immediately. "Garden maybe? We could go for a walk. Be just like the old days."

Even if Kai -could- get in trouble for having an apprentice snuggled up against his side, he's not about to let her go. Not just yet. "S'gonna be dark, though," he protests. "Um - you like... playing cards?"

"I've never really tried?" Sulisah confesses with a chuckle, "I've watched plenty, but actually playing myself. Nope. There was a woman back home said she could read people's futures in playing cards, never did believe her."

"Well," Kai suggests slowly, not really looking at her, "There's these - I been playing, sometimes. Just f'r fun. Not like what T'rev does, for marks an' all. I bet you could come, if you wanted. If you don't want, you don't got to," he adds hastily. "I'll tell G'dri I ain't able t' come tonight, if you want me."

Sulisah smiles, "Want, definitely. But if you've got plans then that's okay. You don't need to change them for me! Trust me, I'm a big girl I can cope without you for another night so you can go out with the boys. I'll probably grab Kaida and talk boys all night just to make up for the disappointment." She's joking, mostly, though her grin does get a little brighter at some thought that passes by.

B'kaiv says, "It's just cards," and gives her a little squeeze. "A'right, if you want t' talk t' Kaida, you do that. Prob'ly safer if there ain't no man nowhere near there." Can he still tease? Yes, yes he can. "You want t' do lunch again t'morrow? Or supper? I remember you don't do no breakfast."

Sulisah shakes her head a little, "It's never just cards. Trust me, I'm a vintner." She moves on the seat slightly, moving away so that she can twist to face him and lift one hand to his cheek. "Lunch sounds good. And supper. I'll keep tomorrow free all day for you, okay? I'll probably be in the fountain or in the brewhouse though, I need to pretend to be good for a while." Pretending to be good she might be, but she leans in to give him a kiss anyway.

B'kaiv snorts again. "Only cards for /me/. I ain't allowed but one mug of beer a day." He covers her hand with his own, lets her feel as well as see his smile. "You ain't got t' do that. I get a hour at lunch, another at supper, and I'm done after nine. Unless you want t' follow me around...?" He didn't think so. But being good is -hard-: he leans down to meet that kiss, thanks. An unfortunately brief and chaste peck later, it's a struggle for the greenrider to open his eyes again. "Shells, Su. I - I'm real glad you're back."

"Don't tempt me." Sulisah replies with a grin, though that could be in reply to many things - all things considered. "It's nice to be home."

B'kaiv swallows hard, cups the back of her head, but somehow forces himself to his feet anyway. "Yeah. Yeah it's. Yeah." Coherence is fun! "I got t' go. You - I'll see you t'morrow, a'right? You be good."

Sulisah nods, blowing him another little kiss and making no move to abandon her meatroll and follow him - not quite tempted enough to be a stalker yet. "I'll try." Which is as close to a promise as he'll get. She mouths a silent 'love you' towards him, before finally picking up that meatroll and beginning to pick at the pastry.

Shells, it's good to see her again. I weren't sure it were really her, at first. But it is. It is. And I only got three sevens left. I just gotta figure out what to do about the cards now.

#weyrling, $newplace, sulisah, $w'ton, #punishment

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