Yay weekends.

May 13, 2006 15:11

WEEE weekend, owbn, hassling Heath and seeing friends.
Best part of the week indeed :)

Gonna paint some models, Play some masquerade. Tonight in OWBN we are supposedly attacking the wugllies in the waitakeres. Thank goodness Drow called me and told me he is playing tonight or I would have to find someway to make his dodgy plan work.

Will let you all know how we did later. After that scene its time to tort out the gangrel clan and get KARLA to learn to shut up when officers of the city are talking... shes gonna end up staked if shes not careful.

well thats the day in the life of me for today, will update later tonight.

Oh Ran Thulrandir thru the http://www.angelfire.com/gundam/otto/grayswandir/mary-sue-test.html and got 16, better than Creed :)and he's also an elf lol.
(No BurningSol he didn't do a spread in elf dreams magazine lol )

fun, larps, friends

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