Mar 01, 2005 15:17
What do you do when reality comes into play?
Well...... sorry to tell you but you cant do a damn thing but live with the changes that are happening infront of you day-in and day-out.
Like me, I decided to handle something very serious to me the right way, and now most of the people I over the years have come to know and love. It kills me to face reality but the reality of it all is you cant get away from it. Theres always gonna be a enemy wether you know it or not, theres always gunna be people that disaprove of you and what you do, but all of that is not something to feel wrong or douwn about. You see when your making those life changes the people that turn thier backs on you treat them as if they were just acquantances and the people that stay there beside you are your friends,(they care), and then you have a best friend who is there FOREVER and ever.
Do what you want with what I said, either you care or you dont I dont matter.
Madd Love 2 Ya