
May 07, 2009 07:36

It is an autumn afternoon, 12:50 of day 2, month 9, turn 19 of Interval 10.

Living Cavern, Fort Weyr
The interior of the living cavern is luxurious, relatively speaking -- the walls are smoothed and there are wall sconces in addition to the myriad array of glow baskets and lamps used to keep the place well lit. It's a large space, suited to handle large numbers of people, with dozens of tables arranged strategically throughout; serving tables are also conveniently located at various intervals. Tapestries hang on the walls, many of them having been there for hundreds of turns and periodically taken down for cleaning and restoration.

Up a flight of stairs would be the kitchens, where much of the hustle and bustle can be heard, if not seen. Food is transported down via discretely located dumb waiters and dispersed by servers as necessary, but the aromas of food being prepared is as pervasive as the constant chatter of people as they drift through in search of food, drink, or company. Servers are generally available to assist and ensure that cups are filled and tables are cleaned regularly.

To the west is both the main entrance to the bowl and also the night hearth, which is kept stocked with fresh klah and pots of stew. Other hearths are scattered throughout, radiating heat and warmth as well as providing gathering spots for private discussions. To the east, a short flight of stairs leads down to the inner caverns, while a stout wooden door with a purple caduceus to the south leads to the infirmary.

Obvious exits:
Bowl Inner Caverns Kitchen

It's just about lunch time and Vani's heading in to the caverns, unaccompanied by anyone while she heads to gather a plate of food. A mug of klah is taken as well before she settles herself a table and begins to eat. There's a few others in the caverns as well, each at their own respective tables.

B'kaiv looks up from where he's shoveling food in his mouth, and wipes his hand across his lips before offering a grunt to the girl. After a few seconds of furious chewing he takes a swig from his glass, swallows, and says, "'M Kai. B'kaiv. Wh's yours?"

A young woman of 17 turns, 8 months, 24 days, standing at her full-grown height of 5'4". Fair features describe the young woman, with a dark blonde-brown hair that goes to her shoulders. Her hair has a slight curl to it, bouncy and youthful but certainly tamed. Her eyes are a light brown and almond shaped, with thick eyelashes. Her pink lips are neither "full" or "thin". Her cheek bones are high but give her a softer look as they aren't angled, rounding out the features of her youth.

The young woman wears skirts, as most women of the hold do. More conservative, down to her ankles while her shirts and dresses often mimic. Closed, prim and proper, she seems wearing mostly neutral colors with the occasional blue. Along with most of her outfits, she wears scuffed up dark brown boots that cut off just an inch over her ankles.

Levania smiles at B'kaiv when he grunts, brows lifting slightly but she's moving to cut into a bit of her food as he continues to eat. The greeting draws forth another smile, "'m Levania. Goin' by Vani." She notes, "nice t'meet you t'your face. Su talks 'bout you."

Now that he's slowed, Kai doesn't seem about to return to his food-guzzling ways, though there's easily a quarter-plate's worth of food left to eat. If it wasn't moving fast enough, up there on the buffet, it's either on his plate or left traces of its presence. "Yeah?" he asks with some interest when she mentions the Vintner, cranes his head to see if the girl will possibly appear. "You know Su, huh? You gonna drink some of that beer she made?"

Levania eyes his plate for a moment before she's taking a bite from her own quietly, there's a slight nod in response to his question. "Yeah." There's a moment and she nods, "yeah, room is next t'mine. She's a friend. An', yeah.. Guess so, don' like beer too much.. But, guess for Su, I will.. If she's wantin' me t'try..."

B'kaiv grunts at 'don't like beer' and gives the girl a funny look. "Well, you don't like it, you don't got t' go. But s'for her journeyman project, an' she prob'ly wants as many friendly faces around as she can get." He loads his fork but pauses in the eating to ask, "She asked you 'bout namin' it? Th' beer?"

Levania gives him a funny look right back, but is eating after a moment. "But, 'm goin' t'go because she needs help with it. I don' know, might taste good." A shrug, "an' yeah.. Friendly faces would help some. Nah, hasn't asked me 'bout a name. 'm not too good with names, either. So, I don' think 'm goin' t'be any help with that."

B'kaiv chews morosely, swallows, and loads his fork again. "Yeah. Me either." A sniff, and his mouth works, tongue trying to free something from his teeth. "So. You got the room next t' hers. An'... Kaida, ain't it?"

Levania is eating more daintily than B'kaiv, not loading her for as much as he is. "Names are hard." She murmurs, making a little section with her fork before placing it into her mouth and chewing. Once she swallows, she nods. "Kaida.. Still haven't really /met/ her. Just been hearing /about/ her."

The weyrling grunts and sniffs once more, sets down his fork for another drink. "I only met her once, when she come by t'..." He hesitates, scrutinizing Levania's face like he's looking for hidden clues, and finishes, "Give me a letter. Seemed nice, I guess." Kaida, hopefully, and not the letter.

