Serenity, and how i could use some right now part two

Mar 17, 2008 09:10


i mentioned in an earlier post how i have this rule about not talking about my games for a week, well so much for that.

there will be a day game, in august. Thats right folks you heard it here first, a day game in august.

I know I'm jumping the gun here and i pray Allova will forgive me but this is pretty big stuff for me. I usually don't get asked to run another so soon after the first game, my call of Cthulhu larp being a good example, i think i ran two of them over the course of 18 months, but when she cornered me at the NZLARPS committee meeting she made me an offer that quite honestly staggered me.

In the upcoming LARP con she's organizing I have been offered a five hour slot on the Sunday to run serenity, WOW!

so yeah looks like i'm about to hit the big time with this LARP. I only hope i can keep up with the demand and not crack like i did when i ran OWBN all those years ago.

so to set the mood and let people know what has happened on sleepy little Bridgewater heres the latest TWO PAGE news flexi.

serenity, larps

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