Ella has emerald whirls

May 08, 2009 20:30

It is an autumn night, 20:29 of day 8, month 9, turn 19 of Interval 10.

Northern Bowl, Fort Weyr

This section of the bowl is just as devoid of plantlife as the central portion, the sandy soil having been packed more solidly due to the sheer amount of foot traffic passing through. While there are weyrs located to both the east and west, there are very few toward the north.

Toward the northwest would be the ledges for the junior goldriders, while a second flight of stairs leads up to the Weyrleaders' complex. A little to the northeast is the entrance to the hatching cavern, while an entrance to the living cavern is located directly to the east. At the opposite and distant southeastern end of the bowl would be the lake and feeding grounds, with the weyrling barracks and infirmary to the southwest and southeast, respectively.

Obvious exits:

Southern Bowl Living Cavern Inner Caverns Hatching Cavern Records Room Weyrleaders' Complex Junior Ledges

One of the less-exciting parts of weyrling duty, once you've gotten past the thrill of 'hey, we're flying!', is standing watchrider duty. Perhaps wisely, once the sun sets the weyrlings get replaced by older, steadier, less apt to fall asleep and/or throw parties riders, which may be why Chielyth drops off the high ledge and races the dusk to the ground. Once she's landed, roughly halfway between the entrances to the living and inner caverns, Kai slips off to start running his hands over her. She watches with interest, her tail flicking into the packed ground, and rumbling her half of an otherwise unheard conversation.

Its there in that halfway point between the two cavern entrances that Fiorella lingers waiting out dusk. Once it gets to be too much later its more than likely that someone will show up to shoo her off to bed. For now however, the time is hers. Its that shadow of a dragon sweeping down from the heights that catches her attention and the girl turns from her thoughts towards the landing.

Lucky for the girl that a dragon's eyes are sharp enough, even in the low light, not to muff a landing and make Ella pancakes. "Nah," comes Kai's gruff voice, sounding as though he's just saying out loud his half of the conversation, "you know we got t' wait." Chielyth huffs and swings her head away from him and toward Ella, rumbles again and curls her tail around his leg. "No one wants," the weyrling continues and dies off again, half-frowning as he comes around to the little green's front, his palms flat against her chest. He has yet to spy Fiorella in the dusk, though Chielyth watches her with brightly whirling eyes.

Fiorella isn't exactly so far into the middle of the bowl that she's so much in danger of becoming pancaked. Eyes continue to watch dragon and rider with some curiosity, but she doesn't venture out or say anything just yet either, perhaps trying to figure out just who it might be first.

Dragons, even young ones, don't come with name tags, though Chielyth's small size might be a clue as to her identity. She returns Ella's gaze without blinking while Kai continues on his circuit, touching what must seem like every inch of her from taloned foot to muscled shoulder with practiced hands. Halfway around, when he's between Chielyth and the bowl and has his back to the girl he pauses, muttering under his breath, and gives the straps a tug.

Fiorella hmms, watching a moment longer before curiosity draws her away from the wall to move the short distance towards the weyrling pair. "Hi," she chirps in greeting, offering up a bright smile for both dragon and human halves.

Gleaming in the depths of their doe-shaped prison are wild emerald whirls, bubbling with fiery warmth and framed by long, thick sooty lashes of an auburn hue. Above sit neatly groomed eyebrows of a lighter hue than that of her hair. Small nose sits cutely in the middle of a delicately featured face, her cheeks dusted a pale pink of childhood, while her lips are the soft pink of the roses in the gardens. Chestnut locks curls softly just past her shoulder when left loose though it's most often pulled pack into a runnertail from which a few pieces fall free to frame her face.

Short, though not overly so for her age, the girl stands about four foot nine. The pale green fabric of the girl's dress folds over her shoulders, curling down around her arms and falling loosely across her thin frame. Skirt swishes lightly around her legs as she walks as it reaches the middle of her shins. A soft weyrhide forms over her feet into ankle high boots.

Chielyth, unsurprisingly, is the first to greet her with a pleased warble and flick of her wings; Kai's a moment later, and only after Chielyth sidesteps into him. He shoots her an astonished look before peering over his shoulder, eyebrows lifting. "Hey," he returns, gives the straps a last tug before turning to dust off his hands. "Ain't seen you for a while. You got bigger. T'rev been feedin' you, or somethin'?" Belatedly he adds, "This is Chielyth."

Fiorella giggles, "Yeah, he does that," she teases. "That and well... I'm still growing." The girl cocks her head to the side to peek more towards the green once. "Its nice to meet you Chielyth," she greets, trying out the name for herself before its back to Kai. "And it has been a while, but you two have been busy so I suppose its only to be expected."

Darkness rises from dainty talons to blend into the sun-dappled, earthy green that dances over Chielyth's lissome frame. With a body made for prancing, buoyant grace sketches her muscles from the slender curvature of her lengthy neck, down her sleek, moss-tipped neckridges, to each articulate turn of her slim tail. Her wings are short and strong, meant for agile turns and just a little more endurance than speed, with sunlight seeming to pool where her wingsails narrow into her spars. Tinged darker along her trailing edges, her sails, when spread, reveal an overlaying of herringbone wisps, as if the artist who painted her had cleaned his brush off there when finished with one color and found the effect interesting enough to leave. A slim muzzle, shockingly dark against her brightness and looking as though she'd dipped it into dye, sets off large, guileless eyes.

At 0 turns, 6 months, 14 days old, Chielyth is 12 feet, 11 inches long with a wingspan of 22 feet, 8 inches, standing 8 feet, 8 inches tall at the shoulder.

