(no subject)

Jun 21, 2005 15:04

yo i wanna give a shoutout to faimous.net 8]

LAN Party: I have this saying...
LAN Party: its
LAN Party: "I'll do anything as long as nothing goes in my ass or my dick...and as long as there is no shit piss or vomit.
LAN Party: "
brawl: ill take a rimjob

anthill: http://www.iol.co.za/index.php?newslett=1&click_id=79&art_id=qw1090475820887B223
anthill: pimped out crab
veekder: that crab's gangster > 50cent's gangster
anthill: 50 ain't got shit on the fiddler crab
rob: fiddy crab
rob: 50 has some crabs of his own
rob: if you know w'sup
anthill: i have no doubts about that
rob: and they aren't of the hermit variety
rob: they love to meet new people, in fact

science mice: Vanessa i dont think jesus would approve of you webcamming your boobs
science mice: over the internet to ghetto
science mice: motherfuckers
ducky: JESUS gave them to me
Poetry: there's no saving a slut, sumer

parking lot bird: what do you call it when a judge gets the clap?
parking lot bird: honorable discharge
parking lot bird: god i'm so fucking awesome for making that up

ERKBURGLES: i am so tan, but my fucking cam broke
ERKBURGLES: tan cam boy
OP Nore: tanned jew
project poof: yeah he was in the oven too long

sean: i need to shave
jen: i shaved today
jen: i shaved my ass
jen: and i ate the clippings
jen: but first i had some dude give me the moneyshot and i wore them like a beard
jen: abe lincolin style

moonbeam: i really don't want to make sex jokes at a minor
void: Who is a minor?;-)
Thrift: No minors here
Thrift has left the room.

kiddy porn: who programs? only libary nerds
kiddy porn: get out
veekder: owned
ny0n x: i need programming idas
ny0n x: ideas*
kiddy porn: program a girlfriend
veekder: pwndx2

paden: i went and seen kim
paden: and she was working and i asked her if she wanted to hang out after 8
paden: and she said she'd probably be sleeping
paden: so i was like "nooooo!!"
nocturnal: skip this crap and get to the part where you rape her
paden: so then i snuck into her house
paden: and raped her
nocturnal: oh yeah baby
* nocturnal gets off

parking lot bird: like if an asian guy is fat
parking lot bird: he's korean
veekder: so if i was azn id be korean
veekder: :-(
jes us is ntedge: Haha, veeks I said the same thing in my head.
parking lot bird: rob if you were asian you would have a small cock
parking lot bird: oh wait i guess not much would change

as society rots: i have the best two interests on livejournal.
as society rots: "burning down churches, raw misanthropic black metal."
veekder: 1) betsy
veekder: ian. you cant even burn calories

willing cadavers: my hair is like a tornado. sometimes.
tenty pants: so is your vagina

LAN Party: I should make a shirt for mexican leets.

heavings: i need one hand to destroy you
defile: so youre gonna jack off on me?

Horrid: when mike sells lou weed he will be making a drug.dll

aglasstornado: i know an indian dude named tasir
stroller: ndn
aglasstornado: i call him tazer

BrewCrew1118: o ya dude i've been reading the dictionary u know practicing for our rematch did u know requiem is a word

veekder: well youre not fat though. coz if you were id call you out on that
veekder: cara/betsy style
stroller: caravan/betsy

when days end: my beer mug is called goliath
when days end: because it's like the size of a pitcher
when days end: my penis is called david :-(

Sony Methods: veekder make me a formula
Sony Methods: so i can have 4-5mil in 10 years
veekder: 5,000,000 = P (1 + (r/n))^tk
veekder: P = initial investment.
veekder: r = rate %
Sony Methods: veekder dont get all technical with me
In Sex we Lust: n = nigger
IN MY WHITE TEE: n= nigga
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