Aug 19, 2005 19:40
What have you done... BE TRUTHFUL!
smoked a cigarette- Yeah, when I drink sometimes
smoked a cigar - Yup
made out with a member of the same sex - a week ago I could have said no! hahaha, funny night
crashed a friend's car - Nope
stolen a car - No way
been in love - oog
been dumped - no
shoplifted - Naw
been fired - Heck no!
been in a fist fight - ew, i dont like fists, no.
snuck out of your house - no
had feelings for someone who didnt have them back - Ummm, if there is anyone out there that hasn't then they are some rare species to be examined.
been arrested - No, but I've ridden in the back of a cop car!
made out with a stranger - DUH! Cn anyone say, the list? lol
gone on a blind date - Ugh, yes and all have turned out awful! My friends really do not know how to pick them for me AT ALL!
lied to a friend- White lies maybe, I don't know.
had a crush on a teacher - ew, no.
skipped school - Class, yes
slept with a co-worker - hahaha, yeah.....yes I have. Makes for some interesting times....
seen someone die - No
been on a plane - Yeppers
thrown up in a bar - yeah
taken painkillers - oh yeah
love someone or miss someone right now - yeah for sure
laid on your back and watched the clouds - Yes, what a lovely thought
cheated while playing a game - Probably....
been lonely - well yes
fallen asleep at work/school - ugh, yeah, I've even gone outside of class and slept on a couch for a few minutes
used a fake id - naw
felt an earthquake - nope
touched a snake - YES!!!! I want one! Don't get weirded out.
ran a red light - accidently...with my neice in the car, i felt so bad.
been suspended from school - Nope
had detention- No
been in a car accident - Yeah, a couple
like the way you look - some days yes, some no
witnessed a crime - no
pole danced - haha, yeah at the club
been lost - numerous times
been to the opposite side of the country - YEAH!!!! Both sides, and I lov e them both!
felt like dying - no way man
cried yourself to sleep - yeah for sure
played cops and robbers - I'm a theater major....nuff said
karaoke - YEAH! Pub, Thursday nights! its almost time friends!
done something you told yourself you wouldn't - yeah many times
laughed till some kind of beverage came out of your nose-No
caught a snowflake on your tongue - HECK YES!
sang in the shower - lol, ALL THE TIME!
made love in a park -, volounteers? J/K!!!
had a dream that you married someone - duh, i'm a girly girl.
glued your hand to something - huh? no
gotten your tongue stuck to a flag pole - UGH! EW! NO! ACK!
been a cheerleader - almost once, then the group disolved. we tried to start a group on campus my freshman year that didnt work out.
sat on a roof top - yeah i love it!
didn't take a shower for a week ¡V That¡¦s just gross
are scared to watch scary movies alone? - uh, yeah, some
played chicken - no
been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on? - yeash
been told you're hot by a complete stranger - haha, yeah.
broken a bone - nope
been easily amused - all the damn time!
laughed so hard you cried - just yesterday actually!
mooned/flashed someone - yeah yeah.
cheated on a test - yeah, especially math
forgotten someone's name - oh yeah, i'm horrible with that!
slept naked - all the time, not while living at home, but at school.
gone skinny dipping in a pool - YEAH!
been kicked out of your house - Nope
blacked out from drinking - nope
played a prank on someone - but of course!
gone to a late night movie - Yup
made love to anything not human - no, what?