history uncovered, success so far, part 5

May 20, 2011 08:10

well i woke up this morning and found a couple of new emails from the Piako post and the Te Aroha library. It seems the newspaper archive was moved to the museum, and have contacted them for help. the online site only goes back to 1889 which is a tad too early for my line of inquiry, but they also suggested i contact the hamilton library just in case since copies were sent to their collection on a regular basis.

and whilst sending the latest round of emails i also tried to contact the waikato times, but it turns out they don;t have a general enquiry email, all of theirs go straight to the news desks, and since i am not reporting a news story, i will have to actually call them on the phone to be put in touch with the right person or persons.

trip to immigration had to be put off due to bad weather and ongoing build commitments for larps, but at least the people i built for are happy.

so monday after all the crazy is over for the weekend it will be back to immigration and (hopefully) further along the trail.

until next time
chin chin.

hopes, histories, sillyness, determination

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