"You keep growin'," Kai informs her with mock-sadness, "An' you're gonna need new clothes. Like Chielyth." He sends a look sidelong at the little green, who only responds to this jest with a toss of her head and a comfortable rumble as she settles down. "How you been, anyway? We been busy, yeah - I still got them extra lessons with Maj - Journeyman Majawin on top of everythin' else."

Fiorella nods, "I already needed new ones this summer," she notes just a touch proud of that fact. "I've been good though. ... Ran into my brother at the Fort father and T'rev took me to visit home a few times. I've had lessons too, I bet you're getting a whole lot better than you were when you were a candidate though?" a hint of question on that last.

B'kaiv shrugs, scowling, and leans one shoulder against Chielyth's side. "Guess. Dunno how long I got t' keep with 'em, though. T'rev says he done 'em whole time he were a weyrling." And doesn't Kai look utterly enamored of the idea? No, he does not. There's another topic to pursue, though: "Nice t' see your family? I ain't been since, well, since before her."

"The whole time he was," Fiorella corrects, her expression turning to an apologetic frown for the moment that follows. As far as family goes, there's a bit of hesitation on the topic. "Yeah... I hadn't seen them since I got here. It was almost two whole turns. It was nice though, yeah."

He blinks down at her, confused, for the correction, but must decide it's better not to ask. "You wrote 'em, though? I ain't wrote mine. Ain't sure how t' tell 'em," with a tilt of his head to Chielyth, who is still watching Ella with rapt fascination.

Fiorella shakes her head, "No.. not really. I mean Berit and Sunniva were here. Or.. well Berit was and Sunniva was at Reaches for awhile and now she's at Ista. I wrote her, but I got to visit her too."

B'kaiv fishmouths a few times, trying to parse that. "Ain't - ain't Berit gone south though? So how come you wrote her? Ain't she - wait, she knew you was /here/, didn't she?" He adds, after a second, "I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. /Who/ was you visitin'? An' who'd you write?"

Fiorella blinks, staring for a second before she nods. "She did now, yeah. And I write her some, but I mean before that. The rest of them though." Okay, so maybe that was all a little confusing if one doesn't know her family. "Sunniva is one of my other sisters. She's older than Berit. I write and visit her sometimes. I have three other sisters though, and two brothers. And my mother."

B'kaiv doesn't look a little confused: he looks a lot confused, even still. Perhaps the swiftest way out of this thicket is just to say, "Oh," and, "Well, that's good," and plunge onward. "Gettin' pretty late for you t' be out, ain't it? You want me t' ask T'rev t' come get you?"

Fiorella nods, "Yeah, kinda," she agrees to the time with a light shrug of her shoulder. "But I don't have to go to bed just yet, don't need to call him or anything." Beat. "Do you have any brothers or sisters?"

Green and rider exchange looks before she rumbles and turns to watch the flight of a blue while he returns to his conversation with Ella. "Yeah, two. Brothers. Ken's th' oldest, gonna get the Waystation. Ris is a Miner. Made Journeyman couple, three months before I come here. Ain't got no sisters. 'Cept Chielyth, only." He's not quite sure how to finish that, so doesn't, only shrugs again.

Fiorella turns a glance after the Chielyth's. It doesn't last long before she's looking back towards B'kaiv to nod in reply. "So there's just three of you then..?" Hmmm. "Yeah, you have Chielyth now. Guess you could call her a sister if you wanted..."

B'kaiv shrugs again: yup. "An' my Ma an' Da. You're the youngest, ain't you? Like me?" Because they're so alike, he and she. "You ain't never been t' Othana Waystation, I bet." He eyes her, mouth twisting wryly, and adds, "An' you prob'ly don't want t' go, neither. It ain't a place for you."

Fiorella nods. "Yep," she agrees on being the youngest. That is followed by a shake of her head, "But no, I haven't been there. I've been to Nerat a couple times with T'rev, and Ista and Reaches to visit Sunniva. But not very many other places." There's a short pause then, "Oh? Why do you say that?"

"It's," Kai starts, and falls silent again while frowning at her. "It ain't a place for little girls," he finally finishes, which doesn't add very much. "Little boys, neither." In case she's the type to get huffy about gender equality. "Just forget I said nothin', a'right?"

Fiorella ohs, nodding just a bit to follow. "Well..." There's a moment of silent thought before she asks, "Is that why you're so ..." but the word she's looking for isn't found, "Why you like to fight so much? Cause it was a not so good place?"

B'kaiv continues to frown, his jaw working as though he's debating speech. It's a good few seconds after she finishes that he shrugs once more, looks off into the gathering gloom. "Sort of. I guess. I just - it ain't no place for you. /Or/ you," he adds to Chielyth's curious look, which earns him a huff and coaxes a tiny smile from him. "We got t' get goin', though - got tests comin' up, an' I got t' study. Were nice talkin' t' you, though."

Fiorella nods. "I should probably be heading in anyway," she admits. "But it was nice talking to you. And meeting you," she adds with a smile towards the green before its back once more to her rider. "Good luck on those tests," she offers, "See you later."

B'kaiv steps away from Chielyth, giving her the room to stand and spread her wings. "She says thanks. An' same t' you." He considers her for another moment, bestows a nod, and reaches up to swing onto the green's shoulders. "G'night." Chielyth crouches, hesitates a second, then leaps into the air, swiftly turning them into vague shadows in the night.

Shouldn't'a told a little thing like her about Othana. Hope she forgets before she goes nagging T'rev about the place. Bet he'd get an itch in his pants if he takes her.

#weyrling, fiorella, chielyth

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