Levania smiles slowly, "a letter.. From Su?" A soft giggle at that and she goes about making another section on her plate. "I'll 'ave t'find her and get t'know her better.." Her lips form into a slight grin, one of those knowing ones at that. "So.. D'you like Su?"

As Levania relaxes Kai withdraws, his face and manner becoming more and more closed. "She's nice," he says tersely, almost biting off the end of the words, and glowers across the table. "Don't matter what I say, you're gonna sharding well tease her anyway. So maybe you better just stay away from her."

Levania lifts her brows, "nice?" There's soon a frown following after that and she shakes her head. "I don' tease her, just want her t'be happy." She shrugs and continues sectioning off the food, "I ain't stayin' away 'cause you say so. 'm her friend, an' you should tell her how you feel already before she goes mad. Obvious you like her, an' all. The one time at the lake you almost jumped her brother." And then she's putting that food in her mouth, "Su does the teasin' anyway. Didn't stop teasin' me 'bout me likin' some guy, and the only person I've ever teased was /Kwei/. So, don' you jump t'conclusions like that."

B'kaiv continues to glower, sullen thundercloud that he is, and doesn't once pick up his fork. "Don't understand half of what you're sayin'." Pot, kettle, considering his own mumble. "But don't you - don't you -think- 'bout makin' her unhappy." And to emphasize it, he takes another swig from his glass. "I ain't never done /nothin'/ t' hurt her. Not... not /never/."

Levania gives him a look, rolling her eyes then placing some food in her mouth. She's not saying anything for a moment as she chews and just continues to give her a look. "'m her friend, why would I do somethin' t'upset her? Just said I'd go an' help with her beer an' all. What's the point of hurtin' someone? Muchless Su, she's nice." His own words, in fact. His statement about not hurting her doesn't earn any comment.

Kai doesn't look much mollified, but after a few more seconds he relents enough to grunt and reclaim his fork. "A'right. Where d'you come from, anyway? Ain't never heard nobody talk like you before."

Levania doesn't go looking triumphant at her win, but he's quiet and she's eating again. "Nerat. 'm T'rev's sister." She notes, then is eating another section before she continues. "Do I talk odd or somethin'?"

"Yeah," Kai grunts, nods along with that. She does. "You don't...," he free hand waves vaguely, like he's flicking away somnolent flies. "Dunno. S'just - you talk funny." There's no extra venom in his words: he's just explaining the facts of life. "...Wait. You say /T'rev/? Th' wingleader?"

Levania blinks and furrows her brows, "I don' think it is.." Funny that is, there's a look. "I don' talk funny." A pouty face at that before she's chewing on her food. There's a slow nod to his last question. "Yeah, my big brother. Brought me t'the Weyr a bit ago."

Firmly, "Yeah, y'do." The weyrling has another mouthful of food, nodding as he chews, swallows. Half-accusing, "He don't talk like you do."

Levania sticks her tongue out, "T'rev's been 'way from the home for longer. 'sides, you talk funny too." Food is taken into her mouth and she just chews away at it quietly.

Just after lunch and the cavern is full despite the nice weather luring people away. Perhaps one of the stranger pair of tablemates is Kai and Vani, sitting across from each other at one of the longer tables. "No I don't," he says with a defensive twitch of his shoulders. "An' if you say one word 'bout my writin' I'm gonna throw somethin' at you, girl or not." Ah, such a charmer.

Levania wrinkles her nose, "do too, if I talk funny, so d'you." And she's not backing off of that. "I don' know your writin'.. 'sides, I don' write too pretty either.." And she puffs her cheeks up. "Bet you write better. I hate writin'.." But she does scribble notes now and then, mostly to herself.

B'kaiv says gloomily, "Don't say nothin' t' Majawin, or he'll have you doin' lines." His fork stabs into what's left of his food. "You met him? Journeyman Harper?"

Levania blinks her eyes, "don' say anythin'?" But then the next comment has her brows going up again. "Lines? Like.. Writin' just.. Things?" Perhaps a look of dread crosses her face but she shakes her head. "I 'aven't. Might be a good thing, that.."

A crowded cavern and Kaida don't normally get along, but she's finally managed to get a break and must. Have. Food. Not that the after-lunch selection is all that fantastic, but there's enough left to cobble together a halfway decently filling sandwich. And once that and a glass of juice are secured, there's the rather problematic issue of finding a free seat. Eyes scan the tables, skip across a vaguely familiar and backtrack. Path is found and steps are directed over near B'kaiv and his companion, "There an empty seat, by chance, or shall I just keep on moving?"

"Lines," Kai agrees, like 'doing lines' rhymes with 'eating kittens'. "Shells. Hate it." His fork takes another stab, "Ask your brother 'bout it some time," and then his mouth is full. His 'Hey' to Kaida is muffled, but the inviting jerk of his head is clear enough, as is the way he jerks out the chair beside his own.

