): whatttt a deal FAR FROM IT goshhh

Oct 08, 2006 13:09

just had prctice since 8 30 to 12
then we ate
we might go to the pententiary tonight..in philly. i dont have money but itll be worth it
last night was boring.
took a nap at frfiends house when they werent even there..
left got food
then went back there to sleep. im a moron ahha.
funny....acting the same gay way.. 
:28 PM): shoulda coulda woulda
B E E S A 3 (11:00:34 PM): didnt@@@@@2
the ending to that will probably always be didn;t.
i already know.
i guess sometimes no matter how much yu want to have that friend.
they just shouldnt beyur friend. it's pretty gay. but that's just the way it is. 
too bad it took methis long to figure it out.
im too fucking nice.

this was nice to see when i got back.
 (1:05:34 AM): hey pretty ladyM)
: call my room plz if yu get this soon
was supposed to be back at 8 but eh .
if i was HEre i woulda saw it but no.

so i only saw him for like an hr and a half or so
n then his fam for like a half hr.
wish it was more.
"how she doing"
"i duno"
but yu do! bahhh

at practice i saw a yellow buterfly.
it caught my eye randomly 
it was beautiful

being complimented is nice.
but its not worth a whole bunch of bs.
i always wanted to be the person they knows cares about them no matter what.
i ahve to care about myself tho.

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