madness and aligators and toxic waste

Nov 30, 2006 16:13

Well, the end (of the semester) is here. I have an insane number of things to get done, but I've gotten past wanting to stab myself in the head because of them. Tuesday was a bit rough, but I'm back to one of my base states, wrapped in the happy delusion that, since it will all get done if I just keep going, I don't actually need to worry about anything.

In any case, some thoughts from the drive. I've made this 4 (sometimes 5) state drive several times now, and one this I've noticed is that the really crazy drivers have Ohio plates -- every time, and they're not always in Ohio when I notice them. These individuals are crazier even than the people on 81 at rush hour. I was trying to figure out why this would be the case. I rather like most of Ohio, except for the bizarre highway interchanges around Akron, and most Ohioans I see drive like normal midwesterners. I came to the conclusion that those few exceptions must suffer from a deep, subconscious anger about living in a state shaped like an armpit. Not something that would bother normal people, but I could see it really getting to someone already on the edge. It's been a bad day, nothing is right, and then you really look at one of those state-route symbols, the realization hits and.... SNAP!

... Or maybe not. But it's a theory.
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