Levania waves a hand towards Kaida as she arrives. "I don' mind, 'less B'kaiv does." But, he's welcoming her to the table anyway. A look towards the weyrling, "well.. 'm goin' t'avoid him at this rate.. I will, next time I see him." Then she's back to Kaida, "'m Levania." She greets, "or Vani." A shrug and she's putting the last section off food from her plate into her mouth.

Kaida drops into the chair with brief look of relief and a "Thanks." A quick smile is offered across the table towards Levania, "Heard about you. Kwei's girl, yeah? And... T'rev's sister?" Just to make sure she's got all the relationships straight. "I'm Kaida," offering her own name before tucking into her sandwich.

Levania laughs softly, "yeah.. 'm Kwei's girl. T'rev's sister." There's a nod for confirmation as well before she's taking her mug to sip from it. "Heard 'bout you, too then. Nice t'meet you, finally. Su shares my wall, 'm thinkin'."

B'kaiv has another mouthful as long as the ladies are talking, washes it down with the last of his drink. "You seen Su t'day?" he asks Kaida with a little too much interest to be properly casual. "Thought she might be here for lunch, but I ain't seen her."

Kaida at least waits until she's finished chewing and swallowed before she attempts to speak. "Nothing too bad, I hope?" A quick nod, and a shrug, "Possibly. Su thought it might be the other way around, but. Doesn't really matter, does it? Nice to be able to put a face to the name, though thought you'd be a bit scarier." A grin and a wink are given along with those words. Kai's not-so-casual question brings the grin down to a smirk, "Not since this morning. I think she's off staring at bottles, as if that'll make her Nigel beer ready faster. Or... no clue, really. Anything important, or are you just pining?"

Levania sends a smile B'kaiv's way but she makes no comment on his inquiry. "Nah, nothin' bad or anythin'." She looks between the two then nods at Kaida. "Guess not.. Why would I be scary?" Blinking her eyes in an innocent manner, "well.. 'm not scary. I talk funny.. B'kaiv says." Another sip of her klah, "how long 'til it's ready?"

B'kaiv only shrugs at Kaida's question, his shoulders rising and falling, and doesn't traipse down that trap. Er, path. There's a rolling of his eyes for Vani's 'Kai says', and he gathers plate, fork, and mug with a clatter. "Shells, girl, just sharding well let it drop. Ain't nobody thinks that's funny but you."

"There seems to be some belief that Kwei will suffer severe bodily harm if he steps out of line," Kaida replies to Levania's question, humour glinting in her pale eyes. "I've not quite figured out if Su's actually hoping you'll beat him up, or is just being Wicked Big Sister." A pause, wherein she consumes another bite of her sandwich. "You have an accent. So do you," noted in an aside to B'kaiv. "And if you ask the right people, so do I." Several Turns at Weaver Hall and she still hasn't kicked Igen out of her voice. A shrug that echoes the greenling's. "So we all talk funny. Who cares?" Blink. "Not leaving already, are you, Kai?"

Levania sticks her tongue out at Kai before she's glancing at Kaida. "Don' think so, 'm not the type t'hurt anyone.. He did go an' do somethin' with Jaeyi b'fore, but rumors got it out of hand.. So, he apologized an' I did for goin' an' flirtin' with someone else." A shrug, "but.. Guess if he's goin' t'go an'.. Do stuff with someone else.. 'm not goin' t'do anythin' 'bout it. What could I?" A pause and she's lifting her brows. "Well, if Su wants t'hurt him.." Another shrug and she's sipping from her drink. "Guess so." She finally agrees about the accents and then she's looking towards Kai as he gathers his things.

B'kaiv grumbles at Kaida, but doesn't add anything else about accents. "Yeah," he says, sounding perhaps faintly regretful. "Me an' Chielyth, we got Starstones duty this afternoon, an' I got t' wake her up, get her fed before we're late. Nice meetin' you," he adds to Vani with a nod as he shoves back his chair. "Tell Su - shells. Tell Su I'll see her later?" He barely waits for Kaida's acknowledgment before he's heading off into the crowd, carrying his dirty dishes with him.

Having been distracted by B'kaiv's clattering gathering up of his dirty dishes, Kaida now backtracks to the question of Vani's that she'd missed answering. "Sorry, Levania. I don't know when Su's beer will be ready, exactly. She's only told me at least half a dozen times, but..." Shrug. It's beer, and Kaida's practically teetotal. "In another seven, maybe?" Though when the other girl starts in on her ramble, the weaver takes the opportunity to polish off the last few bites of her sandwich, nodding occasionally in a I'm-not-really-listening-but-trying-to-be-polite way. A faint frown furrows her brow; that accent really -is- atrocious. "Sure thing!" she calls, belatedly, after B'kaiv. "Aren't they cute?" asked across to Vani, and it's unclear if she means that genuinely, or sarcastically.

How come everyone thinks they're so smart, to giggle and laugh at Su? Sharding, stupid... /shells/.

#weyrling, $majawin, $t'rev, $kaida, $sulisah, levania, kaida, $kwei

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