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May 16, 2016 23:39

Today was super bad, like really really bad. So much so that I really needed an outlet. Hurrrr

"Everyday may not be good but there's good in every day"

So today,
I was caught in the rain aft work and I rly needed to catch the city hall bus. I was intending to run cross the traffic when a kind stranger asked if I needed him to shelter me across. Hehehe too touched!!!

Intern saw my energy level at a low today and bought coffee to cheer me up hehehe

Had a gd din and my fav llaollaoooo and the day is bright again! Wahahaha

Also, my dear friend really set a reminder to remind me to bring namecards for tmr's event when i casually asked him to!! Hahahaha for the first time got people really reminded me on sth I asked them to remind me on hahaha xiexieni!!!

Hope tmr will be a better day okay!
Hoping for a table full of nice people tmrrr
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