(no subject)

Jul 09, 2003 17:47

parking lot bird: and sent a picture of starr jones
parking lot bird: and i say to myself "this'll do"

fighters hips: Patrick
fighters hips: EAT MY CROTCH
aglasstornado: k
fighters hips: Oh thats right
fighters hips: You can't eat meat.
xlikextotallyx: hahaha
aglasstornado: yeah i can't eat meat

shaun is a rudie: jew luvin from da oven

new propaganda: i want an erotic cake for my next birthday
new propaganda: of al roker naked with hershey kiss nipples

fleasandme: hahahah i remember the night like it was yesterday when emil finally revealed his face to us
Kid x Gruesome: thats because nothing in your life happens

brad is s or ad: dont 4get your pap smizzle

s t a n l e y785: prety. that hurt
s t a n l e y785: prty pardon me
Dave is Rock: it didnt hurt stan, it bounced off that blubber wall

GloriousDay2Live: man a stroms a brooming!
GloriousDay2Live: its like a monsoon here
Yo Son I Am Jew: brooming?
Yo Son I Am Jew: i think you meant brweing
GloriousDay2Live: *brooing
Yo Son I Am Jew: brewing
GloriousDay2Live: yeah
Yo Son I Am Jew: *
ten bar blues: brooming? lmfao...

slipknotchk91: hey wiccanism is fukin cool

sean sold o u t: this fat kid in my math class, said he lifts, and i said, "how come i don't see you at the weight room?". he said "i lift at home". i go, "i'm not talking about getting out of bed in the morning."

trashytron: youre traumitized
anklegrabbing: so is your scale

ResortBootBoysOi: and the rappers say nigger more than a klan meeting

shaun is a rudie: rob takes adorable to a new level.
shaun is a rudie: like clint does with homosexuality
i iz rob: haha
clint hates you: clint doesn't take adorable anywhere.
clint hates you: :-(
i iz rob: he takes it to the gay bar
choke to death: i thought you said
choke to death: clint doesn't take it up the ass anymore

hatebreed is emo: my hands have a semen fragrance

parking lot bird: DOUBLESTUF OREOS
parking lot bird: HEHEHE
axes and taxes: I wish I was double stuffed right now.
drug peddling: whore
android empire: I bet.

parking lot bird: whenever i have to take a crap, i say "i'm gonna go drop the cosby's off at the pool"
parking lot bird: either that or "i'm gonna go take the browns to the superbowl"

sha unis aru DIE: someone come bounce with me to my dashboard confessional OONTZ OONTZ remix

label me eric: not annoying?
label me eric: then what am i
myonly catharsis: Just like...stupid. Almost Carrot Top stupid.

Aaron Eddie H Yo: I'd like to see what cara looks like now
youre not alive: www.oprahwinfrey.com

parking lot bird: I ate shampoo once when i was little
parking lot bird: it smelled like apples so i wanted to see if it tasted like em too
aglasstornado: andy sat on a shampoo bottle when he was little
parking lot bird: i've been homosexual ever since

anklegrabbing: mexicans made underground tunnels in my backyard

this is sin: oh boy are chat 1 kids ever uber lame!
KeepOffTheGrassZ: uber?
this is sin: yes uber.
KeepOffTheGrassZ: what's ur problem
this is sin: get a dictionary fuckass
KeepOffTheGrassZ: whoa don't get so defensive, it's just a word
this is sin: whoa, shut the fuck up fagatron
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