(no subject)

Nov 11, 2006 22:27

vulva smash: i didnt even give him my address he looked it up by my cingular account and i told him no repeatedly no because i didnt want to because thats creepy and im not attracted to him
dysorexia: lol
Nuclear Thrash: hahahhaa
coma mind: lol @ chae refusing to have sex
coma mind: that's a first
Nuclear Thrash: Must be fake then
Nuclear Thrash: Chae never refuses
dysorexia: chae takes everything
coma mind: invite her
coma mind: she can't figure out where "accept" is
Nuclear Thrash: Chae's too busy snorting up Luis' dried up cum to notice the invite

coma mind: LAF, what's all that makeup in the background
coma mind: is that in your mom's room
like carousels: lol
vEekdER: LOL
coma mind: was the basement getting fumigated

crusaDERforhope: hayden looks like my friend sarah
i iz rob: is that a good thing, brian?
parking lot bird: his friend sarah is a burn victim
parking lot bird: so im guessing no

coma mind: im rad wanna hug is drunkenly's other sn.
coma mind: pathetic faggot.
consonances: yeah well too bad, nobody would ever hug him
DawN0f The FaLLx: lol
coma mind: one time he imed me asking him to hold him in his arms.
coma mind: i immediately warned and blocked him.
drunkenly: youre not allowed to call me that
drunkenly: i respond to hando
drunkenly: rancid
drunkenly: heavings
drunkenly: drunkenly
drunkenly: or griff
coma mind: rancid = your facial features.

volvo smash: Warning of 'Kickshaw Jackson' not allowed.
volvo smash: GOD
volvo smash: I FUCKING HATE YOUY
vEekdER: god is indeed black
i iz rob: while it is the color of their hearts, it is a common misconception that mexicans are black

vEekdER: im thirsty brb
-ten minutes later-
vEekdER: okay
vEekdER: veek drinking like a whale
tumultbeing: veek blowing like a whale

sandgiraffe: I miss the days when I didn't have to ignore all these goddamn bots
debilitates: oh shut up
sandgiraffe: cassy, if you don't pipe down I'm going to chokefuck you with my trousersnake and leave you in an alley gargling hot semen

midxwest: god i need to shave for tommorow
patient screams: GOD
vEekdER: rock the al-qaeda beard
midxwest: im applying for a job
vEekdER: o
midxwest: and working
patient screams: taco bell is hiring?
patient screams: hhahaha
like carousels: LOL

Kickshaw Jackson: im in that movie
llou: mexicans dont play in movies, they clean up the set

crUNk ryan: I don't know too many mexican gangsters
crUNk ryan: maybe gardeners...

coma mind: kickshaw's font is the color of the water he swam through to get to this country amirite

chi x cago: diana is a worthless concept.
distinct traits: luis is a concept?
chi x cago: yes.
chi x cago: i am in wikipedia.
distinct traits: under miserable failure.
chi x cago: luis (lou-ees) - awesome.
chi x cago: HAAHAHHA

brmownzj00rass: in one of my classes we were discussing north korea's nukes
brmownzj00rass: and i said that kim jong was a reasonable guy
brmownzj00rass: who should be allowed to have nukes
brmownzj00rass: lol
drunkenly: lol
drunkenly: if i was in the class
drunkenly: it would be totally corrupt
brmownzj00rass: i wish you were
brmownzj00rass: it would be even more fun to troll :-(

twentynine: i'm not sure but i think my fiancee just asked me to have sex with her best friend
vEekdER: shes testing you
patient screams: do it, 29
twentynine: i would
twentynine: but
twentynine: a) i'm not a cheater
twentynine: b) she's a sespool
midxwest: ahahahaha
patient screams: hahaha
midxwest: is it get posi?

parking lot bird: yaku
parking lot bird: if me and ian were hanging off a cliff
parking lot bird: and you could only save one of us
yakuteza: i probably couldnt save either of you
yakuteza: too heavy
coma mind: you'd fall first because you're fatter
coma mind: lol
parking lot bird: i knew that was coming
coma mind: yak
coma mind: fuck you
parking lot bird: it's a theoretical question yaku
coma mind: corinne is a bitch
parking lot bird: would you just stand there and let us both die?
yakuteza: i cant take the pressure!
yakuteza has left the room.
parking lot bird: hahahaha
coma mind: what a cunt
tumultbeing: i'd throw corinne off to pad your landing
coma mind: LOL

coma mind: let me warm you up. ;-)
coma mind: *cuddles*
patient screams: aw:-*
Kickshaw Jackson: hes going to you warm you in his folds

vEekdER: i'll hook you up
vEekdER: free food=
trashytron: do i look like im starvin

drunkenly: pawn is a man right
pawn hits: yes
ne x gro: hell yes.
drunkenly: i only saw face pics

debilitates: i'm so buff
PathologicalView: ur a beast
distender: only from the neck up!

patient screams: veeky lemme see your face so i can get scared
vEekdER: pati let me see your face so i can remind myself not to drink and drive

vulva smash has left the room.
distortjapan: god damn finally
coma mind: hahaha
patient screams: hahaha
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