Apr 26, 2007 15:09
Or that was going to be the post title 5 weeks ago. We have leaves now, and it’s acting more like spring outside.
I’m in the atrium of our studio building because I’ve become disgusted with my desk and with being in studio over the last couple days.
Actually, I’m posting because I don’t want to do work. I’m kind of burned out/bored with most of my current assignments, but I’ll start being productive in a few minutes.
In fun news, I’m possibly going out to Portland for 1-2 weeks at the end of summer break. I’m totally psyched, and this is finally giving me motivation to get on top of my internship applications. Or to try to. Will post when there’s news.
With finals season on us, I’ve been trying to work out more as a form of stress control. Three days in a row, now. I’m so proud of myself.