day 7 of college

Aug 31, 2004 16:59

up until today i had NO complaints of st thomas. none.
i love how everything is so organized and under control -- but two things bothered me today ...

yes its a catholic school, whatever, and like my theology teacher said, they will teach the religion, but never force it upon a student, even say its right, and not state their [obvious] opinion over a matter.

today in spanish class we were talking about "la siesta de martes" by gabriel garcia marquez which i had already read. one of the several themes in the short story, wheather the father of a teacher i have, likes it or not, is the corruption of the church. i was so scared to say it, but i did, and for the next hour he was like ... NO, u misunderstood, NO, its not like that. NO. whatever.

then my philosophy teacher started the class with what we thought was a lecture, about philosophy ... but it had to do with Gods and angels ... and her opinions on both.

instead of making me understand and deepen my faith, they might make me convert.
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