today was ok, the hot summer kinda killed it. i went to first period and it was gay like always. after that we Mark, and i , went t o Dell to wait for Rene, we picked up Vanessa which i hadn't seen in a while since she lives in Palmdale, after that i found out some new drama and it really sucked cuz friends arent suppose to back stab you but these girls, well not all of them, just the dumb ditzy one who thnks she's like 4 years old does. whatever im not involved in it, after that i went to the pph to get the bcp adn they didnt give it to me cuz i had heart surgery at age 12 so i need a doctors note to get it, so i basically waited for nothing. after that we went to the mall to eat and then vanessa and Rene got into the biggest fight and God knows why but we dont, so Rene was pissed off and his stupid car wouldnt start so we were in the sun forever and then it worked and we had a rain dance so the gods could hear our victory. well that didnt really happen but th e whole car problem did. then i came to marky's house and got into the pool andi kept drowning and so was his little brother, we were playing Surf in USA it was so funny i had a good day. im sad though cuz my friend isnt talking to me and i dont know what i did to her for her to stop talking to me, why do i have to care so much, like they think that you don't give a shit about what they want when really you just want them to be happy and not hurt but they don't see that. whatever i just have to live on.
however this guy makes all the pain go away, i love you Mark.