wow. i just found out a old friend of mine killed himself yesterday
im so shocked i can't believe it. dave pfeil .. i can't believe it.
i didn't know him extremely well. he was the old drummer of dwi's cousin
my friend was kinda dating him at the time
actually the first time i hung out with dave was the first time i hung out with matt
it was me, alex, matt, jessie, and dave.
it was honestly the funnest night of my life.
there was only a few other times we hung out at arbys and the movies and stuff
he has this car that he loved the death and yelled at us if we got the smallest amount of dirt in it
he was really nice
i can't believe it i feel so terrible for his counsin, they were like brothers
i couldnt imagine how that would feel.
he was so easy going and chilled out
i just can't believe it
my cousin/neighbor nicole has been callin me all day
i was at work and totally forgot about callin her back
and she just called and told me
her and dave also dated a while back
i would have never guessed
i was so shocked
i just told matt a little bit ago seeing as how they were kinda close a while back
he told me how he just heard from dave a few days ago
uggh its so weird
anyway me matt and nicole might go to the funeral together
ive never been to a funeral that involved seeing a friend, someone young
it's so sad i can't believe it