(no subject)

Nov 16, 2003 20:29

keep 'em coming! VIC SET VIC SET VIC SET VIC SET

anklegrabbing: hannah, why is your ass looser than your vagina?
converge EXHALE: wtf
converge EXHALE: i've never had anal, bill
anklegrabbing: bullshit
anklegrabbing: and i've never kissed a guy

aglasstornado: i remember when cara only took black and white pictures
aglasstornado: and i thought she was mad hot
trashytron: WHAT
trashytron: AHAHHA
trashytron: until you saw
trashytron: i was brown
trashytron: thats kind of racist
trashytron: patrick
aglasstornado: fuck you nigger

abittersweetness: hello ian
abittersweetness: have you lost weight yet
funk masta clint: hello chelsea.
funk masta clint: have you lost all that ugly yet?
what plan: yeah. i stopped drinking your lardy period blood, slut.

stereo had mono: im tempting :-*
Kickshaw Jackson: yeah to people that eat zombies

Kickshaw Jackson: you are fat
Kickshaw Jackson: i dont know why youre acting like youre not
Kickshaw Jackson: at least cara just rolls with the punches
Kickshaw Jackson: get it
Kickshaw Jackson: rolls
Kickshaw Jackson: hahahahaha

anklegrabbing: high school breakups need to be more common, so i can make some rebounds

My Rival School: emilly needs to take her cock out of pats ass.
aglasstornado: no she doesn't

geek army: ROFL
geek army: I WAS AT WORK

just x up: i got in a car accident the other day.
this dying wish: awesome
this dying wish: too bad youre still here :-\

trashytron: im depressed help me.
trashytron: KEKEK XK JG
My Rival School: If I couldnt see my entire body in a bathroom mirror
My Rival School: id be depressed too

TRASHL3Y: i speak 5 languages and a half.
anklegrabbing: slut isn't a language

xburiedinburdenx: do not say n***er....that's fucking dumb...what kind of a sexist are you?

hatrickskA: if i saw bill, hed grab his ankles.

Kickshaw Jackson: she has every right to call you fat
Kickshaw Jackson: you fat piece of dumb

trashytron: im such an annoying waste of space.
My Rival School: cara is right
My Rival School: she should be put in a trash compactor.

veekder: michael moores fat ass goes all over the place
CashMoneyGifford: it's not a documentary, he made up half the shit
CashMoneyGifford: and i think it's ironic that an overweight man is talking about how america is too lazy and consumerish.

p0osie: 'cause i had this idea that having a kid would be like having a pet haha

richcracker69: wut the fuck duz that mean? meet iggy? cracka u high?

Kickshaw Jackson: NO CAN DO, GAY GUY
My Rival School: sorry to disappoint you, but i prefer the beaver.
drug peddling: bestiality
drug peddling: ew

knife c rew: i just took a dump
knife c rew: and then i farted
knife c rew: and it echoed in the toilet bowl
knife c rew: haha i laughed 8-)
aNkleGrabbiNg: as if your obesity wasn't disgusting enough. tell me more about your fecal matter
knife c rew: it was almost kinda runny, bill
aNkleGrabbiNg: nice one
aNkleGrabbiNg: you fucking codpiece
knife c rew: and it
knife c rew: STUNK
knife c rew: like
knife c rew: jesus christ i was about to throw up
aNkleGrabbiNg: kind of like what's in between your legs there, count crotchula
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