Prop 8

Nov 05, 2008 05:58

92% of the precints are in, and unless the remaining 8% are places like West Hollywood and Santa Monica, to the tune of 400,000 voters, it looks like Prop 8 will pass.

You did it. You religious nut jobs, you LIED and FEAR MONGERED your way to victory. You know, lying is a sin, and I hope your God looks you in the face and spits on it for your purported love of family and children.

You ignorant, bigotous, extremist dogmatists.  You history revisionist, self-aggrandizing, anti-Americans.  If it was someone else taking your right to wear crosses or say "Thank the lord" in your sentenses, if it someone told you that you couldn't marry or have families because of your allergy to milk or the color of your eyes - you'd be in an uproar.

Fuck you.
Fuck the apathetic non-voters who didn't kick your retardedness off the ballot.
Fuck the uneducated, ignorant, homophobic ages 45-80 majority (can't wait until *you* assholes die off and we younger people can fix this idiocy you've signed into law)

Fuck the Christian Right, and if your God is like you, then FUCK HIM TOO.

politics, gay rights

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