(no subject)

Jun 20, 2005 17:27

Friday was a party at my chem teacher's apartment...well make that now ex-chem teacher now....he even said so himself..."All your grades are in...I'm not your teacher anymore...this is not violating any kind of student teacher relationship..." hehehehe...

His apartment was near Rainier, but it was pimpin...I can imagine you can get a very nice moderately priced apartment in those parts...when we got there the door wasn't buzzing us in so Brett had to come let us in...Josh and Sarah, two people from my class were already there....they were drinking black currant Lambic, which was some tasty Belgium beer...

Brett had the works...every kind of liquor glass imaginable and all kinds of mixers and martini shakers galore....mmm shaken whiskey sours made with Crown Royal...thank you very much....more people showed up and devoured the cupcakes I made, which I was pretty happy about. Me and Kevin tried to play hearts with Monica and Christian (13 year old genius kid from my class), but I was getting too drunk and confused. Luckily there was a balcony since being on the 6th floor was kind of a hot and stuffy predicament....

Kirk and Chris showed up and both of them shotgunned beers with Brett and Sarah...and surprisingly, Sarah beat all of them...We all had a lot of fun standing around and laughing and joking about funny things that have happened in the class and Kirk did some pretty hilarious impressions of Brett....we also got to see the Guiness World Record collection of beer boxes covering the walls of Brett's room...I found it sort of amusing that in Brett's huge book collection I found PIHKAL....he said it had been recommended, but got bored with it as it is pretty redundant...Kevin got really sleepy so we ended up leaving at only 1am....ah well...it was fun and I should be getting some pictures from Monica...

Saturday me and Kevin drove all the way out to Port Angeles and ate at C'est Si Bon and damn was it delicious....best Escargot ever and some tasty duck breast and veggies and lemon mousse with fresh strawberries for dessert and the best cup of black coffee I have ever had....

On the way back the Kingston ferry was closed cuz some dumbshit made a bomb threat...we drove to Bremerton and the ferry wouldn't leave for two hours....Jesus H. Christ just build fucking toll bridges already....fuck those inconvenient damn boats....anyways we had to drive all the way to Tacoma and cross the narrows bridge and then drive all the way back up....

Sunday we met up with Frank on capitol hill and rented Houston 620 and some random Alice in Wonderland softcore themed porn from Scarecrow...it was one of those ones you have to make a $150 deposit for because it is out of print...(we returned it immediately upon watching it...) We drove up to Edmonds to Kevin's apartment and Amy came over and cooked us chicken and potatos...then we went out and got bubble tea and I finally tried avocado and it is now my fave....and then we finished our porn and chicken...oh yeah and I just remembered...yesterday was father's day...Kevin and I went out with my dad to Indian food and then went to Theno's for walnut rum raisin ice cream...and pumpkin ice cream

today has been nothing but chores for me and I still need to return library books and go grocery shopping and swimming...and then Kevin is coming over...I have been filling out UW forms and making copies of immunization records to send to them....I have to send them my enrollment deposit tomorrow...I also need to drop off some dry cleaning and pick some meds up from the pharmacy...hair cut on thursday...finally!!!

Me and Kevin and Amy and Frank are starting a cloud society....on friday we are going to drink whiskey and go to a park (probably in Everett) during the day and look at the clouds....Tomorrow hopefully we can go bowling with Greg and Lindsay...
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