(no subject)

Nov 30, 2007 09:46

"I've never seen liver cysts this big - I've read about them . . ."

not really what i wanted to hear from the gastroenterologist i saw yesterday . . .

so weds i saw the regular doctor - no pneumonia or bronchitis - just a cold that's not going away . . . yet another new p.a. or n.p.a. or whatever  . . . a whole new person i have to train on how to treat me since apparently it is not possible for a doctor's office to teach their own people how to treat their own patients . . . hmmm . . . that sounds a little bitter, doesn't it . . . but i get sick of having to explain abt airflow/no alcohol/re-rinsing yr hands & washing them outside the room i'm in/ no temp cause of the covers on the thermometer/ sleeve down for the b.p. etc etc . . .

anyway (ha!  i'm grumbling again!!)  i am finally getting better - no fever, throat better for swallowing, etc . . .

and then yesterday was the gastro guy . . .

i asked abt exercise, he said, i don't know - there not much real data on what's ok for people with cysts this big . . . and on the 19th i'm scheduled for both a colonoscopy (well, i've never had one yet!) and the same but from the top down - they'll drug me, spray my throat with a number, stick a tube down it & have a look-see . . . because with all my other probs, esp the fibromyalgia, he's not positive that most of the pain/discomfort i feel is from the liver . . .

and he thinks i'll end up needing surgery anyway . . . apparently if they get too big, they can burst, leading to infection, or they can cause the liver to start atrophying . . .

rats . . .

so there . . .

at least he seemed intelligent & competent, and not full of himself . . .

well, i'm over the shock of it, anyway, and starting to resign myself . . .

and off to do the first of the month shopping!

ta, everyone!
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